Demon Scum

Chapter 2336

Mrs. silver leaf stood on the warship, looking at the huge estuary like a lake in front of her, and looking at Liu Tianbo who was right beside her. She thought of what was going to happen in her heart.

It has been more than half a year since Fengling recognized Shu Siyue as his daughter. After leaving cuiliuju on that day, she followed Lin Haoming to meet Liu Tianbo.

When the two men are in prison, apart from surprise and helplessness, they can only sigh about their fate.

The reason why Liu Tianbo insisted is entirely because of Mrs. silver leaf. With her helpless compromise, he naturally followed closely.

On the day after meeting Liu Tianbo, Liu Tianbo was released by Lin Haoming. This made Mrs. Yinye trust Lin Haoming more or less. Half a month later, Lin Haoming held a big banquet in his residence, and let Shu Siyue take his daughter as a working daughter. Although there was another wife who took another girl as a dry daughter, she did Yes, it's just to hide people's eyes, so that the Lin family will not be too artificial. The arrival of Yan Yuyan is the best proof.

Mrs. Yinye could not have imagined it. But in a short time, she was confused from the most important bandit leader on the wanted list to Cao Chang, a soldier with the same knowledge. She had her own seal of heaven. Although she was a subordinate of Lin Haoming, she was actually the same size as the head of a county.

After the news came out, the Jinfeng gang was naturally shocked. After all, the leader of the gang accepted the recruitment, which was too shocking.

Hu Cheng and Nie Qi, who are in charge of the second and third masters, after some consideration, finally agreed to recruit. However, Nie Qi did not agree, and left Jinhu with some of his people overnight. This result was expected by Mrs. silver leaf. After all, Nie Qi was still disgusted with the housekeeper. It was not surprising that he only took it away A small number of people, when they and Lin Haoming arrived in Jinhu, most of them still succumbed.

Although Hu Cheng was willing to submit, he was not willing to hold an official post. After some deliberation, he gave him a casual post and then let him choose after a hundred years.

After Hu Cheng thought about it, he still agreed to Lin Haoming's request.

At the request of Lin Haoming, Mrs. Yinye reorganized the Jinfeng gang. Most of the old and weak women and children were arranged for ordinary people's lives. Lin Haoming also received a large sum of money from Yan Yuyan to settle them.

Mrs. silver leaf also opened the secret library and took out the money she had accumulated over the years to settle them.

As for Mrs. silver leaf's practice, these people at the bottom also felt that, after all, she didn't take it out and nobody knew.

Some of the remaining personnel were not willing to join the army, so they made other arrangements. Almost half of them were under the control of Madame Yinye. They formed a division directly under the jurisdiction of Madame Yinye. Lin Haoming was the commander himself. Madame Yinye and Liu Tianbo served as the deputy division commander, Mao Mian, ye Juan and the Jinfeng gang who later joined in Fajiyunde and HUFA were the battalion commanders of the four battalions, and the people below were almost all composed of the four Dharma protectors themselves.

After dealing with these things, she also got an information that made her feel helpless. After leaving Jinhu, Nie Qi took people to join the Tongtian Gang directly, making up for the vacant position of the third in charge after Bai Laosan was arrested.

It is Lin Haoming's next task to wipe out the Tongtian gang. While she was reorganizing the Jinfeng Gang, Lin Haoming also ordered all counties to deploy personnel to form a bandit suppression army. The surrounding counties that got the order first immediately assembled a full division of troops. After training for half a year, they finally set sail.

"Leader, Lord Lin has sent a signal to ask you to discuss business on his flagship!" When Mrs. silver leaf thought about it, a notice from her subordinates came to her ear.

Mrs. silver leaf looked back and said helplessly, "I didn't tell you to call me the leader in the future?"

"Yes, sir!" The man changed his mouth at once.

"Sir, after all, we are used to it. It's not so easy to change our words. Let's go!" One side Liu Tianbo explained for the man.

Mrs. silver leaf didn't know this factor, but she felt it in her heart.

When they got on the boat together, Mrs. silver leaf casually asked, "Tianbo, did your symptoms recur before you set out? Can the medicine given to you by Mrs. Shu be effective?"

"It broke out two days after I set out. The medicine is really better than the previous one. I feel that the pain is at least half as much as that at the beginning. Although it is still very painful, it can at least survive and the mind is relatively fresh. With the recovery medicine, I can still insist on it." Liu Tianbo said frankly.

"That's good. I'm most afraid of your body. The damned Qi Tianlong is too cruel to attack!" Mrs. silver leaf sighed helplessly.

The boat soon came to a ship with a length of more than a thousand feet. They got on the boat. At this time, they also saw other people coming here. At the beginning, the Jinfeng Gang supported one of its four Dharma protectors. In addition to them, they were also the bandit suppression division formed by several counties around the city and the bandit city itself.

Looking at the opponents who used to fight each other, but now they have become comrades in arms. No matter who they are, there are some strange thoughts in their hearts.Entering the meeting hall on the ship, Lin Haoming has already sat at one end of a long table, and the people who come here also sit on the left and right sides of Lin Haoming.

Lin Haoming served as the commander of these two divisions. Like Mrs. Yinye, there were also two vice division commanders in the bandit suppression division. One was a monk of shenxuanjing, and Qian Jiaju, who was originally affiliated to the military room. This was also the person recommended by Du Yuliang, and the other was a Taoist priest. Because Du Yuliang had already recommended a person, Lin Haoming gave yuan MuQing a chance Yuan MuQing sent his nephew yuan Chengli.

At the beginning, Lin Haoming was somewhat dissatisfied with such a practice. Subconsciously, he meant to let his nephew share the credit. However, after a period of real contact with the boy, he found that he was really good at the art of war, but he didn't have much practical experience. In this way, Lin Haoming really had the idea of promoting the boy and put him in the position of deputy division commander On the location of.

The commanders of the next four battalions were all from the counties around the city. After all, it took only half a year for them to gather and train. In this case, only their own leaders could give full play to their combat effectiveness.

After watching all the people sit down, Lin Haoming stands up. He goes to the window behind him and pushes open the window. From here, there is a vast ocean, which is the river of heaven.

Tongtian River, as a large river dividing Dongzhou and Nanzhou, has a light width of 800 Li, and entering the river is like driving into the sea.

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