Demon Scum

Chapter 2029

From the mountain near the mountain, he dragged such a huge Viper to climb the mountain. Even though Lin Haoming's body was strong, he was half dead when he could not use his magic power. Looking at Lin Haoming's exhausted appearance, Ji not only did not comfort and encourage him, but also continued to urge: "move faster, you need to wash and peel the snake before you can put it into the pot. The pot is in the room over there The noodles also have some seasonings. They are delicious

Lin Haoming couldn't help crying or laughing at Ji Lao's urging.

He left the viper and went to another house. He found that there was a big pot in the wooden house that was enough for people to lie in. The Viper was cut and put into it, which was almost enough.

Seeing this, Lin Haoming can only first move the pot out, set up a stove, and then take the wood knife, began to deal with the snake.

Just as Lin Haoming opened his mouth to the viper, Ji Lao suddenly appeared beside him, licking his lips and saying, "be careful of snake gall. Give it to me directly, old man. I want to make wine! Don't waste it. I want to brew snake blood wine. When collecting snake blood, I will allow you to use your magic power

Lin Haoming took the Haina bottle handed to him by Ji Lao. He also had a bitter smile. He could only continue to do it according to his words.

After receiving Haina bottle and snake gall, Ji Lao immediately returned to his own room, and did not know what to do.

After Lin Haoming was busy for a while, he almost got rid of the snake. However, he could not use his magic. He could only use the spring water selected yesterday to wash it. As a result, although the snake went into the pot, there was no water for making snake soup. He had no choice but to pick up a bucket and go down the mountain to carry water. When he filled the pot with water, it was almost evening.

At this time, Lin Haoming could only continue to chop firewood with a wood knife. When he had prepared some firewood, he immediately started a fire. While boiling, he continued to chop, so as not to meet the requirements of Ji Lao before dark.

As he stood on the top of the mountain and saw the last ray of sunshine disappear, he came out of his wooden house.

The whole person was suspended by the side of the pot, sniffing the smell of snake soup. He nodded and said, "boy, you have made a lot of progress than yesterday. You finished on time. This taste is good, very good Very good! "

It's rare to hear Ji Lao's praise. Lin Haoming is about to say something, but he sees Ji Lao jump into the pot directly, regardless of the fact that he is still stewing.

Of course, Lin Haoming doesn't care. After all, the strength of the other side is so high, how can he care about these.

This time, Lin Haoming was more intelligent. He did not wait for Ji Lao to be rich. He picked up the bucket again and filled the water first.

After Lin Haoming went back and forth a few times, Lin Haoming saw Ji Lao climb out of the big pot. At this time, there was not a drop left in such a big pot of snake soup. However, Ji gave a belch and said to Lin Haoming with a smile: "after you fill up the water, you can rest. There are also some fruit trees beside the Lingquan. I think you can fill your stomach by yourself I'm full of food. Don't do anything tomorrow. Do you see the mountains over there? It's good to cut more firewood tomorrow. By the way, although the wood there is good, there are many troublemakers for you. Be careful. Remember, don't kill those guys. I'll drink the wine they brew! "

For Ji Lao's words, Lin Haoming can only be psychologically prepared. The next day he went to the mountain with his knife.

Sure enough, there are many firewood cutting trees here. Although Lin Haoming doesn't know what kind of tree it is, when he gets close, he sees at least a few big trees that are ten feet tall and can't be surrounded by ten people. But the firewood that he cut before is just the branches of this big tree, and it's a bit wrong if you don't use your magic power to cut down this big tree In reality, we can only climb up the treetops and cut down some branches.

It's not so easy to cut off these branches. It's not that the branches are too hard. Although some of them are hard, Lin Haoming has also chopped a lot before. What really bothers Lin Haoming is those troublemakers mentioned by Mr. Ji.

When he went up the mountain, Lin Haoming had discovered that these monkeys lived in the trees here. These monkeys are not small. They are only a little shorter than ordinary people, and they travel through the woods very fast. Maybe a few of them are not afraid of it. But if a group of monkeys comes, it's not a joke. The most important thing is that Mr. Ji doesn't allow himself to hurt their lives. Obviously, the monkey wine made by these guys is also a good thing that Ji old thinks about, which causes problems for himself.

Lin Haoming chose a big tree with lower branches and climbed up.

When he went up the tree, there was no monkey on the tree. Lin Haoming directly took the wood knife on his back and cut it down in his hand.

However, just a few chopping, I see that the branch has not yet split half, a few monkeys quickly ran over, directly roared at Lin Haoming, immediately attracted more.

Lin Haoming saw that all of a sudden, the whole forest was moving. At least ten monkeys nearby were moving, and he was also frightened. If he was really surrounded, it would not be a good thing. Although he believed that there would be no life worries, he did not want to suffer, so he had to go down the tree first.

Just to Lin Haoming's surprise, these monkeys are also very smart, see a large number, began to be reluctant to Lin Haoming, Lin Haoming just down the tree, gathered from the monkeys also under the tree.Lin Haoming had no choice but to run down the mountain for a while. Until the foot of the mountain, this group of nearly 100 Monkeys slowly retreated.

After being chased by a group of monkeys, Lin Haoming also felt a little humiliated. What made Lin Haoming lose face was that these monkeys obviously had some wisdom. After seeing Lin Haoming was driven away, several of them were chasing after Lin Haoming. They even made faces at Lin Haoming intentionally and laughed at them. This made Lin Haoming cry and laugh, and subconsciously looked back at the distance At the top of the peak, I don't know if Ji Lao is laughing at himself and being ridiculed by this group of monkeys?

Lin Haoming simply retreated to the spring. He picked several spiritual fruits on some fruit trees around him. After resting for a while, he went up to the monkey mountain again.

Perhaps because he had been away for a long time, the monkeys were redistributed, and Lin Haoming also began to make some explorations. Soon, he found that as long as he did not climb the tree, it seemed that the monkeys would not call so many companions to come. It seemed that cutting down the tree was the only stimulation for these monkeys. Otherwise, it would be considered as passing under the tree, and the monkeys on the tree would only shout a few times at most.

See this, Lin Haoming mouth also flash a smile, quickly began to shuttle in the mountains and forests, looking for their own goals.

When Lin Haoming stopped under a big tree, he laughed again, looked at the monkey in the tree, and jumped up.

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