Demon Scum

Chapter 3193

Besides his housekeeper, Tang Yi, who is also a first-class wizard, menhuang also has Monroe, the son of a second-class wizard, and Lugo, a disciple of the second-class wizard.

Lin Haoming always used the understanding formula as the reason, and did not communicate with other people. However, after entering the silent mountain, Lin Haoming had to get out of the carriage.

Because here, even if the horses with certain Warcraft bloodlines enter, they will become weak and weak, and finally die slowly. Only the official wizard can use his mental power to create an isolated shield around his body, which can resist the invasion of death particles.

You can't absorb magic particles here, so all magic supplements need to rely on potions or magic stones. Potions are too precious, so magic stones are the most important.

After entering the silent mountain, almost everyone has been holding the magic stone to supplement the consumption of magic power. This is what all people who enter here will do.

Several regions of wizard mainland are relatively closed. One of the main reasons is that it takes too much magic power to pass through these dead places. Even if the official wizard does not have an accident, it will cost thousands of magic stones. If there is no need, the general wizard will not do such a thing.

After entering the silent mountain, the housekeeper Tang Yi led the way, but now it has become menhuang who leads the way.

The Lord of gale City, who has already been regarded as the top of level three wizard, has become very careful at the moment. He will calculate his position every time he goes out of a certain distance.

Lin Haoming just followed the crowd. At first, he could walk about 40 or 50 Li a day, but later, he only walked 20 or 30 Li a day. He didn't know when he would arrive. Even after half a month, menhuang began to take the people around the mountains and measure the moon every night, but there was no result, This makes Lin Haoming some doubt whether the door shortage is not to find a place.

However, when Lin Haoming was about to lose patience, menhuang finally determined the specific position on a moonlit night.

At this time, Lin Haoming realized that the original location had to be determined by the specific time and the angle of the moonlight. Moreover, for the once visited gate wasteland, such means were needed for the second visit. It can be seen that the location is not fixed, but constantly changing, which further illustrates the complexity of the relic.

After confirming the entry position, menhuang immediately took people to the determined position.

The location is determined by calculation. Opening the entrance is through a piece of crystal stone. The door gap inspires the magic power of the crystal stone in the calculated place. Then, it looks like a piece of grass. Actually, a downward passage is split, and there are magic stones inlaid in the passageway.

When entering this passage, the originally silent mountain filled with the breath of death disappeared, but can feel the strong magic power.

Lin Haoming followed menhuang and soon came to a huge grotto. Many stone houses built on the stone walls can be seen in the grottoes. Although there are traces of history, it can be seen at a glance that it should be the place where many people live and trade.

Lin Haoming compared with the dead Dragon Valley, this is probably equivalent to the square street of the dead Dragon Valley. Was it the nest of some forces in ancient times?

Not only did Lin Haoming think so, but also Monroe and Lugo subconsciously wanted to enter the two stone houses, but soon failed.

"Don't look for it. When I came here, people had already discovered it, or the people who had been here came back and took everything they could take away. The only thing of value was a day's fruit." When the two children came back, menhuang said with a bitter smile.

Hearing this, Lin Haoming felt that it was very possible that this place was obviously not simple. A third level wizard could easily come in. It seemed like what he said.

Next, he continued to follow menhuang, and it was empty all the way. Although we can see that there should have been a force no lower than that of the dead Dragon Valley, it has been empty for a long time.

Lin Haoming even suspects that in these tens of thousands of years, the people who have entered here are definitely not one or two groups.

Follow menhuang into a corridor, and soon came to a very beautiful place. The place is paved with unknown crystal stones. Above the crystal stones is clear water. The moonlight shines through the water and the ceiling of the crystal.

In the middle of the whole grottoes, there is only one tree no more than one person tall. The branches and leaves of the trees are green. Among the green branches and leaves, yellow fruits can be seen. The fruits are not the size of fists, but they are very round. It seems that each of them is hung on the branches after careful calculation.

"There are twelve fruits a day. This fruit tree is over 30000 years old! "Lin Haoming walked over and looked at it carefully.

"Master Dian is right. One day, fruit trees can produce at most 12 fruits, and such fruit trees are more than 30000 years old. Even if they fail several times, I believe master Dian can refine the medicine I need, right?" Menhuang asked with a smile.

"That's true, but the fruit is obviously not ripe yet. I'm afraid it will take at least ten days and a half months." According to Lin Haoming's own judgment."It doesn't take so long, just a few days, but it's enough. Monroe, help the master set up the laboratory, and after picking the fruit, ask the master to arrange it immediately!" Menhuang said at this time.

"I see the stone house nearby. It's more suitable there. Besides, since there are twelve fruits in the fruit tree on this day, I wonder if the Lord of the city can give me one of them if there is any extra medicine?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Ha ha, master Dian, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. In addition to my need, my sons and disciples also need it. Of course, if master Dian can refine four potions, it's not impossible to discuss it!" Door Huang laughs.

"Four, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. I've studied it all the way, and it's estimated that the success rate is about 20% at most. There may be some guarantee for refining two, and there is hope for three. It depends on luck for four!" Lin Haoming's face is not.

"I can't help it. Besides, we have signed a contract in advance, haven't we?" Menhuang asked with a smile.

"Indeed, in that case, I will act in accordance with the contract." Lin Haoming promised.

Monroe and Lugo quickly helped Lin Haoming set up the laboratory, and Lin Haoming asked people to go out. He had to prepare some potions.

These are all things that should be done, so we all try to cooperate. Only when Lin Haoming is left in the stone house, there is a trace of coldness in Lin Haoming's eyes.

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