Demon Scum

Chapter 2571

"Ji Er ~"

with the sound of a Phoenix, an amazing flame gushed out from the plume fan, which turned into a huge Phoenix. At the same time, the Phoenix and the Phoenix emerged behind the graceful Duanmu merged into a larger fire phoenix. The sky fire Lianyuan rushed towards a giant lizard which was integrated with the devil.

"Yeti, help me The demon clan roared in the face of the Phoenix's attack.

However, his roar did not get a response. Not long ago, the monk fang had already offered his own Taixu Dharma. At the moment, a colorful giant, holding a giant umbrella, sent out colorful rays to surround a larger lizard beast that was also integrated with Dharma.

In addition, although the woman named Qingmei was hurt a lot before, she also used a secret technique to stimulate her potential at the moment, driving a fire net to block her opponent's action. Although she could not really net her opponent, she was able to slightly block the other party's action. With such help, Duanmu pingting's fire phoenix could not let her escape at all.

The demons seem to know this, but there is no way to do it. The whole body of the demons flashed with a flash of black light. In the light of the light, they turned into a giant beast, and bravely welcomed the Phoenix on fire.

"What a fool!" Duanmu pingting sneered. Although the friars are weaker than the same rank, they can return to the virtual state. The other side is just a lower level magic commander in the middle. The gap between the two levels can not be easily erased.

The fire phoenix engulfs the lizard and turns into a huge fireball. Then the fireball becomes bigger and bigger, but then it shrinks again, and the flame is more and more dazzling between the rise and the contraction.

A moment later, Duanmu pingting fan towards the fireball again, followed by another group of flames surging out and injected into the fireball. Finally, the fireball turned into a pillar of fire. Then it slowly became smaller and thinner. Finally, it disappeared, and the hundred foot giant lizard disappeared completely.

"It's a pity that the storage bracelet was also burned together!" Duanmu pingting looked at the empty place and sighed.

The demon named Yeti, seeing this scene, his eyes were also full of horror, and then glanced at the demon cloud, which made the color of horror more prosperous.

He let out a roar, and a ray of light shot from the horns of his head. He forced the colorful clouds to open a hole and rushed out.

After he rushed out, he didn't return at all, and directly turned into a escape light to escape.

After all, the fiend named Yeti is a demon who returns to the virtual realm. The friar surnamed Fang is also reluctant to trap his opponent. This is because he has a fake umbrella in his hand. It is not so easy to kill and unnecessary to kill.

"Ha ha, thank you for your help The monk, surnamed Fang, put away the Dharma phase and said with a smile at Duanmu pingting.

Duanmu pingting glanced at the woman who called Qingmei, but said with no expression: "you are so grateful to me. I said, little sister, are you going to help your benefactor?"

"Savior, if it wasn't for the demon's discovery, I think the two would have watched us continue to fight." That Qing younger sister sneered.

"It's really a dog's heart, but forget it. You're going to ask for Yin and Yang fruit over there. How do you know this treasure?" Duanmu pingting asked.

"It turns out that Duanmu Daoyou also came for this treasure. How do you know that this treasure is here?" Asked the monk, surnamed Fang.

"It seems that there is still too much nonsense. There are only two of us. It seems that you are going to attack us?" Duanmu pingting doesn't want to tangle in these meaningless things and asks directly.

"Hey hey, Duanmu Taoist friend, I know Daoyou fairly well. For the sake of Daoyou's previous action, if you are willing to leave, we will never do it." A monk named Fang.

"I'm leaving. I'm sure I'll get it. Fang, do you think you're going to win us? What a joke Duanmu pingting sneered.

"What? Duanmu Taoist friends think that there is still hope for two to four? " That Qing younger sister sneered.

"Two to four, two to two, right? And one of them is injured. Your secret skill can make you recover temporarily, and even wield the ability beyond some strength. But how long can this secret skill last? " Duanmu pingting sneered.

"What do you say?" Although a little uneasy, but heard Duanmu pingting said so, two people looked at the cloud together.

At this time, the magic cloud immediately shrouded in this direction. The monk Fang was greatly shocked. The imitation canopy umbrella was immediately opened again, and a ray of sunlight shrouded the cloud.

The sky umbrella's rays are really extraordinary. Once it shines on the magic cloud, the magic cloud will collapse immediately. Obviously, it has a restraining effect on the evil Qi. It's no wonder that he still has no fear in the face of the same level demons.

At this time, Lin Haoming was out of the devil.

Seeing that only Lin Haoming came out, Zhang and Li did not appear, which made their faces more and more ugly.

Without Lin Haoming controlling the evil Qi, the evil Qi dissipated rapidly in the sunlight, but after it dissipated, there was nothing."What about Zhang and Li?" Exclaimed the monk surnamed Fang.

Lin Haoming sneered and said, "the devil who called Yeti has long found out the situation here, so he didn't greet his companion, but you didn't find it at all. As expected, you are still much worse than that demon clan. If the sky umbrella in your hand is not quite mysterious, it's not the demon's opponent at all."

The monk Fang didn't care what Lin Haoming said. Instead, he looked at Lin Haoming and said in disbelief: "you You killed three of them alone? "

"What? Can't you? " Lin Haoming asked.

In the face of Lin Haoming's teasing reply, their faces became more gloomy.

"Fang Daoyou, do you still want to fight us?" Duanmu pingting asked with a sneer.

"Good! Duanmu Daoyou has such a powerful companion. You can't see him. Qingmei, let's go The man surnamed Fang said coldly.

"Go! Do I agree with you to go? " Lin Haoming asked coldly.

"Do you still want to stop us? Of course, we will not be able to defeat you under our joint efforts, but you will not be able to take treasure so easily. If you force me into a hurry, I will destroy the treasure." The man surnamed Fang is not afraid to threaten.

When Lin Haoming heard this, he could not help frowning. In fact, if he could delay a little longer, he might have set up the eight gate heaven lock array. But now, there is no way to finish the array secretly. If he really jumps over the wall in a hurry, it is really hard to do. After all, the imitation sky umbrella is not simple.

Thinking of this, Lin Haoming can only watch them leave. After they have gone far, he smiles at Duanmu pingting and says, "elder sister, it's time to take treasure next."

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