Demon Scum

Chapter 173

After thunder Yin makes a sound, whether it is Lin Haoming or FA yuan, they all come to his side.

Lei was looking at the moonlight in the sky, and the mirror had been held in his hand.

When he was sure that the time had come, he threw his hand gently, and the mirror immediately floated into the air.

Under the light of the mirror, the shadow of the mirror shines continuously.

After a long time, Lei Yin pointed to the mirror. Suddenly, the mirror was full of light. Then a light column spurted out from the mirror, and the light fell directly on the stone wall with stars.

Only to see in the light of this light, those originally dim stars gradually began to send out a little light, with the shining time getting worse and worse, the light also became more and more intense, and finally it was really like the stars in the sky.

At this time, a burst of "boom" sound sounded, and then we saw that the low mountain was covered with a layer of silver light. Although the silver light only flashed away, which made people feel amazing, at the same time, the stone wall in front of me suddenly sank down in a terrible friction sound.

"Well, you really have two hands!" Dharma yuan saw the passage appear, and immediately exclaimed with great joy.

However, Lei Yang was not happy and said: "my second brother Tian Hui is really good. Of course, it is the array. If it is not broken, the whole hill will collapse in an instant!"

"Well, brother, don't talk about it. We'd better go in. Maybe there's something forbidden inside. We should still be careful!" Lei Yin was not as happy as others, but he remained cautious.

Lin Haoming also nodded, and felt that Lei Yin was very reasonable.

As the only one who knows the array, Lei Yin naturally takes the lead. Lei Yang is the second and Lin Haoming is the third. FA yuan stays behind.

The passage is not wide. Although two or three people can walk side by side, a few people have not done so. Obviously, Lei Yin's words before played a role.

It's very dark in the passage, but since all four of them were in the foundation period, there was no problem to see things clearly, so they didn't do other unnecessary things.

After walking for less than a hundred Zhang, several people found that the passage was obviously made by human beings, but it seems that it has entered a natural cave. From time to time, the sound of stalactite dropping from the water gives people a very quiet feeling.

After passing through a narrow passage, my eyes suddenly become spacious, and I also feel that the aura here has become rich.

This feeling made everyone very excited. After walking a little way forward, a bell mouth passage suddenly appeared in front of us. After walking out of the bell mouth, there was a large cave. In the middle of the cave, there was a small pool. The spirit of the cave was rich, which was more than ten times higher than the outside.

"Here it is!" At this time, FA yuan immediately went to the pool and took a look. He was very happy.

Seeing that there were no other prohibitions nearby, Lin Haoming was relieved. When he got to the pool, he found that there was a layer of thick Beige material. According to what he knew, this layer of beige thick stuff should be chalcedony spirit milk. Judging from the amount of water contained in the pool, seven or eight people could use it I expected one or two more, which is definitely a surprise.

"Second brother, there are more than we thought. It seems that we have made a lot of money this time!" Lei Yang also figured out the weight, the same surprise called up.

Lei Yin also nodded at this time, followed by a look at the top of the head, at the moment there is a stalagmite on the top, and on the tip of the stalagmite, a crystal clear water droplet is slowly forming, but the formation speed is too slow, and I don't know how long it will take to drip into the pool below.

"There must be a spirit jade stalagmite to form this chalcedony spirit milk. If you can't guess it wrong, it will be on the top of it. However, once it is cut off, there will be no way to form the spirit milk of chalcedony. First of all, the spirit liquid of jade must be dropped from the spirit jade stalagmite, and then it will be formed after a hundred years of fusion It is said that it will be a hundred years before we can form enough chalcedony spirit milk for one person next time. So I would like to ask you, would any of you like to take it again in 100 years? If no one wants to, I think it's OK to take away the spirit jade stalagmite directly, and this jade spirit liquid is also a kind of main material that can be refined into the jade liquid pill with excellent restoration of mana, so we will take it together! "

Lei Yin's words made Lin Haoming and FA yuan deeply pondered. Obviously, this choice really needs to be considered. If you follow Lei Yin's advice, you will naturally get more benefits at one time. However, if you keep this place, you can have a treasure land to obtain a spiritual breast for a hundred years.

At this time, Lei Yin also found that there seemed to be some bad choices, so he said with a smile: "since it's hard to say for a while, I'll take the spirit milk first, and then decide!"

With that, he took out a number of long prepared Haina bottles, and carefully began to collect the chalcedony spirit milk in the pool water.Finally, Lei Yin found some of the spirit milk hidden in the stone crevices in the pool water without leaving a drop. After that, he managed to make up eight shares.

After finishing this, Lei Yin asked again, "how about it? Do you want to keep this place or take away the stalagmite and the spirit liquid? "


"You don't have to choose. How about I help you choose?"

Just when FA yuan just opened his mouth, a strange voice rang out. As soon as the voice appeared, everyone was surprised. We should know that the strength of several people was not weak, and no one was found to follow.

"Who?" Lin Haoming gave a big drink, and at the same time, he urged Shenzhi to look for it.

"Don't look, I'm here!" With the sound sounded again, people only saw a stone not far away. A man who looked about thirty years old with evil spirit on his face looked at the four people with a smile. He also had a hidden talisman in his hand. Obviously, he came in quietly through this talisman, but even if there was a talisman, it was amazing to hide himself at such a close distance.

Fortunately, after a few people's divine senses scanned this man, they found that he was only building the foundation at the later stage. They were relieved, but at the same time, they were somewhat vigilant. After all, the other party's cultivation did not have the ability to suppress the four people. Why did they intervene and show up directly? This made all four people feel uneasy.

"Who is your excellency?" Lei Yin asks cautiously, at the same time, the hand already put out to pinch Jue preparation.

The man seemed to see through Lei Yin's action and sneered: "do you want to start with me? It's too late. Now you don't have this ability, otherwise Shen won't show up! "

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