Demon Scum

Chapter 2345

"Fourth, are you ok?" Ishikawa asked anxiously.

"It's OK. This is here. How can the yuan crystal cannon treat us? Are there any reinforcements from the officers and soldiers around? And it's really good to rob the yuan crystal gun." Mu Yuyun guessed in disbelief.

"I'm afraid that's true, but there is no long-distance communication in this array. Even we are the same. How do the other party contact each other?" Ishikawa Xiong this time, also some flustered up.

"Guild leader, do you think the other party invited the experts from Taixu state to come?" Mu Yuyun guessed in horror again.

"It's impossible, and even the friars of Taixu realm can't send messages from a long distance in this place. Maybe it's just a coincidence. But anyway, you should gather up the confused hands first, and I'll go back to the island immediately. Don't make any changes!" Ishikawa shikawa.

"The leader is right. We still have the magic killing yuan crystal cannon. Even if the reef array is broken, as long as there are enough Yuan Jing, they can't get close to the third ring state, and they can't get out to Nanzhou!" Mu Yuyun listened and tried to comfort himself and calm down his mood at the same time.

"That's right. I'll go first. If you find that the situation is wrong, don't stay. As long as we are still there, the Tongtian gang will still be there!" Ishikawa said kindly.

"Don't worry. I know it in my mind." Although Mu Yuyun said so, he looked at the flustered people around him and thought that he wanted to leave here and how long it would take to make a territory.

At this time, Yuan Chengli, who was gathered on the big stone reef, suddenly saw that the enemy was besieged in the distance, and the formation was suddenly disordered. For a moment, he also had some doubts about whether the other side had set up a suspicious array. However, he thought that there was no reason for them to set up a suspicious array. After observing for a long time, he found that the range of the chaos was far beyond the scope of luring the formation. Finally, he could not sit still. He immediately let his men attack and end If this attack, we suddenly found that there were friendly troops. Although we didn't know how such chaos would be caused even if the friendly troops arrived, we would never let go of such an opportunity. We immediately ordered all the people to rush to kill them.

When they heard of the arrival of reinforcements, they were excited again one by one, and their originally low morale rose again. However, the people of Tongtian Gang suddenly became disordered because they were suddenly bombarded by Yuanjing gun behind their backs. Many boats and boats collided with each other in their escape, and some even hit the reefs directly and overturned. On the contrary, they became the delicious food of tiger toothed fish that they fed themselves.

Originally several times of the people and horses, under such impact, all of a sudden they were completely defeated.

Mu Yuyun originally wanted to stabilize the situation, but because of Yuan Chengli's rapid reaction, he became a bubble. Seeing that his subordinates could not be mobilized completely, he had to mobilize his own people first and leave here. At this time, after being bombarded by Yuan Jing gun, he was greatly damaged. Let alone fighting with shenxuanjing, he was surrounded by more people from daotaijijing. I'm afraid he didn't live Road.

When she saw the glory of victory here, Mrs. silver leaf looked at Nie Qi in the distance. Her eyes were full of murderous anger.

He followed him for many years. Although he was not very close to him, he was also an old man of the Jinfeng gang. He was very familiar with some of his tactics. He had been defeated several times. Now he brought about one-third of the casualties of the people and horses. However, the number of the enemy had already occupied an absolute advantage. Even Nie Qi was not hiding behind, and began to appear in the open and direct the attack.

At this time, Mrs. silver leaf really had some regrets. Why didn't she try to catch him at the beginning, but deliberately connived him to leave.

At this time, even Mao Mian couldn't help saying: "leader, let's go back. There are too many people in Nie Qi, and ye Juan's people have come to our side. This is to eat us all in one breath. If we don't retreat now, I'm afraid they will be surrounded by them. It's hard to retreat. We're all following the leader's brother for many years. We don't want to do this Die here

"I don't know, but..."

"Guild leader, I know that Lord Lin gave you a heavy responsibility in the first battle, but he failed in the end. You can't explain. If he really wants to question you, he will say that I delayed the plane." Mao Mian went on, and even he didn't care at all.

"Ah! I don't mean that, but Lin Haoming said that even if we can't attack, we should at least hold out until 3:00 p.m. before we can retreat. Now there is another hour, I'll... "

"Why don't I know that, leader?" Mao Mian exclaimed in surprise.

"This is what he told us in person, not only me, but also yuan Chengli in the West!" Mrs. silver leaf sighed.

"This, this is not Lin Haoming's trick, want to attack the Tongtian gang at the same time, consume our strength?" Mao Mian's face was unhappy.

"Mao Mian, I know that you are good for us, but Tianbo also agrees with this matter. If it is really designed for us, Tianbo will not fail to see it!" Although Mrs. silver leaf said so, she was suspicious.

"Gang leader, old Ji, he died in battle!" At this time, ye Juan's voice also sounded, but also brought a bad news that no one wanted to hear.

"What?" When she heard this, Mrs. silver leaf suddenly turned pale. As the four Dharma protectors, Lao Ji had already followed the old leader when her father was the leader of the sect. Now she has been killed in the battle. She has already wavered and is completely unstable."Leader, let's withdraw!" Mao Mian couldn't sit still when he heard the news.

"Withdraw!" In the face of such a scene, Mrs. silver leaf finally gave orders.

With her order, the people who had gathered in the original Jinfeng Gang immediately began to shrink and retreat.

In the moment of the change of the men and horses, Nie Qi saw the other party's trend and deliberately cried out: "old leader, you want to go, it's not so easy."

Mrs. silver leaf heard the voice, her face was gloomy and terrible, but she didn't mean to entangle with the other party. Looking at the trend of the other party's catching up, she just yelled: "kill back."

Because of Lao Ji's death, Mrs. silver leaf obviously killed some red eyes. Relying on her own cultivation in the supernatural realm, she jumped out of the boat and fought on the water.

Originally, the encirclement was not completed, and then she was killed by Mrs. silver leaf. The way back was really opened up, which made Nie Qi a little angry. But there was no way for him to do it for a time. He had to rely on the number of people who were twice as many as the other party to order the pursuit.

So the first chase started in this reef formation.

At this time, the morale of the people of the Jinfeng gang had been extremely low. If it had not been ordered to withdraw at this moment, I am afraid it would have broken down. But fortunately, Mrs. silver leaf took the lead and broke up in the final face.

As the fight went on, Mrs. silver leaf did not know how long it took. Suddenly, she heard a cry of surprise coming from the front: "our ship Our boat

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