Demon Scum

Chapter 2027

"Mr. Hong, we have left kunjun city. Where is Ji Laohe going to arrange me to go?"

As the big man came up to fly, Lin Haoming soon knew that the name of the big man was Hong An, and he talked with him on the flying car. He only saw that Tianpeng flying car was flying far away and didn't mean to stop at all, so he asked.

"Ha ha, brother Lin, don't ask. It's not far away. You can arrive before noon. Although you are at ease, Ji Laocan have no bad thoughts on you!" Hong an replied heartily.

"That's not what I mean Lin Haoming immediately reminded.

"You really don't worry that Ji Lao is not good for you?" Hong an asked deliberately.

"I'm a small person. A big man like Ji Lao wants to deal with me. Why do you have to ask Mr. Hong to run around so much trouble?" Lin Haoming said with a smile.

"You're smart. In this case, I'll ask you directly when did you get to know him?" Hong an asked.

"Young master?" When Lin Haoming heard this, he was puzzled.

"It's a sword expert. He is Ji Lao's nephew. To tell you the truth, the reason why Ji Lao specially arranged for you is because he listened to his words Hong An said.

Hearing this, Lin Haoming subconsciously remembers the sword uncle around him when he met Shang Si. Along the way, he was not less instructed by the other side.

"Ha ha, little brother Lin, it seems that you have thought of it!" Hong An has been staring at Lin Haoming's reaction. Obviously, he is also a man of sharp mind.

"I really think of someone, but I only hear him called Uncle Jian, but I don't know his full name!" Lin Haoming replied honestly.

"So you know Mr. Shang, no wonder!" Hong An was suddenly enlightened.

Lin Haoming seemed to understand the reason. At this time, he remembered that he had asked himself whether he would like to become a teacher. He planned to recommend himself to his martial uncle. Finally, he refused to recommend him to his martial uncle. The person who would not recommend professional sword was Ji Lao? If so, it is really fate.

Thinking of this, Lin Haoming feels a little embarrassed. He wants to know something about himself.

In such a strange mind, sure enough, Tianpeng speeder soon slowed down in a mountain forest, and finally landed on a not very conspicuous peak.

It's not that the peak is inconspicuous. In fact, as far as the mountain peak is concerned, it is indeed the highest one around. Except for the excited wooden house on the mountain, it is completely in the original state, which is much different from that of Ji Lao's residence in Lin Haoming's imagination.

As a matter of fact, when Lin Haoming got off the Tianpeng flying car, he saw Ji Lao at the first sight. However, Ji Lao actually held this wood knife and cut firewood in the small courtyard. He was just like an ordinary village man. He even spent a lot of effort to split a piece of wood in two.

With the arrival of Lin Haoming, Ji also dropped his wood knife and walked to the gate of the fence. He said with a smile, "is it unexpected to see my old man chopping firewood?"

"Mr. Ji, you are obviously a master. Why?" Lin Haoming asked directly.

"Heaven and earth are inhumane, and they regard all things as cudgels. I think, if people who practice Taoism want to transcend heaven and earth, should they learn to be one of these things first?" Ji Lao replied directly.

"Mr. Ji, are you feeling the heaven and earth and impacting the heaven and earth Lin Haoming guessed.

"Tianhe, maybe, whatever he is. Maybe I'm used to it these years, but I can't die anyway!" Ji Lao once again gave Lin Haoming a surprise.

"Ji Lao, Xiaohong will go first!" At this time, Hong an went forward with a smile.

"Well, I'll trouble you this time." Ji Lao points out.

"No, you always have something. Just tell me. Xiao Hong is on call." Hong An said with a smile. After that, he drove Tianpeng to leave directly.

As Hong an leaves, Lin Haoming discovers that there are only himself and Ji Lao on the mountain.

"Lin Haoming, do you know why I want you here?" Mr. Ji asked.

"I heard Mr. Zhijian mention me, so I want to take an examination of me?" Lin Haoming guessed.

"That boy really talked about you, but it wasn't you who took part in the examination. Professional sword recommended you to worship me as a teacher. As a result, you boy pushed me directly. I'm not timid. I'm very jealous of you, so listen to me now. From today on, before you go to the wonderland, you can do my chores on the mountain. Remember, if you dare to do what I command you with a little magic power Don't blame the old man. I'm cruel and cruel The season old intentionally threatens a way, the attitude seems to be the heinous villain.

Lin Haoming listened, the whole person was stunned, thought he would have some chance, but this chance is too strange.

Without waiting for Lin Haoming to think clearly, Ji Lao was in the withered old's hand, pointing to one side of the cabin and saying, "that's where you live. Now it's half an hour away from noon. Before 3:00 p.m., I want to eat a roast whole cow. The cow is in the room over there. If it's not ready after 3:30 p.m., I'll have to loosen my muscles and bones."

Season old finish saying, slowly toward their own wooden house to walk, leaving Lin Haoming, Leng Leng recalled his previous orders.Lin Haoming didn't understand what Ji Lao really meant, but since he had told him so, he still followed his instructions. However, when he went to the wooden house where the cattle were kept, the whole person was also a little silly.

It is said to be a cow, but this fiery red ox shaped fierce beast is a little too big, not counting the tail of a cow. It is at least three Zhang long. It needs to be roasted and can't be helped by mana. How long does it take? The only thing that's better is that the cows have been killed, washed and roasted.

Of course, since you can't use mana, you can't help with treasures. You can only rely on firewood. It's not like this when you think about how old Ji cut firewood before.

Lin Haoming picked up a seven foot long wood knife and found that it was quite sharp. Only when he picked up a piece of wood, he found that the wood was extremely heavy. It was only when he picked up a piece of wood that the wood was extremely heavy. It was only four or five feet long and his waist was thick. It was even heavier than that The weight of iron wood is several times heavier.

At this time, Lin Haoming understood why Ji Lao was so laborious in chopping firewood. Now it seems that maybe this is really Ji Lao's way to exercise himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Haoming also got rid of a lot of doubts in his heart. He swung the wood knife with both hands and split it.

Lin Haoming asked himself that he was in good health, but when he started to chop wood, he found that the wood was not only heavy, but also extremely hard. It was not easy to split it. After splitting for half an hour, he saw that it was about noon, and a small pile of wood was cut, which was much less than the firewood needed to cook the cow. He remembered what Ji said Loose muscles and bones, Lin Haoming don't think that the old guy is talking and playing.

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