Demon Scum

Chapter 2530


A series of earth shaking sound burst out, fire, gold, all kinds of sound of sword, sound of impact.


In so many sounds, a woman's voice is particularly noticeable.

When the people bombarded the tentacles, the eyes of the halibut once again shot out several thick blue beams. When Changyuan dodged the potential of the tentacles, he did not guard against a light column. The whole person was submerged in the blue light column. After the light column disappeared, Changyuan disappeared.

This is a pair of Taoist lovers, but now one has fallen. Although it is desolate, at the moment, no one has the heart to feel this desolation. To say that there is emotion, it is also a deep fear.

Under the bombardment of the crowd, the tentacles were beaten to pieces, but they couldn't completely cut them off or lose their power. Just after the bombardment, the other two tentacles moved from nearby and beat them down.

At this critical moment, Huang Gutian suddenly yelled at Lin Haoming: "I don't want to die here! Lin Daoyou, your daughter's Xuanling Xuegu, we supply her with refined blood together, and we can continuously improve our realm. With her present situation, we can even reach the peak of returning to the void state if we don't spare our blood. This is our only chance! "

"Of course I know that, but if the load is too heavy, my daughter may die!" Hearing this, Lin Haoming didn't mean to promise at all.

"Lin Daoyou, it's time for someone to sacrifice, or else we'll all die. Your daughter is already in a mysterious state, and the condition of integration is a rare perfect form since the records of Southern Xinjiang. It won't be so easy to have an accident. As long as we get through this disaster, all of us are willing to do our best to recover her!" Huang Gutian cried out.

"Lin Daoyou, if you have such a skill, please let the gold fight, we will never do nothing!" Liu Xuan also urged him to listen.

"Dad, at this time, there is no need to hesitate. I don't want dad to have something to do with you." Han Ningxiang did not wait for Lin Haoming to say anything, but also agreed directly.

Hearing her promise, the remaining three people were greatly surprised, but Lin Haoming wanted to say something more. But Han Ningxiang suddenly fled to the place near Huang Gu Tian and said, "Huang Daoyou, it seems that you also know a lot about the witchcraft of Southern Xinjiang. In this case, I'll start with you. Time is tight!"

"Good!" Without hesitation, Huang Gutian immediately thumped a few times toward his own heart, spurting out a mouthful of blood essence and shooting at the cold fragrance.

Seeing his first move, Liu Xuan and Duanmu pingting did not hesitate. They immediately agreed to spit out a mouthful of blood essence. The blood essence of the three people gathered together in front of Han Ningxiang.

"Dad Han Ningxiang looks at three strands of blood essence and swallows it down. Then he looks at Lin Haoming and prays in his eyes.

Lin Haoming has never seen such a clear look in his eyes. When he first saw Han Ningxiang, Lin Haoming always felt that this was an ancient and strange girl, and subconsciously asked the people below to guard against her. But now, he suddenly seemed to have seen Wenyu, who was still in the lower world, the appearance when he left with himself.

Lin Haoming was also very helpless at this time, and even had a little regret. Just now, he even moved the idea of entering the Pearl of space with cold fragrance. However, gongdezhu is his biggest secret. He never thought of telling anyone. So he hesitated just now. Now the girl has swallowed the blood essence of three people, and it's too late to say anything.

Lin Haoming does not know whether his choice of confidentiality is correct, but at the moment it can only be so. No matter what happens afterwards, he will try his best to help her.

After making up his mind, Lin Haoming also thumped his chest several times, ejected a large mouthful of blood essence, and then immediately swallowed several blood essence pills to recover the loss of blood essence.

After Han Ningxiang swallowed Lin Haoming's blood essence, the whole person was immediately covered by a layer of blood color light, and in this blood light, it suddenly turned into a hundred feet huge. At the same time, the upper body grew another ten arms, which became the shape of human head snake body and twelve arms.

"Yuanchazu!" At this time, Wujiang, who had been hiding in the Pearl of merit and virtue, also felt the change of the cold fragrance and cried out in horror.

At this time, Lin Haoming had no time to pay attention to Wujiang, but after Han Ningxiang was transformed into a twelve armed snake, the twelve arms, in a flash of blood, turned into twelve handled knives, and his body moved straight to the three tentacles.

Under the joint efforts of all the people before, a tentacle was injured. However, the cold fragrance at the moment showed a terrifying power. Only the bloody light flickered against the tentacle. The tentacle, which was more than a thousand feet long and tens of feet wide, was cut off directly.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt a burst of surprise. However, the halibut was very angry because of the amputation of tentacles. All eyes on the body opened in an instant. At the same time, they shot out an amazing blue light column and went straight to the huge figure transformed by the cold fragrance.

Lin Haoming couldn't resist the attack of the virtual beast at the peak of Taixu state, even if it had turned into the cold fragrance returning to the peak of the virtual realm. Naturally, Lin Haoming couldn't watch her accident. Suddenly, his heart moved. His merits and virtues were madly injected into the sky thunder bead. On the top of the thousand halibut's head, a golden thunder and lightning appeared inexplicably, and then directly bombarded it."Boom With a loud noise, the big round head of the thousand halibut was not accidentally hit by lightning, which was as thick as a water tank. Even if it was highly trained, it was also blasted into a bloody blur. All eyes within a hundred feet of the lightning center were also destroyed, and the blue light column ejected suddenly deviated from the direction and exploded on one of the two mountain peaks of the island.

Seeing that the peak was illuminated by the blue light column, it seemed that there was an inexplicable force appeared, and then it seemed to erase the sand and stone on the ground, and the mountain disappeared completely.

Seeing this scene, Lin Haoming was also shocked. The monster was really terrible. No wonder this place would become a forbidden area.

"Dad, let's go!" Although Han Ningxiang was transformed into such an image, he was still very conscious and cut off three tentacles. Now there is a gap. At this time, it is still waiting for when.

At the same time, he emerged from the gap with Lin Quanxu.

Naturally, other people will not hesitate to rush out of the gap with them.

Although the halibut is powerful, but the speed is not fast, the only good at is water escape. However, the speed of water escape is slow among all the escape techniques, and they may not be able to catch up with them. Moreover, as soon as they rush out of the direction of the island, they will suddenly disperse. Obviously, they all know that the one who injured the mullet is Han Ningxiang, even if it pursues Chasing them, walking apart, obviously has a better chance of surviving.

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