Demon Scum

Chapter 3255

"Black bone, what's the matter with me?" Lin Haoming looked at black bone's enthusiastic laughter, and he still asked in a blank voice.

"In fact, I'm not looking for you alone, but I'm looking for you with enchanting. I heard that you've made a great breakthrough in the study of transmission array!" "How do you know that?" black bone said with a smile Lin Haoming was a little surprised.

"It's phagocytosis who told us that he sensed the special spatial fluctuation. We couldn't see him clearly and didn't know what he was doing. Maybe he really wanted to be a real God. This time we went to him because it was good, but he refused. It seemed that he didn't want to pay attention to us!" Black bone explained in a series of ways.

Lin Haoming is to understand that the strength reached that point, the external factors may have no meaning, to find their own way to break through is the most important.

"Well, my friend, you are a little more interesting than black tail. I don't recognize her race. Did you find a plane sneaking in?" After black bone, his eyes fell on the night shadow, as if he were curious.

"I didn't find any planes. This is night shadow. It's my personal follower. I've followed me for a long time, but I couldn't bring it here before. You're right. I really made a great breakthrough in the transmission array. All creatures above level 4 can be transferred to the ectopic plane!" Lin Haoming said.

"That's great. We're looking for you because of this. Enchanting and I have found several planes with rich resources. It's a pity that we were the only one who could go over and grab the things we got at one time. Compared with the energy consumed by the transmission array, there was no profit. So we were greedy for many aspects. Your breakthrough can give us It's too good. " Black bone is very happy.

"No, I want to inform enchanting immediately, black tail, you go to enchanting palace!" Black bone canal.

"Let's go together. You are full of bones and enchanting. There are at least some good things to enjoy." Lin Haoming stops.

Black bone listened, some embarrassed smile, after all, his own people are bones.

Night shadow follows Lin Haoming to leave. After seeing the black bone, she completely breaks her understanding of the so-called God. She can't imagine that such a monster is also a God. As expected, she can't understand the realm of God.

"What strong vitality, Lin Haoming, your body is very special!" Enchanting to see Lin Haoming after, it is to focus on the night shadow body.

"If you know it's my own, don't make up your mind. I haven't asked you to take my servant's body as your hatching nest." Lin Haoming deliberately reminded.

"Lin Haoming, that's what people don't know. Don't be angry!" Enchanting listen to, immediately toward Lin Haoming coquettish up, also from time to time toward him.

Lin Haoming naturally ignored all this, enchanting see this also did not care, immediately let people send food to entertain two people.

At the dinner table, the three men immediately discussed which plane to attack and how to divide the interests when they occupied.

Because Lin Haoming had the means to transmit the array, the three people finally decided that no matter what, the three people in all places would be equally distributed, and the three people would form an eternal alliance and never betray each other.

Although this oath sounds like a little weak, but as long as the strength of the three people is still maintained in the same situation, it is able to maintain for a long time.

In fact, the three people did not pay attention to the number of the oath, and soon put the core on the attack plane, and enchanting and black bone obviously showed a very urgent appearance.

Lin Haoming saw that their acquaintance had been held back for several months and did not meet a woman's lecherous, and now he can finally open meat.

After discussing for a while, the three decided to invade a place called the tower plane in a month.

A month later, it was still the original enchanting transmission array to the volcanic plane, but this time, the transmission array was completely transformed by Lin Haoming.

Enchanting and black bone also studied together, but only after a while, two people knew that without Lin Haoming's understanding of the space rules, even if they knew the situation roughly, they could not arrange them. So they could only rely on Lin Haoming to complete the plane occupation.

Lin Haoming arranges the transmission array, actually also spent a full month's time, and so on after the arrangement, the black bone and enchanting are inexpressibly excited.

Lin Haoming also went back to explain Ning Jun, and then planned to go with two people.

When Lin Haoming returns to the transmission array, Lin Haoming finds that although there are still two people, there are a lot of other breath on them. It is obvious that these two guys have brought some things with them.

Lin Haoming also did not have many tubes, then started the transmission array, not long after, a powerful force of space shrouded in a few people's bodies.

When the power of space disappeared, looking at the vast sky and endless fields outside, black bone couldn't help laughing: "yes, it's really successful. It's really the plane of the iron tower. After that, this is our place."

"Don't laugh. Let's take the nearest tower city first, and then gradually occupy this plane." Enchanting proposal way."No problem. Come and sit on my bone dragon." Black bone said, his hands toward the sky a grab, then suddenly from his body out of a huge bone dragon.

Lin Haoming looked at it. The bone dragon was bigger than the one in her skull castle. The black bone was not so simple.

Lin Haoming and enchanting naturally did not refuse. They immediately jumped onto the bone dragon, and then the bone dragon went in a certain direction under the command of black bone.

In fact, in the corridor less than half an hour, there are people here found flying in the sky bone dragon, these people are also very frightened, bone dragon terrible.

Lin Haoming sat on the back of the bone dragon and looked at the people below. Most of them were similar to ordinary people, but their skin color was a little dark, but it was not particularly dark. It was more like brown.

These people don't ride horses. They ride something similar to a bicycle.

Looking at this plane, Lin Haoming has a vague feeling of returning to the previous scientific and technological society. Of course, the science and technology here is much more backward than that in the previous life.

As Gu Long continued to fly, Lin Haoming saw more and more people, and also saw many houses. But after an hour, he finally saw the real city here.

It is a city with a huge iron tower as its center. The city is not very large, but it is not small. There is no obvious wall around it. It seems that the scope of the city is determined by taking the tower as the center. When Lin Haoming saw the tower clearly, the city had already gathered troops to prepare for the sudden appearance of the other party's bones Dragon.

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