Demon Scum

Chapter 3201

Lin Haoming almost wiped out the seven men just by turning his hands.

After killing, the things on these seven people naturally came to Lin Haoming's hands, including the five level magic core.

Lin Haoming took out the level five magic core and observed it carefully. He could feel the chill in his hand. It was obviously from some kind of cold Warcraft. However, although the core was level five, it seemed that the magic contained in the core was not much more than that in his fourth level magic core. It seems that before killing the Warcraft and taking out the core, most of the level five Warcraft had been released Divide the magic in the core.

Although it was not as good as expected, Lin Haoming was already lucky. After collecting all the things, he took out the small bottle from which Tu Wu's soul was extracted and opened it directly.

After the soul was put into the bottle, he fell into a coma. So when Tu Wu's soul was released, he obviously did not know what had happened. Instead, he looked at Lin Haoming in horror and asked, "who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I saved you, at least your soul! Of course, if you want me to save it! " Lin Haoming didn't know Tu Wu at all and didn't know whether he was a good man or not, so he would not give him a good face.

"How long have I been locked up?" Tu Wu asked.

"Not long ago, you are very lucky. I'm a wizard who has just arrived in the middle of the country. I happen to see level 5 core, so you are very lucky!" Lin Haoming revealed a little bit of history, so that the other side can tell what they want to know.

"Is that so?" Tu Wu obviously didn't believe it, but he couldn't prove it.

Lin Haoming didn't care how much he believed. At this time, he directly asked, "I just came to the middle of the mainland, so I want to know something. It's better to find a place where I can stand. You are a third level wizard. You should know something. As long as you can satisfy me, I can let your soul reincarnate!"

"That's all you need, sir!" Tu Wu obviously didn't believe it.

Lin Haoming sneered: "you look like this, I need to cheat you, and still in this kind of boring thing?"

"What level of wizard are you?" Tu Wu asked.

"It's about you?" Lin Haoming deliberately showed some impatience.

"No, of course not. I just want to know your strength. After all, different strengths need different environments." Tu Wu seems to be frightened by Lin Haoming's attitude and changes his mouth immediately.

"My level is higher than that in front of you, otherwise, how can I save you?" Lin Haoming didn't disclose too much, but it was enough for the other party to know.

"You are indeed a level 4 wizard. In this case, if you want to stay in the central part of the country, the best place is to go to the wizard League. As long as you have not committed extremely serious things in other regions, you can join. Of course, only the star wizard above level 4 has the qualification!" Tu Wudao.

"Wizarding League?" Before Lin Haoming was in the eastern part of the wizarding continent, he didn't know much about the situation in the central part. Although he also knew that he could find out if he really inquired, he was not very clear about some forces in the East, let alone the wizard alliance in the central part.

"Have you not heard of the sorcerers' League?" Tu Wu was also surprised by Lin Haoming's performance.

"What's so unexpected? Well, tell me some specific things. As long as I judge that there is no problem, then I will let you go to reincarnation." Lin Haoming promised.

"Good!" It's just such a request that Tu Wu can't fail to follow Lin Haoming's advice.

When night was about to fall, Lin Haoming had left the silent mountains, but it was nearly midnight that he entered the town and stayed in a hotel that was about to close.

The next morning, Lin Haoming hired a carriage, left the town and headed for a big city nearby.

More than ten days later, Lin Haoming boarded an airship, which only carries wizards. In fact, the airship can only be purchased with magic stone. For ordinary people, the price of magic stone is not affordable for them. Naturally, it is impossible to appear here unless he is the servant of the wizard.

This is an airship going to and from the central part of the wizarding mainland. The target is the headquarters and city of the wizard alliance Lin Haoming intends to go to.

The sorcerer alliance is not a strict force, like its name, more like an alliance.

The whole sorcerer alliance is managed by a Presbyterian. If you want to enter the Presbyterian, you have to be a level 4 star wizard or above.

The sorcerer alliance is very powerful. As long as you join this force, if you are a star wizard, you will generally get a territory. Of course, the premise is that you will not bring harm to the alliance. In addition, you must provide help to the alliance, such as a large number of magic stones, some treasures needed by the alliance, or some useful research results. If you are not willing to provide anything The rising sun alliance needs to protect the sorcerer for the sake of you.Generally speaking, the wizard alliance is relatively free and powerful, and it is the favorite place for many witches who yearn for freedom and have dependence.

After a few days of airship, Lin Haoming alone in the room more boring, so went to the restaurant to eat something.

All the tables in the restaurant of the airship are close to the windows on both sides, and there are some places for music and performance in the middle. In this way, the dining guests can enjoy the performance and the scenery directly outside the window. At the moment, the airship is flying over a high mountain area, and the high mountains are covered with snow, which is quite beautiful.

What Lin Haoming ordered was a dish made of the flesh and blood of a four level Warcraft. It was only a small piece of meat on a huge Warcraft of more than ten feet long, but it required 200 magic stones, which was not cheap.

In fact, Lin Haoming also thinks that the other party is very good at business, because in the eastern region, there are at most twenty or thirty thousand magic stones for the flesh and blood of level Four Warcraft, and such meat pieces can be cut off, not to mention 100 yuan, 1000 yuan, but the cooking taste is really good. After eating one plate, Lin Haoming asked for another.

Just after Lin Haoming had finished the delicious meal and was going to go back to his room, a few people happened to come when he walked out of the restaurant.

Originally, he just passed by, but when Lin Haoming's eyes swept a man's waist, he suddenly stopped. Then he immediately turned around and looked at the things around his waist. After making sure that he had made no mistake, he immediately called out, "stop!"

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