Demon Scum

Chapter 276

However, Li que had no idea that the corpse would explode directly in the period of self-cultivation, but he didn't expect that there would be a great potential for self-cultivation.

In the face of the next body refining, Li Liang has no time to complete his magic power, so he can only stab the corpse with his pen.

But just barely forced back the corpse, and then another figure appeared in front of him. This figure was not Du Tian Que and who was it, but Du Tian que now, whose figure had obviously increased a lot, and did not give him a chance to breathe, and directly grasped his neck.

"Du Tian que, what are you doing?" Seeing this scene, the other three disciples of haoranzong also cried out.

Unfortunately, their voice hasn't fallen down. Du tianque makes a strong effort, and Li Liang's head is directly removed, and then his storage bracelet is also taken away.

"Du Tian que, you want to die!" Looking at this scene, the three disciples of haoranzong were also furious, and rushed up to fight against the capital tianque.

However, the same Yin corpse door with the four people around Du tianque also rushed out, as long as the other side shot, they were ready to directly besiege them.

"What are you doing? Since it's a contest, and you haven't said before that you can't take each other's life, this one is naturally won by Du Daoyou!" At this time, Yan Tao roared and put on his proper posture as a judge.

The three disciples of Haoran sect knew that the only one who was really in trouble was themselves. When they saw Yan Tao giving them a step, they did not dare to be presumptuous. They just glared at Du tianque and others and returned to the orthodox sect.

Du tianque didn't look at them, but directly at the three remaining intact bones. One of them grabbed his wrist and a bracelet flew into his hand.

Looking at Du tianque taking his share, Zhang Huanghe smiles and then stands out and says, "dudaoyou is really a good method. Since Du Daoyou came out first just now, this time it's up to Zhang to learn from you."

Zhang Huanghe was also one of the people who took part in the last trial. However, he did not enter the top 10, but got the 12th ranking. The gap between two or three places is not big. It is almost the same as that of Du tianque. Now he stands up, but no one takes the initiative in the magic gate. After all, no one wants to lose.

"What? You are not afraid of the heaven and the earth. How can we, elder martial brother Zhang, dare not fight alone when we come out! " Seeing that no one on the side of the magic gate took the initiative to stand up, several disciples of taixuanzong immediately clamored up.

In the face of such a clamor, Gu Feng forgot to take a look at the real demon sect, and said with a faint smile: "Jia Daoyou, you really demon sect only have two people here. If you win, it is also the two of you. How about going up and gambling?"

When the monk Jia heard Gu Feng's words, he wanted to curse him directly. However, he also understood that there were at least four people in the other five sects. At the moment, the eyes of other people had clearly explained everything. It was impossible to choose a weaker opponent.

At this time, a monk surnamed Jia directly led another younger martial brother to Zhang Huanghe, arched his hand at him and said, "Jia is not Zhang Daoyou's opponent. Admit defeat, Zhang Daoyou will go and take it directly!"

With that, he did not look back and left with his younger brother.

Watching them leave, Zhang Huanghe also smiles awkwardly, and then grabs a storage bracelet.

"Just now, it's Taoist Zhang, so let's take a look at your tactics." Gu Feng looked at the storage Bracelet less and less, of course, it is impossible to wait.

However, this time it was the turn of the orthodox sects to stare at each other, and their eyes, as before, fell on the same disciple of Huayi sect with only two disciples at the same time.

The two men had already seen the results before, and they were not sure that they were better than Gu Feng. So they left after learning from the monk surnamed Jia before.

In fact, it is the best choice for them to do so. If they really want to fight, they may not only be killed directly by the other party, even if they are not dead. In case of injury, I am afraid these people here will regard themselves as prey.

However, in this way, after Gu Feng also collected a storage bracelet, there was only the last one left. Obviously, for this last storage bracelet, no one wanted to give up.

On the side of the orthodox sect, the remaining three qualified sects have the same strength. For a while, everyone wants to stand out first. The same is true for the magic sect. Qiao SuYue has already discussed with the other two schools.

Lin Haoming didn't care about who went first and who went after. After all, this kind of thing didn't mean much to himself. His initial goal was the three skeletons.

These three skeletons have not been rotten up to now. I'm afraid they also contain spiritual marrow. If you can get enough spiritual marrow of friars in Yuan infant period, I'm afraid that the body after taking Xuantian zhenxue pill can directly help you to cultivate to the sixth level.

"Ha ha, that's interesting. There are so many people here!"

Just as the great sects were fighting for the right to fight, a burst of laughter that was familiar to Lin Haoming suddenly came, followed by a small bald monk with beautiful features appeared in front of the public, who was not Fayuan.When FA yuan came, Lin Haoming didn't say hello to him. However, it can be seen that Fayuan's accomplishments have reached the peak in the later period of foundation construction, not to mention his strength.

When this guy came here, there were five monks in the temple, so the temple was obviously better than other sects.

"Younger martial brother Fayuan, it's great that you come. We are fighting for the treasures here. If younger martial brother hands, we can win. We don't need more. As long as younger martial brother can share half of us at that time!"

Most of the people here don't know who the Dharma yuan is. But the monk of the Vajra Temple suddenly said such a word, which immediately calmed down the three sects who were still fighting for the devil gate.

But in the end, only the bracelet was left, so a monk of the demon soul sect still couldn't help but come out and said, "I'm Yang Shuo, please learn your skills."

"Well, since both sides are out of the line, then this time, the demon soul Zong Yang Shuo is fighting the master of Fayuan in the Jingang temple!"

Yan Tao once again announced the start of the competition. Yang Shuo immediately raised a black flag. He held a black flag in his hand. With a burst of waving, the flag became several feet tall. With the gust of wind, countless ghosts and ghosts emerged from the flag.

"One, two, three!" In the face of such a scene, FA yuan points to those ghosts and loses. Then he shakes his head dissatisfied and says, "for the three ghosts above the late stage of foundation construction, benefactor Yang, your ghost flag is not so good either!"

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