Demon Scum

Chapter 2158

The fragrance of snow leaves is like ice in the mouth, but it turns into cool and fragrant after entering the stomach. It is a rare top-quality tea.

Such a good tea, coupled with such scenery, Lin Haoming for a time recall is unable to control the gushing out, silently began to say the past.

Gong Xinlan has been quietly listening to Lin Haoming's narration, without interrupting him once. Lin Haoming rarely conceals anything, and tells the whole human world in one breath.

After the king of flying cloud orchid mention you to save a person, this is no wonder that you take care of her

When Lin Haoming heard this, he felt helpless. It was not easy for him to find someone to tell him. He didn't expect that the other party's attention was not here at all. This made Lin Haoming stay for a while.

"Ha ha, do you think you've said it in vain?" See Lin Haoming like this, Gong Xinlan also rare smile.

"In fact, it doesn't matter. I just feel it for a while." Lin Haoming said with a bitter smile.

"How can I not know your difficulties? The reason why you say these things is to open my mind. I am a very rational person and can distinguish right from wrong. You don't need to worry too much about some things." Gong Xinlan said softly.

"That's the best!" Hearing this, Lin Haoming also smiles.

"That Xie Ruolan, from your narration, I feel like me. When you talk about her, you will subconsciously look at me. Do you think I am her Lin Haoming's mood just slightly relaxed, Gong Xinlan asked a more difficult question for Lin Haoming to answer.

Lin Hao didn't expect Gong Xinlan's heart to be so thin that he could even detect it. However, he didn't hide it at the moment. He said directly: "sometimes there are some illusions, but I know very well that you are you, she is her, and I won't treat you as her!"

"Today, I will go back to the East soon." Gong Xinlan listened, and then jumped down from the branch.

Lin Haoming also jumped down, looked at her smile, deliberately shook the empty teapot, and said with a smile: "this is tea, how about next time we drink?"

"Drink, too!" Gong Xinlan listens to, smile again, after promise, follow a flash body, disappear in front of Lin Haoming.

Looking at the place where she disappeared, Lin Haoming also sighed, and then walked silently towards the place where Lin's firm was.

Back at Lin's firm, neither Shu Siyue nor Qi Niang said anything. Lin Haoming went into his room and took out the things Gong Xinlan gave him.

The first thing I saw was Xin Zhu's letter. When Lin Haoming got it, he felt that the letter was very thick. After opening it, he found that Xinzhu had written tens of thousands of characters, each of which was so beautiful, and there was infinite tenderness and attachment between the lines.

Lin Haoming seemed to think of the situation in which he and she nestled together in the cave. Although so many years have passed, it seems like yesterday.

In addition to telling some of his own things, Xinzhu's letter is more about missing. It's a pity that Xu qianyun obviously has her own plans and doesn't want to let Xinzhu leave for a while.

Although Lin Haoming had some information about this, but looking at the tenderness in the writing paper, he felt more or less sad and even regretted that he did not leave a letter.

After thinking about it, Lin Haoming thinks that he should not regret it. He finds out a pen and writes about it. When he leaves here, he gives Jiang Jingrou a chance to give Gong Xinlan a chance.

After writing for more than an hour, Lin Haoming carefully put the letter paper in the Xinzhu envelope, and then put it away.

After putting it away, Lin Haoming takes out the jade box Gao Fangfang gave him. There is a seal talisman on the jade box. The talisman itself has no great effect. The only way to work is to ensure that others can't be found and opened.

Lin Haoming directly erased the seal talisman and opened it. He was surprised to find that it was actually a jade slip. He didn't know what was recorded in it.

After picking up the jade slips, the divine consciousness sank into it, and then Lin Haoming was one of the shakers.

Among the jade slips, there is nothing else but the magic Dharma practiced by ourselves. The content of this skill is much more detailed than what I got in the lower bound.

The skills in the jade slips are not only comprehensive, but also have Gao Fangfang's own notes and thoughts. Obviously, Gao Fangfang left this skill to herself. Maybe it's not very good for her in Tianhe realm, but it can obviously study the skills thoroughly, and it certainly takes a lot of effort. With Gao Fangfang's present status and the things to be dealt with, she specially does it for herself Preparing this skill, Lin Haoming also felt that he really owed the other party a great deal of affection.

Although Lin Haoming continued to practice in accordance with the original skills, he also smoothly advanced to the Shenxuan realm. However, when he reached the Taixu state, there was no follow-up skill. However, this heavenly devil Dharma can directly cultivate to the peak of Taixu state.

From Gao Fangfang's notes, Lin Haoming can also understand that this skill itself is not a celestial skill, but a magic skill belonging to the demon clan. It was obtained from a demon master many years ago during the war of ten thousand demons. After years of spreading, there is now a king of heaven in Nanzhou who practices this skill, and this one is obtained from him.Although this skill originated from the demon clan, it has been circulated for many years and has been modified in many places. Especially, the Dharma form of the friars in heaven is not as good as that of the demon clan. Therefore, some body refining methods were added in the initial stage, and some cultivation methods were changed at the same time.

What was originally obtained from the demon clan had long been gone, but now it is the skill changed by the friar of Tianhe realm.

Lin Haoming knows very well that not only Gao Fangfang, but also Xu qianyun, can obtain this skill. Only when she has such a high prestige can she have a chance to compromise with each other. Naturally, even if the other party compromises, they will certainly give each other full benefits.

To understand these, Lin Haoming felt that he owed more and did not know how to repay them.

After having this skill, Lin Haoming has been understanding it for the next few days, even on the way to the bandit city.

Lin Haoming is not greedy. Considering the magic appearance after the seven changes of the demons, he mainly studies the content of cultivation now. With Gao Fangfang's annotation, many of the problems are no longer problems, and some contents also give Lin Haoming new ideas, which can benefit a lot.

Under such circumstances, Lin Haoming finally arrived at the city of thieves.

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