Demon Scum

Chapter 2931

After leaving the Xuandan building, Marco went all the way to a sand house by the lake.

Although the shape of the shawu is similar to that of the ordinary shawu, it is much larger. In the Sha nationality, the size of the shawu also indicates the identity of the residence permit and the wealth they have.

"Madame is back!" When Marco entered the shawu and saw her coming, many people looked very respectful.

"Is the master there?" Asked Mark.

"The master is preparing for the trade fair!" The servant replied.

Marko nodded and soon went to a room where a tall man was wiping some magic treasures.

"Madame is in a hurry. Is something happening?" The man put down his things and asked with a smile.

"My husband, someone from Xuandan building took out the golden liquid dew to trade Xuanqing Dan!" Said Marko.

"Oh! Jin Ye Lu, are you sure? " When the man heard this, he immediately asked.

"70% or 80% sure, the other side is four strange magic generals, should be to participate in the exchange conference." Said Marko.

"Listen to your tone, these people seem to have a lot of liquid gold on their bodies?" Asked the man.

"I don't know exactly how much, but they want to exchange three drops for one, a total of four. I tried it out and felt that there should be some more on each other. If I didn't guess wrong, the gold liquid dew that should be left would still be enough for the four of them. They were just going to take out the extra transaction." Said Marco.

"That is to say, they may have about 30 drops of liquid gold on them!" The thoughtful eyes of the man.

"Yes, my husband, do you think we want it or not?" Mark made another gesture of beheading.

"Don't worry, give them something, and then find out their origin. Don't act rashly!" The man thought about it or made such a decision.

"Well, anyway, even if they want to take Xuanqing pills, they need some time to refine them. They can't take them here. I'll let people keep an eye on them. If they want to go, how about we do it right away?" Asked Mark.

"Yes, that's it." The man nodded.

Three hours later, Lin Haoming has returned to Jingsha tribe.

Just two hours ago, when I got what I needed, I left Xuandan building, but as soon as I came out, I found someone staring at me.

With the accomplishments of Lin Haoming, it's easy to get rid of others.

"What? What do you eat when you are lost? They just went out and disappeared? " At this time, in return for the loss of her husband, Marco's face was particularly ugly. Obviously, this matter made her a little difficult to accept, especially when she didn't know who the other party was.

"Well, ma'am, don't scold me. At least we don't suffer from this transaction. Since the other party's door-to-door transaction is blatant, it must be prepared." Marco's husband was very peaceful.

"I know, but I'm not reconciled to it. You should go to the city gate immediately and report if you find any trace of the four of them!" 'said mark.

Although such an order was issued, the following days were still not found, and the day of the trade fair was approaching.

In addition to exchanging the needed items for each tribe, the trade fair specially held two auctions. One auction was for the monks in the Shenxuan realm, and the other was for the monks at the Shenxuan level. The latter only required you to have the cultivation of Shenxuan realm, while the former needed to pay a heliolite, which also avoided people Too many.

Rima followed mange and tiele to participate in the auction. There were a lot of things in the auction, but in the end, three people didn't buy anything.

Compared with some of the people who have sold one after another, the three people are really short of money. Even if they look at a few items, they exceed their estimated price after a few rounds, and most of the final transaction prices are much higher than they think.

The next day, Lin Haoming and tiyisha participated in the auction of shenxuanjing. However, Lin Haoming didn't sell the whole process. On the contrary, tiyisha bought several magic treasures at a high price for three times. One of them was about to be bought. Finally, Lin Haoming gave him two years' crystal, which was the successful auction.

When the auction is over, even if the exchange is over, he leaves the venue and says, "long Daoyou, don't worry. You can return the magic crystal to Daoyou after you go back."

However, Lin Haoming waved his hand and said, "we will not leave here for the time being

"What do you mean by long Daoyou is that we are separated like this?" He asked.

"Yes, if I guess correctly, now that the meeting is over, the tribes will leave after staying for at least one or two days, and then I will not send them off." Lin Haoming said truthfully.

"Although long Daoyou has been recuperating over the years, he has helped our Jingsha tribe a lot. We still owe a lot of Taoist friends. We don't know whether we can meet again this time." Ti also killed some sad way.Lin Haoming sighed and said, "Ti also killed the patriarch. I think you changed a few things today, which are obviously used for fighting. It seems that Jingsha tribe is planning to unite with other tribes to start fighting?"

"What long Daoyou said is right. During the trade fair, I have contacted six other small tribes to form a small Crusade alliance. I am determined to gather troops and fight with the Lusha tribe after returning home. As long as we win, we will have more development space in the future. If we lose The Jingsha tribe will disappear Ti also killed again helpless way.

"After all, I'm not a member of the Sha tribe. I'm not good at participating in the struggle. Otherwise, it will lead to hostility from other tribes to Jingsha tribe. Since we're separated, this piece of jade Fu ti will also kill the clan leader. Take it. In addition, there are some magic crystals and some pills, which are very helpful for the cultivation of the devil's birth state. Please give it to Liema in the future, don't say it's from me." Lin Haoming took out a bag and handed it to tiyisha.

"Long Daoyou, you have given me a lot, this This is the jade talisman refined by Taixu state! " He opened the bag and saw the jade talisman. His face changed.

"Don't get excited. I didn't intend to help, but after all, it's a fate between you and me. In fact, the jade amulet is only a poor product. Even so, once inspired, it can be used as a sharp weapon to protect life or kill enemies for a period of time." Lin Haoming said.

"Long Daoyou, this is too expensive!" It's hard to believe that the other party gave such a heavy treasure to himself. Even if it was inferior, it could be refined by the master of Taixu. Its value is many times higher than that of the things taken by himself.

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