Demon Scum

Chapter 3002

"Canglian, thank you for your help Canglian was very grateful to the young master who settled down in front of her.

"Don't be polite to miss canglian. She's not from genzhou?" Anyaokong first to find out the identity of each other, this is taught by uncle, so naturally also asked.

"I'm from the Jane family in kunzhou!" Canglian said.

"Kun Zhou Jian family?" Anyaokong heard eyebrow tip a pick, did not expect to encounter such a thing unexpectedly.

"How did you come to gengzhou?" An yaokong asked.

"My grandfather is the apprentice of Li muhao, a disciple of the ancestors of the Jian family. This time, he planned to come to genzhou. However, because grandfather Li had to do something, we were waiting at the border. Unexpectedly, some unidentified people suddenly attacked us. My mother helped me escape all the way. Later, I didn't know the way!" Canglian said.

"So it is. Did your grandfather say what he wanted to do in Genju?" An yaokong asked.

"No, just to Yingdu! Young master an, when you found me, didn't you find anyone else? " Canglian asked anxiously.

"No, it's probably that your mother put you down and ran for her life because of the emergency. Don't worry, as long as you live, you can still find someone!"

"Those people are coming, I I... " Canglian seemed to be very worried, and she was about to shed tears.

"Little girl, don't be sad. Since you were going to Yingdu, we are going to Yingdu. Maybe we will meet your family then." An Yao Kong comfort way.

"Really?" Canglian put on a pair of eager appearance to ask a way.

"Of course, it's possible. Girl, you just wake up and need a rest!" Anyaokong did not seem to want to say more with a little girl. She turned back to her maid and said, "take good care of canglian girl!"

"Yes, sir!" The maid immediately agreed.

Looking at an yaokong leaving, canglian's eyes flashed a trace of complexity.

"What's up? What's up?" After leaving here, anyaokong quickly arrived in an xuanyang's carriage.

"The girl said that she was from the Jian family, and that her grandfather was a disciple of Li muhao, a disciple of Jian Zhifan. She had intended to go to Yingdu, but she was attacked while waiting for Li muhao, and then she didn't know." On Yiu Kong Road.

"Li muhao, you should be more specific!" An xuanyang pondered.

See uncle seems to care about this, anyaokong pour is not good in the appearance of indifference, immediately just think of the details are said.

"Li muhao is not only Jian Zhifan's seven disciples, but also a more promising registered disciple. This time, he should be organized by the Bai family and went to wuyunze to pick panlongteng. As for Yingdu, maybe it is the meaning of the Jian family. After all, he has contacted the Luo family, so he can have more contact." An xuanyang guessed.

"So, what will the girl do with it?" An yaokong asked.

"Haha, it's easy to handle. When Lin Ming takes it, he admits that he is a member of the Jian family. After all, our eight families are connected with each other in terms of strength, but no one will let other forces get in too deep." An xuanyang road.

"Uncle is right, but who do you think will attack them?" An yaokong curiously asked.

"There are two possibilities. The first is their own enemies, but this possibility is not too high. Second, and most likely, some people fear the union of the Luo family and the Jian family. Now the Jane family is close to the Bai family and the Peng family. Kunzhou is close to our border, there are not only these three families, but also a major gate." On Yiu Kong Road.

"Do you mean that it may have been the Hunyuan clan?" An yaokong can't believe it.

"If it is the second possibility, the possibility of the Hunyuan clan is the greatest. Of course, in addition to this, there may also be people who have enemies with the Jian family. However, the possibility is too low. Li muhao himself is a registered disciple of Jian Zhifan. To avenge, at least, he has to find a private disciple." An xuanyang road.

"Uncle, what about that little girl?" An yaokong asked.

"That little girl let people take care of it, anyway, when we come to see that Lin Ming's reaction." An xuanyang explained.

"Yes, uncle!" An Yao Kong also nods hard.

The original residence of Yingdu city was arranged by Luo nishang. At that time, Lin Haoming was just a small figure in the place, but now the relationship has completely changed. When Lin Haoming left, the Luo family had arranged another residence for Lin Haoming.

After Lin Haoming came back here, he could only go there.

After arriving here, Lin Haoming learned about the changes of Yingdu city in the past six months. In addition to the noise of Tiange tower, there was no accident, especially in the area of settling down. It seemed that buying crystal map was just a very common thing.

Since the crystal map suddenly appeared, and then it was sold all over the place, it seems that there is no further discussion on this matter. No matter how many companies have obtained the crystal map or who has taken it, there is no result in the end.Fortunately, Lin Haoming didn't have to find it immediately. The first thing was to avoid the pursuit of cangming people.

The next day, Lin Haoming came to Tiange building again. The reconstruction had been completed long ago, and the appearance had changed a lot. In addition to some of her own opinions, Ma Ke also made some changes.

After all, it's a woman, and the woman's mind is more detailed. Some places are really good.

After returning to his residence, Lin Haoming found that Luo nishang had come. He cherished that as the sister who met her most and was also the most intimate person, he entertained her.

After Lin Haoming came back, he left with pity and gave up his position to Lin Haoming.

"I just want to ask you, since you are back, when will Tiange tower open?" Luo nishang seems to be impatient with Lin Haoming.

"Ten days later, I'm going to publicize it again in the next few days." Lin Haoming said with a smile.

"Well, in that case, I won't disturb you, and when are you going to marry Lome?" Luo nishang asked.

"There must be a matchmaker. It seems that it's not right for you to be a matchmaker who hasn't been through the door!" Lin Haoming deliberately said.

"Hum!" Luo nishang heard Lin Haoming's words, glared at him, and no longer spoke directly left.

Seeing Luo nishang leave, Lin Haoming's mouth flashed a trace of fun smile.

"Brother, do you really want to marry an outsider?" As soon as I left, the three sisters appeared.

"Since we want to lurk down, we have to do the same as the real one, and I said in advance that in order to advance, we will not be close to women. I will treat her like you. Of course, you should pay more attention to them." Lin Haoming warned.

"Brother, don't worry, I'm not the same as I used to be, and I won't show any flaws!" Lianlian seems to understand that the most important thing about the person is her. Now she has made a special promise.

When Lin Haoming and others saw it, they couldn't help laughing.

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