Demon Scum

Chapter 3475

Su was a little surprised by Lin Haoming's body method. Seeing that Lin Haoming had arrived, he suddenly opened his mouth and spewed out a foul smell of black gas.

But Lin Haoming didn't care about the black air at all. He directly penetrated the black air with one hand and directly grasped Su Lao's neck.

Su Lao wanted to avoid, but he found that the speed of the other party was so fast that he didn't have time to feel a pain in his neck, and then the whole person was picked up.

Su Lao looked at Lin Haoming with some disbelief that he could easily control himself. The skillful means and the ease with which he reached out were not what xuanhuang could do at all.

"You are not xuanhuang, you are not xuanhuang at all!" Su Lao definitely cried, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Do you think I should just kill you and be done with it?" Lin Haoming is cold.

"I can keep your secret, and don't you want to know where your relatives are?" Su Lao cried eagerly.

"You know?" When Lin Haoming heard this, his strength in his hand was a little loose.

"I do know. It is because I know that I misunderstand that your excellency may have been sent to deal with me on purpose." Su Lao explained eagerly.

"Why don't you misunderstand now?" Lin Haoming asked sarcastically.

At this time, Su Lao thought bitterly: "your strength, where do you need to use these means to deal with me, don't tease me!"

"Tell me where they are first Lin Haoming asked.

"This In fact, I have met one of them, and the other two have not! " Said Su.

"Which one?" Lin Haoming asked.

"It's the woman who looks very cold!" Said Su.

"When and where did you see it?" Lin Haoming continued to ask.

"This This... " Su Lao hesitated under Lin Haoming's questioning.

Seeing this emotion, Lin Haoming's face sank: "you'd better not show off your cleverness in front of me and make up any lies. Otherwise, don't blame me for my impoliteness. If you are still hesitant, I will kill your little snake first."

Hearing Lin Haoming's threat, Su Laolian said, "no, I'm not going to make up anything, but some things have something to do with my son and daughter-in-law."

"About your son-in-law?" When Lin Haoming heard this, he was surprised.

"Can you let me go first and let me take my Xuan beast. By your means, I'm definitely not your opponent. I'm not so stupid. I know I'm wrong and I'll continue to be wrong!" Su Lao pleaded.

Lin Haoming was not afraid of what he did. He nodded and let go of his hand.

Seeing Lin Haoming let go, old Su was relieved, and soon put the python away, so as not to be destroyed by Lin Haoming.

After finishing this, Su's fear was relieved. Looking at Lin Haoming, who was sitting on the stump, he sat on the stump not far away. Under the gaze of Lin Haoming's eyes, he said, "this thing should start with my son and daughter-in-law."

"Come on, if I find something wrong, don't blame me. Of course, if you don't lie, I can't spare your life, as long as you promise not to tell me anything about me." Lin Haoming threatened and lured him.

"No, what I said is true!" Su shook his hand and emphasized it again.

"This incident starts more than 300 years ago. At that time, my son accidentally rescued a woman named Lu Xue from the sea. After she was rescued, we found that she seemed to have lost her memory, and we didn't know how it was caused. However, we realized from the woman's dress and her own accomplishments that the woman named LV Xue should have been born Single. "

"She's lost her memory. How do you know her name?" Lin Haoming asked.

Su Lao immediately replied, "her name is known from a jade pendant that she carries with her. In fact, we are not sure. But since she has such a name, she will be called LV Xue. Later, we know that there is nothing wrong with it."

For Su's quick reply, Lin Haoming felt that his words didn't seem to be lying. Moreover, Lin Haoming should be able to inquire about this kind of thing, and he didn't say anything more.

Su continued: "my son and she have been getting along for a long time, and the two gradually have mutual feelings. Lu Xue doesn't know where his family is, so she just takes us as a dependence. After getting along for a period of time, she finally married my son and soon became pregnant with yun'er! After yun'er was born, we found that the girl's aptitude was extremely good. Naturally, she was very happy. At that time, it could be said that the whole family was happy together. "

Lin Haoming saw that when Su Lao talked about this, he really had a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

After a short silence, he sighed: "because yun'er has a good aptitude and I'm a famous person in Huanglong Kingdom, I tried my best to create better cultivation conditions for her. At that time, I failed to attack Xuansheng several times, and I didn't want to continue. However, my son's aptitude was not as good as mine, and he could be advanced and become a high-level person in the future Xuanhuang was already very good, so the family put all their hopes on yun'er. Yun'er soon became one of the most outstanding people in Huanglong island. When yun'er was promoted to xuanhuang and the whole family was still in happiness, suddenly a woman who claimed to be a candidate saint of moon worship came to the island and said that my daughter-in-law was her daughter-in-law and wanted to take them away by force, but the son was not Yes, but the other party's one move will kill him. I know I'm far from the opponent. I can only watch my daughter-in-law be captured in this way. When yun'er comes back, I'll be the only one left to guard her father's tombstone. ""You've been talking for a long time. Where are my relatives?" Lin Haoming did not have much sympathy for Su Lao's exclamation at this time, but continued to ask.

Su Lao sighed: "the candidate saint of moon worship didn't come alone. He was accompanied by several women, one of whom was the one on the portrait. I don't know her name. I just stood behind the candidate saint. The whole person looked cold, so I remembered it."

"You said the woman was following the candidate virgin?" Hearing this, Lin Haoming couldn't help thinking.

"Absolutely true!" Su assured again.

Lin Haoming had some ups and downs in his heart. When he was at sea, there were two Xuanshen fighting. At that time, many powerful flying boats were searching at sea. He was rescued by the emperor's palace, and the three of them were not impossible to be rescued by the worship of the moon.

"Do you know the name of the candidate saint?" Lin Haoming asked.

"This I don't know. That man's original cultivation is not below your Majesty's! " Old Su sighed bitterly.

Seeing him say so, Lin Haoming knows that although there are clues, there are only so many clues.

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