Demon Scum

Chapter 269

Lin Haoming looked at the stone monkey and sighed in his heart that he had not guessed wrong. These intact ancient puppets were indeed the tools attached by the master of heaven's chance. However, he suddenly gave himself so much benefit that he couldn't understand what he was going to do.

Looking at the stone monkey constantly drawing the array, Lin Haoming glanced at it and found that the array was mainly made of the upper spirit lines, but he didn't dare to look at it more, otherwise he would feel dizzy. Obviously, this was caused by his insufficient divine sense.

However, Lin Haoming, after several previous creations, estimated that if he had advanced to the later stage of foundation construction, he might be able to really learn the spirit tattoo.

Lin Haoming didn't dare to disturb Shi Hou's work. After two hours, Shi Hou finally stopped his work. Lin Haoming got up and saluted and said, "thank you for the pills, but I don't know what you need to do."

"Of course I want to leave here. Come here and sit in the middle of the array." Stone monkey just told Lin Haoming, did not tell him why.

This situation made Lin Haoming feel very uncomfortable, and his face was not very good-looking, because in addition to the beginning, the Heavenly Master said a few more words to himself, and then ordered himself all the time, and did not tell himself why. He felt manipulated by the other party as a puppet.

Lin Haoming did not move this time. Instead, he saluted again and asked, "master, please make it clear!"

Seeing that Lin Haoming didn't obey his orders, stone monkey seemed dissatisfied and said, "what are you worried about? Can't I kill you? As long as you listen to me, I can make the name of Lin Haoming become a respected existence in the world. Now you can sit there!"

Lin Haoming felt more and more uneasy in the face of this heavenly opportunity. However, the other party's obvious strength was too much stronger than himself. Lin Haoming could not think of the other party's purpose.

Lin Haoming even thought that the other side would use the art of seizing her. But the other side obviously had a much stronger divine sense than himself. It should be very easy to seize her. However, he did not immediately take action, which made Lin Haoming a little confused about the other party's real intention. However, Lin Haoming vaguely always felt that the God's chance master was definitely not a good kind.

It's just that Lin Haoming can't say anything about it now. He can only walk over and sit cross legged in the middle of the array, and take a look at it step by step.

Next, the stone monkey began to put spirit stones in some places of the array. In addition, he took out several other things that Lin Haoming didn't know and put them on various positions.

After finishing this, he went to Lin Haoming again, took out a small bottle which was also made of ten thousand years of cold jade and said, "drink this thing!"

Lin Haoming is not afraid to drink something poisonous. Just like Xuantian zhenxue pill before, if it is really poison, he also has antidote.

But when Lin Haoming opened the bottle, his face changed completely this time. The next moment, he showed the shadow of the devil and was about to escape.

It's just that the shadow of his own demon just came out. Suddenly, a strong pressure of divine consciousness directly enveloped me. The terror of this pressure was several times stronger than that when I first met the stone lion. As a result, when the body method was half cast, it couldn't continue and fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, Lin Haoming immediately wanted to use the magic power of the Pearl of space to smash the stone monkey, but before he could do it, several other puppets moved first, and they still swarmed on.

Seeing this situation, Lin Haoming also knows that even if he exhausted his merits, he would not be able to destroy the other party. After all, these puppets are only temporary tools manipulated by the other party.

Looking at Lin Haoming being restrained, the stone monkey went to Lin Haoming and said faintly, "why do you need it?"

"Forget soul dew, you asked me to take this. I think you clearly want to use the art of taking away the lost from me!" Lin Haoming sneered.

"Well? You little boy, it's a bit surprising for me to know that you forget soul dew. However, since you know nothing about it, I can't live in the outside world without your memory Heaven's chance revered the light way.

"I see. Why don't you take my house as soon as you come up? You still think about it! What I said before is really beautiful Hearing this, Lin Haoming's eyes were full of anger.

Stone monkey had no expression at all. At the moment, he just manipulated other puppets to bring Lin Haoming to the middle of the array, and then said, "I didn't cheat you. I occupied your body, and I will continue to use your name. After hundreds of years, your name will naturally become famous all over the world."

"You old monster, why can't you die in tens of thousands of years?" Hearing this, Lin Haoming became furious.

Stone monkey, on the contrary, happily replied: "you're right. Even if other gods exist, they can only keep the spirits for ten thousand years at most. But I'm different. I have a trace of Xuanwu blood. I'm good at mechanism puppet. I'm very strong in divine sense. Let alone tens of thousands of years, it's not a problem to have another ten or twenty thousand years I should be glad to be the object of my taking over. Do you think I would be willing to take you away if I didn't know when the second person could come in? "He was going to be robbed by others. As a result, this guy still disliked his own body, which made Lin Haoming angry.

After saying this, the stone monkey no longer talks. One big hand grabs at Lin Haoming, and then several filaments of light come out of his hand. All of a sudden, he entangles Lin Haoming thoroughly.

In fact, Lin Haoming can see from his attitude that he is just a mole ant. So he didn't talk to himself much before. At the beginning, he said a few more words because there was no communication for a long time.

I'm afraid I won't be willing to talk to ordinary mortals or even low-level friars in Qi refining period.

At this time, the body was entangled by this nameless silk, let alone move, even the mana was actually imprisoned, and now I really become a lamb to be slaughtered.

At last, all kinds of magic power of the monkey started to move.

The light was soft at first, but as the array moved faster and faster, the light became more and more dazzling. Lin Haoming, who could not use his magic power, did not even dare to open his eyes.

After this situation lasted for a while, the colorful light suddenly disappeared.

Lin Haoming opened his eyes in an instant, and found that the colorful light did not disappear, but formed a light ball the size of a thumb. At the same time, from the stone monkey's body, a light shot into the colorful light ball, followed by the light ball directly towards his forehead, and then disappeared into the eyebrows.

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