Demon Scum

Chapter 1777

"What do you want?" Chun Niang asked, feeling Lin Haoming more and more difficult.

"I heard your conversation with sumey. I knew that you came for revenge. I can take revenge for you, but you have to obey my orders from now on. How about that?" Lin Haoming said what he wanted. A man who could easily poison the friars of daotaijijing, but also a man of love and righteousness, was worth taking a risk.

Spring Niang really can't imagine, Lin Haoming should say such words, put forward such conditions, even let her stay for a while.

After a long time, chunniang came back to her mind: "you are the captor of the arrest department, and I am the mountain bandit of the white horse gang. You should cooperate with me. You are not afraid that things will come to light, so that you will have no place in the heaven?"

"Well, it's really possible. Unfortunately, if I don't fight, I will lose something that is very important to me. Sometimes I have to take risks. As for why, don't you ask." Lin Haoming explained.

"You are really special! I'm a little curious about you! " Chunniang feels that Lin Haoming really wants to cooperate with himself, rather than procrastinating or other purposes.

"Women like men. It usually starts with curiosity!" Lin Haoming said with a smile.

"It's impossible to like you!" Chun Niang is very firm way. Then he did not intend to quarrel with Lin Haoming again, and said directly, "tell me how you can make us trust each other? It's no use just talking about it. "

"I have the secret that you are the poison lady. If I want to find you, I can definitely find it. This is my handle. As for you, as a poison lady, you have cooked me so many days, I'm afraid I have been poisoned by you already!" Lin Haoming said lightly.

"I have self-confidence to control poisons on others, but you and I don't have confidence now. But I tell you, you may have a second-class poison on you, but the poison on yu'er is not so easy. Of course, as long as I don't have an accident, she will certainly be OK!" Chunniang road.

"Yu'er trusts you so much that she is willing to share her favorite with you. Is that how you become a sister? The third one of the white horse Gang is your brother. The fourth one has an engagement with you. Other people are close to you. You can take revenge on them for their own danger. But do you ever think of yu'er? You are her sister Lin Haoming's voice suddenly became extremely cold.

"Mr. Lin really likes yu'er, so you should not do stupid things easily. The reason why you didn't sell me today is because you guessed that I would do something to her?" Asked Chun Niang.

"You look up to yu'er and look down on yourself, but it doesn't matter. I don't mean to betray you. As for yu'er, you'd better not make her sad, otherwise you will regret it." Lin Haoming is cold.

"Lin Haoming, what is your dependence?" Chun Niang asked for the last time.

"I can kill you, face to face!" Lin Haoming said with no emotion.

I don't know why, Lin Haoming's look at the moment makes chunniang feel cold, and she believes that Lin Haoming seems to be just a threat. If you fall out with him now, maybe you will become a corpse.

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate, I will never do anything to yu'er, and I like her very much." Spring Niang finally gave up and Lin Haoming resistance, took the initiative to say this.

Lin Haoming also closed his cold eyes and took a deep breath: "you'd better remember what you said. Next, we cooperate for the first time. I hope you can help me kill someone, but also help yourself!"

"Kill who?" Asked Chun Niang.

"Fei Shaoyang, this time he is the commander-in-chief of the white horse gang. If he dies, the crusading army will be scattered. Of course, if the commander of the crusading army is killed, the white horse Gang certainly can't stay here. What's more, it's you who cooperate with me, not the white horse gang. I hope you can understand. As for Xiaomei, you call her back immediately. Fei Shaoyang dies, but she disappears at this time It's su Changhai's concubine's room in name. Everyone will think that she has problems. If you follow her line, I'm afraid some things will come out. Although I have some status in the arrest department, I can't cover the sky with my hand! " Lin Haoming said in a commanding tone.

"Is this a roll call?" Asked Chun Niang.

"Both for you and me!" Lin Haoming said.

"Well, I'll do it at once." Chun Niang agreed.

”No hurry But Lin Haoming stopped her and handed her the wolf meat roasted in his hand and said, "try my craft!"

Seeing Lin Haoming's interest at this time, chunniang admires Lin Haoming very much. She doesn't want to lose her morale in front of Lin Haoming and simply sits down.

Two people like this, while baking while eating, and can not say some important things, for a time, two people are really like a man and woman who fall in love under the moon.

In the past, it was sunny in the busy farming season, but today, I don't know why, not only there is no sun, but also a continuous drizzle. Although the raindrops are not big, they are dense, and soon the road becomes muddy.

Lin Haoming and the rest of the arresting officers dressed up and left the city pretending to be farmers. When they got out of the city, they changed their clothes. At the same time, Wei Chengxi also ordered his troops and horses, from south to East, and went directly to the east foot of Xilin County.After a long time, the road became more and more difficult. The people who wanted to arrest the Department were all officials from grade 9, but everyone had a horse. However, the soldiers and horses of the city defense department were not. Many infantry soldiers obviously couldn't keep up with them.

Looking at the endless rain, Li Changsheng frowned and rode to Pang Zhan's side. He said in a low voice: "head, it's unlucky to encounter this kind of weather at this time of year. I always feel that there will be any problem with this expedition!"

"This operation is too fast. Even if someone really informs, I'm afraid people are on the road. Zhang Xiancheng has prepared a lot of time for this matter. The accident may be very small, but the rain really makes it more difficult for us. I'm afraid there will be no less casualties if we really fight." Pang Zhengdao.

"Fei Shaoyang is the commander-in-chief. Although Wei Chengxi is not his lineage, he is his subordinate after all. When we encounter difficulties, I'm afraid that most of us will let our brothers go to hell. That's what happened when we surrounded and exterminated the white horse gang. Because of this, the injury has not been good until now. Otherwise, I'm afraid that we would have been promoted to the divine realm." Yang Shengyong seems to be very wary of this matter, and even said that Pang Zheng was injured.

"Don't talk about the past. You should pay attention. Don't listen to this kind of words. I think we'll have a rest next time. When the time comes, you can go to Fei Zhushi's side with me." Pang Zheng warned.

"Yes They agreed, but they were not so comfortable in their hearts, and even felt that the road ahead was not good this time.

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