Demon Scum

Chapter 1606

Although people would like to know what happened to them, they have to find a foothold for the night, and the reason will wait until they find a foothold.

However, when people are looking for a hole by the river, they are still looking for a safe place in the mountain.

After all the people had entered the cave and laid down the array of Dharma, Lin Haoming finally took the lead in asking, "chaodaoyou, what did you encounter when you crossed the river?"

"I said, we were made by a fish that is not big enough to palm. Do you believe it?" Morning evening China gave people a somewhat surprised answer, and when he spoke, he was also depressed, obviously not nonsense.

"What's going on?" Hou Xishan also asked.

"We arrived first, but we had a lot of trouble when we tried to cross the river before. I also asked myself that I was a little conceited in the water, but when I was depressed, they also arrived. After discussion, we knew that there was a second-class spiritual treasure named YUELIAN imperial throne, which could take us there After a lot of bargaining, we agreed to some conditions to cross the river together. Who would have thought that things were worse than we thought. The emperor YUELIAN was directly bitten by those fish, and I was almost eaten by those things! " Guixin was depressed.

Hearing the words of morning and evening Hua and Guixin, Lin Haoming was moved and couldn't help crying and laughing. Did they face a group of piranhas, which matched some of his previous life memories, but the piranha that can make these old monsters so miserable is terrible enough. At least, although Lin Haoming has been practicing Vajra magic bone skill for a long time, he still can't ask himself about his flesh and skin Compared with a second grade Lingbao.

"In this way, we will not be trapped outside the ring River. I think you can all feel that the source of the vitality of heaven and earth lies in the place around the river." Guan Dongzi said this on purpose.

Guan Dongzi said it, but no one answered, because everyone knew it was difficult to cross the river, including Lin Haoming.

"What about the people of wufangyuan? Have you ever met? How did they cross the river Xie Ruolan asked at this time.

"We did meet the people of wufangyuan one day ago, and we didn't intend to hide it. They had no plan to cross the river at all. Moreover, they told us that it was very dangerous to go around the river!" The fairy answered Xie Ruolan and told other people who didn't know.

"Ha ha, I said how could the five clans of wufangyuan promise us to come in and ask for us without the appearance of the characters behind us. They knew that it was difficult to do here for a long time." Hou Xishan can't help but scold when he thinks of his son's only child.

"It's really worse than we expected. I don't think we're going to have our own plans. At least we'd better work together before we figure out a way to get over it." Guixin, the demon monk, first proposed.

"Guixin Daoyou's meaning, I agree with you very much. If you leave like this, I will not be reconciled!" Morning and evening, China also immediately said.

"No one will be willing to quit at this time, even if someone really does not believe that a river can block our way." Guan Dongzi also showed his attitude.

With several leading families, although the others did not speak, they did not mean to shrink back. Lin Haoming quietly shook Xie Ruolan's hand when he saw them in such a situation.

Naturally, Lin Haoming didn't hold Xie Ruolan's hand because of the love between men and women. The real meaning was to let Xie Ruolan calm down. Because Lin Haoming knew the real way to cross the river, or the method Xu qianyun left to himself, but at this time, he would not say, even if he had originally planned to slip away at this time, but because there were too many people, there would be some for a time It's not easy to leave. After all, it's better to suppress cultivation here than I expected.

"Since everyone doesn't mean to quit, I think it's better for so many of us to sum up and take a head at someone. I have a sea boat made of ten thousand years old iron wood, which is nothing to you, but you can also try it at this time. Besides, those strange fish are so powerful that I can't swallow a hundred Zhang sea boat in time." Morning and evening Hua said again.

"Since chaodaoyou takes the lead, I can engrave the water resistance array on the giant boat, which can make the boat travel faster in the water." Guixin immediately also said.

"Our brothers can work together to send the boat to the sea and go faster." At this time, the Bai brothers also followed suit.

"If that's the case, I and the rest of you will stand in all directions of the sea boat and fight against those strange fish. By the way, how about those strange fish?" Hou Xishan asked.

"It's strange that the fish's skin is rough and its flesh is thick. It's hard to kill by ordinary means. Moreover, it's not easy to deal with it." The fairy sighed bitterly that she and the moon had suffered a lot before.

"Fairy, don't worry. The reason why I said this is that Hou has a set of treasures here!" Said Hou Xishan hand a Yang, a row of a long needle appeared in front of him.

"This is a set of treasures that I got by accident many years ago. I call it Xuanyin needle. This treasure is condensed from the most Yin things in the world. Even if the opponent is coarse and fleshy, he doesn't need to shoot at all. As long as he gets close, he can let Yin Qi invade. No matter how powerful that fish is, he can't even be afraid of this treasure. Later, Taoist friends can sacrifice several of them. I think they can It works! " Hou Xishan said confidently."Hou Daoyou's set of flying needles is really extraordinary. If so, you will have a chance to hurt those animals!" Looking for a month to grasp one to the hand, the prosecution also satisfied after a nod.

Lin Haoming knew that there must be more than one way to cross the river. Seeing that these people are really United now, they don't want to return to the way that their ancestors gave them. They intend to continue to muddle along.

Hou Xishan gave the flying needles to the rest of the people. Lin Haoming and Xie Ruolan naturally got a few of them without exception, and then, like others, began to sacrifice and refine them.

In the middle of the night, the sacrifice of the flying needle was also completed. After discussing the details, it was not long before the day began to light.

After daybreak, they did not cross the river immediately, but according to the agreement made in advance, morning and evening Hua took out his sea boat. Guixin immediately engraved the water resisting array on it, while the Bai brothers ran to the sea boat to arrange the array.

When these things are done well, it's just the afternoon. Now it's the best time to cross the river. Obviously, because of the previous failure, everyone is not so at ease, but no one withdraws. The success or failure of things depends on this time.

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