Demon Scum

Chapter 2766

"Are you dissatisfied? By the way, the girl xing'er is, I'll teach her a lesson! " Seeing that Lin Haoming didn't respond and didn't see apricot, old man Wu subconsciously felt that Lin Haoming was dissatisfied with his granddaughter, and called out with an angry face.

"Xing'er is a good girl. I let her rest in it. Lao Wu, what's the purpose of giving your granddaughter to me?" Lin Haoming asked lightly.

Although he vaguely felt that the status of women here was low, Lin Haoming didn't believe in giving her granddaughter away at will without any purpose.

"Young master, this It's all a little selfish. I really want to ask Mr. Lin for help in some things. " Lin Hao didn't dare to cover his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Lin Haoming asked.

"In fact, it's not a big deal for you. We in Banpo village go to Shanyang County market to sell mountain products every month. In fact, we still have a shop in Shanyang County market, where a few people will take care of it. However, according to the regulations, those shops will be taken back every three years and then rented out again. There are two ways to get the shop: one In addition, they can obtain the right to use the shop through martial arts competitions. In addition, they will leave at least ten shops to be allocated through martial arts competitions. In the past two times, my son seized the shop. But last year, he had an accident. Now the strongest one in the stockade is only me, who is barely the grandson of the second-class warrior. There is no first-class warrior who has no hope at all I hope you can help me. There's nothing good in Banpo village. Fortunately, apricot looks pretty good. Besides, she is perfect. She knows some martial arts and pharmacology. She can be a servant girl for you. " Wu pleaded.

"What is your son's strength?" Lin Haoming asked.

"He's already a ninth class martial arts master. Although he's the lowest, it's enough for us in the mountain village. In fact, it only needs the young master to do it this time. In three years' time, my grandson should also become the top of at least the first-class warriors. At that time, there should be a good chance." When old man Wu answered, he could not hide his sadness in his eyes.

"Ninth class martial arts master, you can cultivate a martial arts master's son. It seems that you were not weak before!" Lin Haoming said.

"The little old man used to wander around for a lot of time. When he was 30, he was already a seventh class martial arts master. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured and his strength was greatly damaged. There was no capital for him to venture. He had no choice but to return to his hometown. Up to now, he has seen the difficulties outside and only hopes that the children can live a good life in the village." Old man Wu seemed to be honest.

"Well! Day, night, I'll walk back! When you want to go to Shanyang County, just let me know and take good care of her! " Lin Haoming got some news from the conversation, and did not intend to ask more.

"Well, please do as you please. Apricot is now a childe's man. Naturally, we dare not neglect it!" Lao Wu said respectfully.

At this time, Lin Haoming has actually finished eating, and then along the way down yesterday, he plans to go back to see what will happen if he goes down the cliff again.

There was no difference in the way back, but when Lin Haoming stood on the cliff again, his face changed.

Originally, there were more than a thousand feet high cliff, but now there are only a hundred feet left. The following is not the place where I used to be after I entered the heaven magic tower.

Although seeing all this, Lin Haoming thought in his heart whether it was just an illusion. He tried to climb down the cliff, but only half way up, Lin Haoming was sure that this was not a fantasy at all.

Although it has been determined that Lin Haoming is still at the bottom of the cliff, it is just a valley with many shrubs.

No need to be sure, Lin Haoming shook his head and planned to go back. But at this moment, his eyes suddenly swept towards the distance, only to see a seven or eight foot long boa constrictor coming towards his side quickly, and put himself as a prey.

When Lin Haoming saw this situation, a cold color flashed in his eyes. Although he lost all his magic power, he was not just a boa constrictor to bully him. When the python rushed up, Lin Haoming's body flashed, and he stretched out one hand to strangle the boa constrictor seven inches. With a strong hand, the huge Python was crushed to death by Lin Haoming.

Lin Haoming threw the python on the ground at will, but he felt the power of the boa constrictor just now. He found that although he could not feel the Python's magic power, it was not the body refining friar who met him without the mana, so he would have some small troubles. It seems that the world in the demon tower is somewhat different from the original world.

Because the boa constrictor is too big, Lin Haoming didn't intend to carry it on his back. He climbed directly along the cliff, because it was just an ordinary cliff. Even if he had no magic power, it was very easy for Lin Haoming.

Standing on the cliff, looking back at the bottom of the valley, I can't help sighing. Looking into the distance, Banpo village seems to have raised the smoke of lunch.

Without much hesitation, Lin Haoming went to the village at ease.

Although he came back a lot earlier than expected, he had already passed the lunch time. However, when Lin Haoming stepped into the fence outside the house, he heard a man yell from inside: "grandfather, you can let apricot give someone away. He is my sister, and he has said that he will marry Jin Yongcheng after the filial piety has passed.""You also know that I call my grandfather, I also do this for the sake of the whole village. We have more than 200 people, and most of our income depends on the shops in the city. If there are no shops, where do you sell the hunting harvest, the medicinal herbs and the mountain goods? Do you want to sell them to the merchants who receive them? How much can they offer? " At this time, old Wu's voice rang out. At the moment, he didn't face Lin Haoming's promise.

"Didn't you say I'd go and compare it?" The man is still unwilling to say.

"Are you going to compete? You have just reached the level of a second-class warrior. You have no hope at all. Besides, Xinger is my granddaughter. She sacrificed for the village. I think other people in the village know this. Otherwise, why did you come to ask me when everyone came back from hunting, and even Jin Yong didn't follow me? And that young master Lin is also good, at least he should be kind to apricot At the beginning, old man Wu was very sure, but at last he seemed to be uncertain.

"If you can become a third-class martial arts teacher at a young age, he must have come from a noble family. Xing'er is just a village girl. Now he may feel fresh in the mountains. When he goes back, he may forget apricot, or even give him away. You haven't talked less about those noble families and nobles. How many young masters and sons are not full of male thieves Female prostitutes. " The man argued.

Although Lin Haoming asked himself that he was not such a person, he didn't want to be said like this. He was going to go in, but he heard xing'er affirm: "the young master is a good man. Brother, don't say that to him!"

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