Demon Scum

Chapter 2333

Today is the day of the hall meeting. Because of the capture of Bai Laosan and Ruan Bojing, Lin Haoming has completely defeated those who once opposed him. After all, these two are important leaders of water bandits. It is very convincing to have such achievements.

Yan Yuyan also because of Lin Haoming's actions, more elated, it is obvious that she also has greater confidence and determination.

Because she got a lot of information about the two gangs of water bandits from the two groups of people, after the meeting, Yan Yuyan called together three people from the bandit suppression department and Wang Shuli to discuss the suppression of the bandits.

By the time the discussion was over, it was almost dark. When Yan Yuyan saw this, she simply entertained several people. When Lin Haoming returned to his residence, it was almost midnight again.

Although it was late, everyone was waiting in the back hall. When Lin Haoming arrived here, he saw LAN Qingyu sitting here. Obviously, she didn't stay there. This is good news for Lin Haoming.

However, before Lin Haoming sat down, LAN Qingyu began to feel guilty and said: "my Lord, you are disappointed. The leader of the gang did not agree to this matter. She just proposed to think about it more!"

"If she can let you back, it means that she has softened up, but now she has not completely torn off the paper to save face." Lin Haoming sat down with a smile.

"In fact, the light language was sent out after dark. In my opinion, the other party was struggling. Just now we were discussing whether to give the other party more powerful medicine!" Shu Siyue said.

"Wait two days! It's kind of hurtful to do that, but it hasn't been decided after two days, so we are taking that step! " Lin Haoming thought about it and finally made such a decision.

Lin Haoming is willing to wait, but Mrs. silver leaf really can't afford to wait. On the night when LAN Qingyu left, she held her daughter in her arms and stayed up all night. The next day, even though she was a mysterious place, everyone could see the haggard on her face.

In the face of her mother's appearance, Yin Fengling is also very anxious, but she can't help anything. Sometimes she really feels that she simply turns to Lin Haoming.

Two days of time in such a muddleheaded past, yinfengling did not feel the joy of one day's reunion with her mother, but was full of suffering. Until the next night, Mrs. silver leaf came back from the outside and said to her daughter seriously: "Fengling, I have promised to meet with each other, and I will not be able to accompany you tomorrow. I will let Mao Mian take you out to play!"

"Mother, have you decided to compromise?" Hearing this, yinfengling couldn't help showing some joy. After all, in her opinion, Lin Haoming really doesn't look like a bad person.

When Mrs. silver leaf saw her daughter's expression like this, her heart was also tight. She reached out to touch her daughter and said in a soft voice, "things need to be seen before we talk about them."

"Mother, if If Lord Lin really thinks about us, we We might as well forget it, shall we Yinfengling almost spoke with a pleading tone.

"Silly girl, mother, I will do it for you Mrs. silver leaf hugged her daughter and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Feeling her mother's gentleness, yinfengling seemed to be relieved. Then she continued to comfort her mother and tell her some of her views on Lin Haoming. In this way, although she still stayed up late, it was the best day for yinfengling to sleep after reuniting with her mother. At dawn, she found that her mother had left.

Cuiliuju, this is the place selected by Mrs. Yinye after informing Lin Haoming.

It was surprising that the other party would choose this place. To be on the safe side, Mrs. silver leaf sent a message to Shu Siyue on the same day, telling him to meet at this place, so as not to give the other party time. This is the smartest way to be monitored.

The biggest advantage of meeting in cuiliuju is that if there is a problem, because too many people will lead to hand in hand. This is also the best choice for Mrs. silver leaf to ensure herself.

Shu Siyue didn't care at all about it. After getting the address, she went to Cuiliu house alone without even a maid.

When Shu Siyue arrived here, it was exactly 10:00 at noon, and the teahouse was also full of people. Under the leadership of the teahouse staff, she came to a table on the second floor by the window. Shu Siyue saw the legendary lady silver leaf for the first time.

When I first saw Mrs. silver leaf, I found that she was holding a fragrant cheek with one hand and looking out of the window. If she did not know the identity of the other party, she would even think that she was a rich lady of that family. She would never have any connection with the water bandits.

Of course, when Shu Siyue came over, Mrs. silver leaf also looked at this slender and graceful woman, but her face was covered with gauze.

"Madame silver leaf?" When she came to the table, she asked.

Looking at Shu Siyue's face, Mrs. silver leaf seems to want to see the true face under her veil, but finally finds that the veil should be a kind of hidden treasure, which she can't see clearly.

Shu Siyue also seems to see the mind of the opposition. After sitting down, she took off her veil with a smile, but she soon put it on again.

Although this time was very short, Mrs. silver leaf could see each other's face clearly enough, and then said with a smile: "Fengling has always said that Mrs. Shu is extremely beautiful and is a wonderful woman in the world. Today I see her as expected.""I've heard that Mrs. silver leaf is dignified, beautiful and heroic, but today I see something different. She is more like a rich lady." Shu Siyue replied with a smile.

"Hehe, Mrs. Shu is going to let me be the so-called rich lady?" Mrs. silver leaf took up the teapot that had been on the table for a long time, and then picked up a cup of tea and poured a cup of tea to Shu Siyue.

"I'm a little surprised that you will come alone." Shu Siyue took the tea she handed him and took a sip.

Seeing that the other party didn't care about the problem of tea, Mrs. silver leaf admired the girl's courage. However, she knew that this woman was not simple, but she was not too surprised. She still said calmly, "all my movements are under your surveillance. It's not the same whether you come alone or many people come together."

"Madam, it's not small to say that, but it's normal to have resentment. After all, madam must have had a hard time. In fact, Madame doesn't have to work so hard. The things mentioned in the previous letter are definitely not deceiving her!" Shu Siyue stressed again.

"Although the letter said a lot about the way back, madam can think about some of our practical problems. I'm afraid that many people in the gang may not necessarily turn to you, or even directly lead to the division of Jinfeng gang. I would never want to see such a serious consequence. If it is such a consequence, why don't I spell it?" At this time, Mrs. silver leaf showed the momentum of her water overlord.

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