Demon Scum

Chapter 3350

"Black market?" Lin Haoming thought about it and thought it was normal that there was a black market.

"Yes, the black market. The price is 20% higher than that of the outside world. However, only Xuan beasts with the rank above xuanwang are charged, while those of low-level are not accepted except for some species!" Ran Qianqiu road.

"I see. It seems that some people need high-level Xuan beasts, and then they can sell them to those who need them." Lin Haoming understood immediately.

"Brother Lin is very smart. If you ask for it from the palace, let's not say if you can have it. Even if you have it, the price is very high. After all, what we sell will never be ordinary goods." Ran Qianqiu road.

"Lord ran, you can reveal who is the supporter. After all, this is not a small matter." Lin Haoming asked carefully.

"I don't know, but I can tell you that we are just a small branch point of Wulian Island branch. Some people are doing it on Huangye Island branch. Although I don't know who is supporting it, it must be a big man!" Ran Qianqiu promised.

Lin Haoming also believes in ran Qianqiu's words, after all, there can not be such a black market without big names. "So what do we do?" Lin Haoming asked.

"To maintain order, there has always been a thought that xuanhuang was in charge. However, xuanhuang was just sitting in the seat and would not easily take action. Usually, there are several law enforcement envoys to maintain order. This place is very close to our Chichi island. Don't you think your task of guarding giant chicory grass is too simple and easy?" Ran Qianqiu asked with a smile.

"Don't you..."

"You're right to guess. You can come here if you spare a lot of time. If you work here for half a year, you can get a thousand xuanjing!" Ran Qianqiu said directly.

At this time, two people have arrived on the island. Lin Haoming soon finds a vacant land on the beach on one side of the island. There is a place like a village in the open space. There are some boats near the beach.

Although the island is relatively remote, it is not easy to trade here with such unscrupulous means, which also confirms ran Qianqiu's idea.

Ran Qianqiu soon brought Lin Haoming to the village, which was actually a trading ground.

Therefore, the nearest trading place in the outer part of the Yellow Sea is the fire beast in the Yellow Sea.

Ran Qianqiu directly took Lin Haoming to a house far away from the beach in this village.

"Ran main hall!" In the house is an old man with gray hair, but full of spirit and long breath. Lin Haoming speculates that he should be a Xuan emperor, but a low xuanhuang. Otherwise, he would not be so polite to ran Qianqiu.

"Mr. Bai, you're welcome. This is Lin Haoming, the vice leader of Jucai hall. He will be the law enforcement envoy here in the future." Ran Qianqiu road.

"Lin Haoming, are you the one who was born in Yuzhou island?" Asked the old man.

"There's nothing wrong with what old Bai said!" Lin Haoming admitted that he was a little surprised. Many people knew his identity.

"If you come out of a desolate place like Yuzhou Island, you can still achieve the cultivation of the king of jiuxuan. The master of the forest hall will surely achieve great achievements in the future." Bai did not look down on Lin Haoming because of his identity.

"I'm flattered by old Bai!" Lin Haoming also said modestly.

Bai then took out a voice crystal and said a few words. After a while, a middle-aged man and a beautiful woman in her thirties came in.

Lin Haoming's eyes swept over two people. Both of them were xuanwang Xiuwei, a middle-aged man of six Xuan and a beautiful woman of seven Xuan.

At this time, Bai introduced to Lin Haoming: "this is situ ran, and this is Wei Lan. They are the main responsible people here. They deal with ordinary business. This is Lin's law enforcement envoy. If you have any problems in the future, you can go to him directly."

"Brother Lin, you only need to be here for half a year, and there will be other law enforcement envoys in the other half of the year." Ran Qianqiu said with a smile.

"Good, no problem!" Lin Haoming agreed.

"OK, Bai Lao, let's go and have a drink on your mountain!" Ran Qianqiu said with a smile.

"I know you miss my old man's wine!" Bai Lao was helpless, but he left.

Ran Qianqiu motioned Lin Haoming to follow him, and Lin Haoming followed him.

Bai Lao is the Xuan emperor who often lives here. He is quite peaceful. Although he eats wine, he also gives Lin Haoming some experience in working here.

In fact, there are no specific things. The main thing is to have a jurisdiction over the case. After all, there are often some contradictions in the black market. Besides Si Tu ran and Wei Lan, a person who seems more impartial is needed to rule. As for those who are really in danger, Bai Lao will also take action.

After Lin Haoming knew his duty, he thought it was not difficult.

After eating the food and wine, ran Qianqiu left, and Lin Haoming returned to the room where old Bai lived before. Since then, this is his temporary residence.

Seeing Lin Haoming coming, situ ran came again with his wife, who was one level higher than himself. He also sent two beautiful maids, but Lin Haoming refused.Two people see this pour also have nothing flustered, left 100 Xuan Jing as meeting gift.

Lin Haoming didn't show any politeness when he saw this. He took xuanjing. The couple were relieved. However, Lin Haoming told them that he would not be partial in principle.

Hearing Lin Haoming say the bottom line directly, the couple nodded and left satisfied.

Next, Lin Haoming was in the black market. In fact, there was not much to do. The black market bought Xuan beasts. Some of them were slaughtered here after receiving them. Some needed to live. Then they needed to raise them more carefully, and then wait for special ships to come and then transfer them.

Lin Haoming also found that the people who can enter the black market are not weak in their accomplishments. In addition, Lin Haoming also found that several waves of people seem to be secondary dealers who specialize in black market business. However, the black market only collects things, regardless of how the other party gets it.

Lin Haoming of course will not pay attention to, only because the price can not agree, make the sword, Lin Haoming this will come forward.

There are not many such things, and they won't be more than ten times a month. Sometimes, they don't bother themselves for ten days and eight days, which makes Lin Haoming quite satisfied.

Seeing that the half year deadline was coming, Lin Haoming planned to take over his own people, so he said goodbye to Mr. Bai. However, when he was thinking about it for a few days, he heard a loud noise from the trading ground. It was obvious that someone had started the business directly on the trading floor.

So dynamic, Lin Haoming naturally can not still sit still, immediately went out, as a result, to the side of the exchange, immediately felt a strong breath. Xuanhuang master is a xuanhuang troublemaker here, which makes Lin Haoming feel some trouble.

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