Demon Scum

Chapter 3046

At this time, Lin Haoming also kept a close eye on the battle on the south side of the city. The soldiers of the bone clan obviously formed some elite fighters like the death squads. Before the Warcraft broke a gap in the wall, they came up along the wall. Even a group of people directly rode on several kinds of flying Warcraft. With the help of these Warcraft, they had the ability to fly and landed directly on the city head.

Naturally, the garrison at the head of the city also paid special attention to it. At this time, the children of the Luo family also launched a fierce attack and killed the enemies who wanted to seize the city head. The battle on the city head suddenly became extremely tragic. But even so, compared with the other three places, especially in the north, their own pressure is much less, of course, their own hands are much less. The city is said to have gathered the children of nine families, but the power of the nine families in the wasteland city is not balanced.

Because the wasteland city itself is the historian's and Shi Dongming's personal command, the historians are the most powerful, followed by the Anjia and Luojia, followed by the Shajia, Xiangjia and Wenjia. As for the Tang family and the Tian family, although they are much better than the Lin family, they add up to be similar to the Sha family.

Today, in fact, only the Luo family are guarding the south of Lin Haoming. As for the 100000 Lin family, it can be ignored. In the north, there are historians, Wen family and Xiang family. In the west, there are Sha family and Tang family. In the East, there are people from Anjia and Tianjia. If we divide them by strength, the northern side occupies nearly half of the city guarding force, and the East and west sides stand separately Of course, compared with the pressure from the north, we are also relatively small here. On both sides of the road, in addition to dealing with the enemy in our own direction, we sometimes have to deal with the north.

The charge of the bone clan began at noon, and it was Shenshi. It was nearly two hours of fighting. At the head of the city, the city was full of corpses. Luo Jingchuan, as commander of the Luo family, had sent most of the reserve team to the city head. However, it seemed that the bone clan really did not want to die. Even though there were corpses all over the city head, they still didn't mean to retreat.

"No, the troll elephant has broken the gap!" Accompanied by a roar and a certain place, many soldiers cried out in horror.

In fact, Lin Haoming had seen this scene for a long time, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. Because the gap opened by the troll elephant was very small, even the troll elephant itself could not get through it. Of course, even if the gap was small, the skeleton clan's men and horses could kill directly through the gap and had to be prevented.

When a team of people and horses were killed in the direction of the gap, Luo Jingchuan rushed into the tower where Lin Haoming was. At the moment, he did not have the so-called etiquette before, and said directly to Lin Haoming: "elder Lin, I have sent the last reserve team to block the gap. Now only the guards of Luo family are left. Although the strength is good, the number is only 8000, such as If it goes down, I'm afraid... "

"I'm afraid it won't hold up? You mean, the Lin family is going up, right? " Lin Haoming was calm.

"Yes, ten thousand people will be reserved to continue to be in charge of contact, and the rest will ask elder Lin to allocate three teams for me to use!" Jingluochuan said directly.

"Luomei, you left 10000 people to continue to be responsible for the message, the rest, to Jingchuan." Lin Haoming listened and ordered without hesitation.

"Thank you very much, elder Lin!" Luo Jingchuan was relieved to hear that Lin Haoming didn't protect his own people. But even so, 90000 people, most of them still have no experience of fighting. I'm afraid it's just an emergency.

After thinking about it, Luo Jingchuan once again asked Lin Haoming: "elder Lin, we have too few people in the south city. Can you ask for some people from the North City? Although we have a large number of Luo family children, we are only dealing with them alone."

But Lin Haoming shook his head and said, "I'm afraid we can't. There are already several gaps in the north city. The main attack of the bone clan is there. The people on both sides of the East and the West are taking care of them. It's already considered that if we don't take out the people from us..."

When Lin Haoming was talking about this, a figure suddenly flew out to the outside. Then he said in a loud voice: "the commander has orders. The old tune of Lin is to gather some people to help the north city. It's urgent."

"We can't keep watch on our side. Where are the extra hands?" Luo Jingchuan listened and was furious.

But Lin Haoming waved his hand to calm him down and said, "luomei, you can immediately mobilize 80000 people of the Lin family to support the commander-in-chief of the north city."

"Yes, but..."

"Elder Lin, you just

Hearing Lin Haoming's words, both luomei and luojingchuan hesitated.

Lin Haoming waved his hand again, and without waiting for them to finish, he interrupted: "luomei, follow me to the head of the city, we personally intercept the bone clan."

Hearing this, Luo Jingchuan also had nothing to say. He could only watch the messenger, and soon after, took the man he wanted to the north city.

At this time, it was the third quarter of Shenshi time, and the sun was gradually falling. Lin Haoming knew that Shi Dongming must have a second hand. In such a difficult situation, he still did not move. It can be seen that he was waiting for the opportunity.

"Boom!" Under the continuous attack of the bone clan, the damaged city wall finally has a bigger gap. A troll elephant has squeezed its head in and intends to force it in directly.Facing the huge body of the troll, the surrounding Luojia people and horses have been scared, and some even have the idea of escaping.

However, at this time, a white escape light flashed, and then saw a man suspended on the top of the troll elephant, and then heard a thunderbolt. The two giant eyes of the troll elephant exploded.

The person who made the move was Lin Haoming. When he saw the elder's hand on his side, his morale suddenly rose again.

Under the agony of the destroyed Troll elephant, even the Beast Master could not control it smoothly. He went crazy at the gap. Not only the people of the Terran, but also the people of the bone clan who wanted to rush in were trampled to death.

However, to our surprise, the troll elephant became more and more dead with his madness. Although he kept trampling, his body could not move. As a result, it was just a living target. Lin Haoming had no reason to let go of it. Accompanied by another more earth shaking thunderbolt, the troll's head exploded and fell down like this The elephant's huge body died in the gap of the city wall, which had already formed a big gap, but it was basically blocked up.

However, before giving the Terran or Lin Haoming a sigh of relief, Lin Haoming's face changed and disappeared above the troll elephant. After he dodged, a thin man appeared in the place where Lin Haoming was before.

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