Demon Scum

Chapter 221

Lin Haoming passed through the 17th floor, and now he has as many as 16 great merits.

Lin Haoming felt that it was just like a final challenge to replenish himself.

However, when Lin Haoming came to the 18th floor, he found that the main hall was slightly different from the previous seventeen. The roofs of those halls in front of him were flat, while this one was pointed. In the highest position in the middle, there was a flashing light ball, emitting soft white light.

Just as Lin Haoming looked at the ball of light, a voice came from his ear and said, "it's really unexpected that there are so many talents in xuelianzong recently. Just one person just broke into here, but another person killed the last floor."

"Who are you?" Hearing this sound, Lin Haoming exclaimed in horror.

The voice murmured, "you're not in my body all the time?"

"In your body, are you the spirit of the dust tower? Is it Lingbao Lin Haoming reacts to come over, but in the heart is more startled.

"Lingbao, this dust tower was indeed a spiritual treasure before. Unfortunately, the spirit produced by it has long been destroyed, and it has been damaged. It is impossible for this realm to repair it!" The voice was a little disdainful.

"You are not an artifact. Who are you?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Who told you I'm not a spirit?" Hearing Lin Haoming's question, the voice retorted again.

Hearing what he said, Lin Haoming felt confused. He scratched his head and said, "didn't you just say that the spirit has been destroyed?"

"What I mean is that the spirit of the tower itself has been destroyed. As for me, I'm just a poor guy. The spirit is pulled out and refined into a spirit the day after tomorrow." The owner of the voice sighed.

When Lin Haoming heard this, he was still a little shocked that someone could take other people's spirits away and refine them into utensils. Moreover, it seemed that the spirit formed after the day had existed for a long time. He didn't know whether it was the great supernatural power who did this kind of thing.

"I heard that Lingbao is a magic weapon with a spirit. Since the master has become the spirit of the dust tower, how can this tower still not be regarded as a spiritual treasure?" Lin Haoming asked again.

"Only if you have the spirit of the magic weapon itself, this is a spiritual treasure. I, who was refined by the day after tomorrow, can exert at most two or three percent of my original ability. What's more, the spirit refined by the day after tomorrow can't repair the damaged spirit treasure, so the dust tower is not a spiritual treasure." The spirit explained.

"I see. Thank you for your help!" Although it is facing a spirit, but Lin Haoming is still very respectful thanks.

"You little fellow is very polite. According to the rules, after you come to the 18th floor, you can have two hours to recover your mana and the spirit of loss." The Spirit said.

"Can you rest?" Lin Haoming was surprised.

But the spirit couldn't help laughing and said: "if you know the opponent you are going to face, you will understand that this rest is nothing at all. Although you have come all the way, it is still impossible to pass the last pass."

"What, is the last level to face the existence of the golden elixir?" Lin Haoming was a little shocked.

"The golden elixir period exists, of course not. After all, your accomplishments are too low. If you come in full circle during the foundation period, it is estimated that the 16th floor will meet you!" But there was no answer.

Lin Haoming can't say what he means. He can only begin to recover his mana.

As time goes on, people waiting outside are getting impatient.

Sun Haoming's family name has not come out yet? He has been out of the dust tower for such a long time, even if his magic power is pure, he should have been exhausted already! "

"Master Sun, I think Lin Haoming should choose to rest in it?" Hongming always pays attention to this situation.


"Yes, when I entered the 18th floor, the Spirit gave me two hours' rest to continue to break through the barrier. Unfortunately, I inspired the secret arts on the 17th floor, so I didn't choose to take a rest, and finally failed. Lin Haoming could choose to rest on the 18th floor, which means he didn't use the secret arts on the 17th floor, and he was not afraid that his body would become weak after the effect of the secret arts passed It seems that this man is better than I thought Lin Haoer is better than honger for the first time.

"Hong Er, what opponent did you meet on the 18th floor?" Sun asked curiously.

"Myself!" Hong Er has a bitter way.

"Yourself?" Once again, the beautiful woman surnamed sun was a little surprised.

Honger nodded seriously: "it's me, and two myself. They have the same talent and ability as me. Even the magic tools and talismans I used before have been copied to them. One on two, I'm not two of my opponents at all!"

"The stronger you are, the stronger the opponent you will face in the last level, so I really can't imagine what kind of existence that is!" Finally, Hong er said, she took a special look at Zhao Keyuan, hoping that he could tell the man who had broken through the 18th floor.Unfortunately, Zhao Keyuan didn't mean to say that person's name at all.

At this time, Lin Haoming, looking at the two self emerging from the white light, is also full of horror in his eyes.

At the moment, he understood why it was the same to rest or not to rest before, because Lin Haoming didn't think he had the ability to win two selves.

"this is as like as two peas" after you have entered the dust tower, you have to do the same as when you first entered the first floor, and you have used dozens of magic weapons and various means that you used to break behind. So you are equal to two of you who are entering the dust tower. If you can pass the rules, I will give you a reward. OK, now you can. Here we go

The voice of the spirit fell, and soon the two copied Lin Haoming opened their eyes at the same time. Lin Haoming did not dare to think about what would be good if he broke through. He immediately pushed the "devil Dafa" and "Shengu Jue" to the extreme.

The two copies of Lin Haoming also urged the "devil Dafa" and "Shengu Jue" to offer Qin Xinjian together.

In the face of such a scene, Lin Haoming decided to solve one of them first, otherwise, under the joint efforts of the two people, there is absolutely no possibility of winning.

Two people, one urges the flying sword to chop, the other to flash to the front to attack directly.

When Lin Haoming saw this situation, he offered a talisman directly. Suddenly, with the light shining, a light curtain covered Lin Haoming and one of the replicators. In addition, he urged the replicator of the flying sword to chop the copied Qin Xinjian on the light curtain, but it didn't cut it directly.

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