Demon Scum

Chapter 2342

"Sir, that reef is dead. If the bandits of Tongtian Gang besiege us, we will have no way to escape!" As soon as Yuan Le heard this, he immediately cried out with worry.

Yuan Chengli said with a smile: "I will. The more people we attract, the easier it will be for Mrs. silver leaf to win. When we get there, when the outer reefs are broken and the Tongtian gang has no natural barrier, we will surely win this battle!"

"Young master, you are too dangerous to do so!" Seeing yuan Chengli, Yuan Le even called out the name of the young master, and grasped each other's arms with both hands, hoping that he could take back the order.

Yuan Chengli shook his hand and said, "Yuan Le, you have followed me for so many years. Don't you know what I expect most in my heart? We have to resist the demons every one yuan. I want to be the commander in chief to command the army and wipe out the demons. Now I follow Lord Lin and finally have such an opportunity that I can't miss. This is also the biggest reason why I have been making plans and praying for a so-called feint opportunity. I want to be the leader of this war. "

"But young master, in case..."

"There's no accident. If a small Tongtian gang can't deal with it, how can I command the Heavenly Kingdom army in the future? How to deal with the invasion of demons? Come and send orders to destroy two targets from both sides, and the array mage will set up an array on the big reef." Yuan Chengli ignored yuan le and directly yelled.

Some of the people led by Yuan Chengli are members of the yuan family, which is why he dares to do so, because he believes that these people will obey orders.

At this time, on the other side, Mrs. Yinye has already fought with the other side. Compared with the enemy yuan Chengli met, she has more pressure and more enemies. Obviously, there are people in the most Tongtian sect who know the art of war and expect that the other side will attack from here.

Although Mrs. silver leaf expected that the other side also had talents, she did not expect that the person so arranged was actually Ishikawa Xiong himself.

Although Ishikawa became the leader of the Tongtian sect after he was born in a business trip, in fact, he had the idea of joining the army in his early years, and he was also familiar with the military. Otherwise, as a mere merchant, how could he become a hero on the Tongtianhe River and choose Sanhuan Prefecture as his hometown.

Since becoming the place of Tongtian Gang, the three ring state has experienced more than ten times of encirclement and suppression by the government and army, but none of them succeeded. After the display of force, he used the means of estrangement to attract the Nanzhou tribes and suppress other tribes. As for the officials and soldiers in Dongzhou, they even had the Jinfeng gang at the gate They can't solve it. They can't be called "Nanzhou" in name. They are also shocked to learn that Lin Haoming recruited Jinfeng gang and took Bai Laosan.

It was only when Nie Qi, the third leader of the Jinfeng Gang, came to join him and told him that Lin Haoming would wipe out the Tongtian Gang, he became vigilant and had some plans. However, he didn't expect that Lin Haoming would move so quickly that he incorporated the Jinfeng gang and killed him with his men and horses.

Of course, in his opinion, such a behavior is definitely not a wise move. After all, Lin Haoming's men and women are on one side of the Jinfeng gang and the other is the people who have been encircling the Jinfeng gang. It is not easy to integrate them. Now it is a joke to attack ourselves together. Therefore, he has plans to let them know the depth Lin Haoming knows that he is good.

As the most important reef array in Sanhuan Prefecture, Ishikawa Xiong is also aware of the weakest points. He also believes that Lin Haoming can recruit Jinfeng Gang after all, and he will not be a fool. Even if he is a fool, Liu Tianbo of Jinfeng Gang is not a fool. If he really wants to attack, he will surely go to the weak place of reef formation. So when the war begins, everything will be in accordance with his plan The development of materials.

At this time, Ishikawa Xiong was standing on the reef near the water of the three states, looking at the place not far away where the fighting sound came. At this time, a fast boat came out and jumped down from the boat. Who was Nie Qi, the third leader of the Jinfeng Gang?

Nie Qi is a little anxious, but Ishikawa Xiong still asked: "you see clearly! Are you sure you're right? "

Nie Qi couldn't help nodding: "see clearly, the stone boss really expected things like God, there is no mistake, is the silver leaf lady, although a little dressed up, but the behavior is not imitated by others, and Liu Tianbo is not here, Mao Mian has been following her side, absolutely can not be wrong!"

"Ha ha, Nie Qi, although you are in charge of the Jinfeng gang in name, you are actually in the hands of Mrs. silver leaf. Now, for the sake of interests, she even does not hesitate to turn to Lin Haoming. There is no such thing as you as a brother. This time she dares to come, that is her doomsday. Do you have faith to fight one of them?" Ishikawa asked.

"Boss Shi, don't worry. Since I've joined you, I'm a member of the Tongtian sect." Nie Qi claps the chest to assure a way.

"Well, in that case..."

Just when Ishikawa was going to give him some promises, suddenly another small boat came from the reef formation and did not reach the shore. The people on the boat jumped down, waded into the water and ran to Ishikawa. He said, "help, the officers and soldiers who attacked in the West have destroyed two gold reefs. If the reef is destroyed, I'm afraid it will be in the West When there is a big gap, although the four leaders have already sent people to surround each other, they can't fight down at all. Instead, they are attacked by the other side, killing and injuring many brothers. If they want to die, the fourth leader will take the lead to push the other party back. Once the other party opens a gap, it can destroy the big rock reef and leave. It is not like relying on the big rock reef to resist the attack. ""What's the matter? How many people are there?" Hearing such news, Shichuan Xiong was also a little surprised, for a time can not believe.

The Scout immediately replied: "the number is not very large, which is more than 1000, but they have captured the yuan crystal gun on the big stone reef. According to the words of the fourth leader, the commander is definitely a military expert. The other side not only does not stick to the big stone reef, but relies on the support of the big stone reef yuan crystal gun. Dozens of small boats are fighting with each other. If the fourth leader had not gathered three times as many people as the other party, I'm afraid the other party has already destroyed the reef. "

"Is the silver leaf a feint, and the man and horse in the west the breakthrough? Damn it, this Lin Haoming is not a simple thing indeed!" Hearing this, Ishikawa also hesitated for a moment.

"Boss Shi, I'm..." Nie Qi this time, carefully asked a sentence.

Ishikawa Xiong thought for a moment, in his eyes fierce light flash way: "Nie Qi, you still according to the plan, take your people to the past."

"To the west?" Nie Qi worried asked.

"I'll see for myself what kind of person it is!" Ishikawa said, directly jumped into the boat.

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