Demon Scum

Chapter 2146

When Pan Yue went to the city, one cart was full of Huayuan rice. This was what Lin Haoming said he would do before Pan Yue went to the city.

The situation of land damage to the city is too bad. Some things are needed to stimulate it. Such a large-scale transportation of millions of stone yuan rice into the city has really made Lishi county a sensation.

The result of the sensation is naturally to stimulate the people's hearts and let the people of Lishi County understand that the new magistrate's ability can make these people who have become lifeless glow with vitality.

In addition to this, of course, there are not so good results, just as huayuanmi entered the city, a large group of guys who asked for money lined up to meet.

Naturally, Lin Haoming could not see them one by one. In fact, he was not prepared to see any of them. He just asked them to wait. In the back office, Lin Haoming was confronted with a group of well-known land damage merchants such as Anhui and Chunyu who came with the rice escort team.

Of course, an Hui is one of her own, but as a representative of Lin's firm, she is here with other people. This is what Lin Haoming specially said to treat everyone equally.

For these rich merchants, Lin Haoming is naturally welcome. Of course, the reason to see them again is not only to give them sweet dates, but also to warn them.

In fact, Shu Siyue has specially selected these people. After all, they have to guard against Li Guanyu. Only by ensuring the trust of these people can they do this.

Lin Haoming repeated some of his own advantages. After that, Chun Yiyang, as the leader of these rich merchants, took the initiative to get up and ask, "Lord Lin, what we need most in business is fairness. We are more confident to take these shops. The tax reduction and exemption given by adults are very good, but it also means taking away some of the local forces in Lishi county The good thing is that if they do evil on purpose, we will not be able to do so when we destroy the city. "

"You don't think this county has the ability to uphold fairness?" Lin Haoming seems to be insipid.

"I don't dare. I'm just worried. Villains have been in business for many years, and I know that Yama is easy to be provoked, and it's hard to be bothered by kids. Many years ago, I was also operating in a subordinate County, but I didn't expect to be plotted by some local people. On the surface, there was no violation of the law, but in fact, you were cut off from the supply of goods. You can't buy goods locally, so there is nothing to sell!" Chun Yi Yang said carefully.

"You can rest assured that if anyone dares to do so, I will let him look good. I think the words I wanted to say should still have some deterrent effect." Lin Haoming asked.

As for Lin Haoming's words, chunyiyang knew that he had achieved his goal, so he immediately said with a smile: "Your Excellency, we will not shrink back naturally. If you want anything, we will certainly do it. We will restore the prosperity of Lishi County under the control of adults as soon as possible."

"Well, I will remember you. As long as I do well, I will not treat you badly. I think my Chen Nuo of Lin Haoming still has some credit." Lin Haoming nodded with satisfaction.

Other people heard and echoed. For a while, it was quite lively here.

With the assurance of these rich merchants, the next day, Lin Haoming simply summoned all the officials above the County Department to the hall.

Sure enough, just as Lin Haoming expected, after the million Petrochemical yuan rice came into the city, these people were waiting to distribute the grain. The less they asked for 100000 stones, the more they opened their mouths was 300000 stones. If everyone was satisfied, I'm afraid there would be no 3 million stones, which is the minimum limit they said.

Of course, Lin Haoming is also waiting for them to perform like this. After everyone has finished speaking, Lin Haoming asked Pan Yue, "master pan, what are the most urgent needs now?"

"My Lord, the summer and autumn harvest this year is less than 70% compared with the previous years. It's good to barely maintain the situation. The autumn harvest has not started yet, but it is estimated that it will not exceed 80% of the average in the recent ten years. Even if the land tax is exempted in 10 years because of Qiu Zhi's affairs, it can only maintain the balance. The destroyed spiritual fields need to be restored, which is the most urgent need for investment I suggest that the money and grain should be used here first. Secondly, the autumn flood of Beichuan river has not yet arrived. If we can spend the best time safely, we can build dams. But building dams needs investment, and it is not only Beichuan River, but also Nanchuan river. It is just for Nanchuan to prevent summer flood. Now, it is more than half of summer. At present, there will be no big problems. This is also a great fortune 。” Pan Yue said.

"As you have heard, a million Petrochemical yuan rice is not a small amount, but it is not freely available. If you think it is more important than sowing and flood control, you should take it away. But if there is a problem because of this, the county will also investigate the responsibility. Of course, the county also knows that you are suffering, so after the closure of shops and auctions, your problems will be solved one by one I know it's a little less to allocate 300000 Petrochemical yuan rice to Tianmu department to ensure the autumn harvest and autumn planting this year, and to restore the destroyed spiritual fields. However, we can first recruit civilian workers to start construction, and then we will have money to allocate grain. In addition, we can no longer delay the construction of Beichuan river. We should allocate 500000 Petrochemical yuan rice to the workshops, and we should also recruit civilian workers to repair the dams. " Lin Haoming ordered.

"Yes, my Lord!" Lin Haoming's orders, with an unquestionable tone, let all the officials in the hall dare not say more, and can only promise one after another.Looking at them, Lin Haoming was also quite satisfied, and continued: "the closure of shops, the county has ordered households to host the auction, the time is set in ten days, all who want to enter the auction ground to participate in the auction, need to pay ten crystal, and will not return."

"Mr. Lin, will this be a little too much, just to remove the interference of some idle people and so on, and collect a Shijing is enough?" Lin Haoming said this, the right county Cheng Shi Tingjian finally couldn't help speaking.

"This county is to prevent people deliberately bid up the price. In the past auctions, some people deliberately hired several people to raise the price. As a result, the cost of doing so will be high. If one or two people are assigned, it is easy to be found out. This county attaches great importance to this auction. This is for the future development of Lishi county. Who dares to take the opportunity to do something unfavorable to our county, and will be severely punished!" Lin Haoming said in a sharp voice.

"My Lord said so!" Seeing Lin Haoming so resolute, Shi Tingjian can only agree.

At this time, people can see that Lin Haoming is going to be cruel, and with the help of Yu Wei who won Qiu Zhi last year, Lin Haoming is also entitled to be so. Even if he is dissatisfied with his toughness, he can only obey him for a time.

In this way, Lin Haoming used tough means to arrange everything. Ten days passed quickly. In a flash, it was the day of closing the shop for auction.

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