Demon Scum

Chapter 3252

Lin Haoming didn't really want to fight. There would be such a big gap between level 7 and level 6. They didn't have a trace of resistance under their own space rules.

Lin Haoming now thinks of the existence of heaven and harmony, and why those who can use the law are superior. Maybe the two are in common.

"Well, I promise you that you will be my servants in the future, and I will forgive your sins." Lin Haoming didn't mean to kill them. After all, the other party was also a smart race. Since he was willing to serve sincerely, Lin Haoming didn't want to be a butcher. Besides, killing them was not very useful except to extract souls. As for the soul, he had a lot of means to get.

"Thank you for your kindness When ye Ying heard Lin Haoming's promise, he knelt down on his own initiative. When the other people saw the empress, they all knelt down in front of Lin Haoming to be loyal to the master.

If Chi Rui and others see this scene, they will be absolutely shocked, because the abyss devil has fought with them for many years. As a result, because of the appearance of Lin Haoming, they are convinced directly.

After accepting their sincerity, Lin Haoming directly asked them to take themselves to the depths of the abyss immediately.

Night shadow does not dare to have the slightest resistance to this request, and immediately takes the initiative to lead the way.

Lin Haoming refused the mount provided by them and continued to sit on the puppet stone statue.

In the middle of the way, some of the abyss demons gradually dispersed, but the night shadow was still not far from Lin Haoming, and did not dare to be careless.

After walking for more than ten days, Lin Haoming found that the angle of the ground tilt is getting bigger and bigger. Almost every hundred miles, it will go down a thousand feet or so, and the speed is still accelerating.

Finally, another day later, the so-called abyss finally appeared. However, in Lin Haoming's opinion, the abyss was the explosion center after a huge explosion. In the pit of the explosion center, a tree, a towering tree with a height of thousands of feet, grew out of the pit.

Here, night shadow finally stopped.

Under the tree, Lin Haoming looked at the giant tree with a look of sudden enlightenment in his eyes. Then he asked, "this is the deepest part of the abyss and the secret of your family?"

"Master, there is nothing wrong with what you said. This is the place left by a certain witch God in ancient times after his self explosion. It can even be said that the whole abyss area is the place affected by his self explosion. After the death of this ancient god, a heart is left behind, and the heart turns into this lesson. Our abyss family is born on her." Night shadow said to jump to a hundred feet high on a branch, and finally went to a hanging fruit there, holding the fruit.

"Are you the abyss in this fruit?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Yes, we abyss can only rely on mother trees for reproduction. Although we are male and female on the surface, there is no way to combine them. In fact, we are asexual, but we have different appearance features." Night shadow bitter road.

"In case the mother tree is destroyed, you will be no more?" Lin Haoming asked, looking at the thousands of fruits on the tree.

"Master, you are right, so this is the secret of our family, so we will try our best to prevent you from coming." Night shadow tells the reason why it is no longer a secret.

"It's hard to imagine that a heart can sustain a race!" Lin Haoming stroked the mother tree of the abyss family and sighed in his heart.

Lin Haoming can be sure that the wizard who blew himself up at the beginning could not have only level 7, but level 8 really has this ability? Lin Haoming thinks about swallowing the final show of strength. Lin Haoming feels that maybe the top eight level witches really have this ability. If it's a level nine true God, why he wants to blow himself up is a bit hard to explain.

Of course, now that time has passed, Lin Haoming asked himself that he had no way to explore the truth, but he thought of swallowing. He guessed that if he was really a level 8 wizard, he would have been trying to break through level 9, so he could not keep absorbing capacity, and he could not reach the goal of upgrading his level through absolute strength.

Lin Haoming only had this idea at the beginning, but he soon felt that it was a very possible thing. It was just how desperate he was to choose such an extreme method, which made Lin Haoming somewhat unable to understand.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Haoming felt that it was unnecessary to speculate like this again, so he began to study the mother tree of the abyss.

Lin Haoming touched the mother tree and found that although the rough bark was thick, he felt a strong rebound when his mental strength penetrated through the bark. It seemed that there was an energy to guard the mother tree.

Lin Haoming directly broke off the bark of the mother tree, and then grabbed it with one hand. Finally, Lin Haoming found that the mother tree was not pouring resin, but blood.

"Is this mother tree a tree or something?" Lin Haoming asked, looking at the night shadow jumping down.

"We don't know about the mother tree. We call it just because it looks like a tree. In fact, we all know that the mother tree is alive. I mean the real living thing. She is just like our mother." Night shadow thought and said."That's a little bit of fun!" Lin Haoming thought about it and took part of the blood from the mother tree and other parts.

"Find a place for me, I'll study it!" Lin Haoming directly ordered.

Night shadow did not dare to disobey Lin Haoming's orders, and soon took Lin Haoming to a hut not far from the mother tree.

It is said that the cottage is just for night shadow. For Lin Haoming, it is still a very tall house, and Lin Haoming can see that this should be the place for night shadow to rest.

Lin Haoming himself cleared a room for his own research, and then released a puppet stone statue as a guard.

Although Lin Haoming believed that these so-called abyss clans did not dare to do anything to themselves even if they did not release their puppet statues, they could at least be in case.

After more than ten days of research, Lin Haoming found that the mother tree is really alive, and it is flesh and blood. However, Lin Haoming is not sure whether he has the will. However, such a huge creature can still breed a family of abyss that can reach level 6. Lin Haoming has to say that the mother tree is powerful.

Lin Haoming soon went to the mother tree again and explored it with mental strength. However, this time, he still found that the core of the mother tree was wrapped by a powerful force. However, he could not penetrate the core of the mother tree with his own powerful mental power. Instead, he was bounced out again.

Lin Haoming suddenly had an impulse to see what the core of the mother tree was. But he was afraid that it would destroy the mother tree, so he finally gave up.

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