Demon Scum

Chapter 3502

Lin Haoming's current identity is the appraiser just recruited by Hu Zhan. In addition to transporting moon pyroxene, Hu Zhan's flying boat naturally brought many other materials. Of course, he also bought some special products here for resale.

Hu Zhan had the six Xuanxuan saints' cultivation, which was very powerful in Donghai kingdom. However, after the worship of the moon, the only one who boarded the boat was a xuanhuang of jiuxuan. However, Hu Zhan praised him very much.

Lin Haoming naturally won't show up in public, so he doesn't need to deal with these, just stay in their room with Su Yun.

Maybe it's the relationship between worship of the moon, Su Yun doesn't talk much, and everyone can see the worry on her face. Lin Haoming can only comfort her many times.

Lin Haoming doesn't know. In Su Yun's heart, she is not only looking for her mother, but also cheating Lin Haoming. She is worried about losing her brother.

These days, she is always taken care of. In the past, although her grandfather took care of her, she still had family ties. But now she doesn't know why. She is afraid to lose the feeling of being taken care of, but at this time she can only bear it.

It will take about a month to fly from the east to worship the moon and then to mount saint. Hu has been here many times, so the road is very smooth. A month later, the boat arrived at the periphery of the mountain.

Hu Zhan sent someone to inform Lin Haoming that Su Yun would get off the boat. When they got out of the boat, Lin Haoming saw the sacred girl mountain standing in the distance.

When he first saw the shengnv mountain, Lin Haoming thought of Nanjian mountain. Both of them were deep into the clouds. However, compared with Nanjian mountain, shengnv mountain was much larger. Especially, the slope below the mountainside was gentle, and it became steep when it reached the mountainside. However, it had already entered into the cloud. Moreover, the cloud obviously laid down the Dharma array, which could not be seen at the foot of the mountain See the view above the clouds.

The city is built along the mountain. It starts from the foot of the mountain and spreads to half of the mountain where the clouds are falling. There is no high wall in the whole city. There is only a river named Saint girl River, which naturally marks a boundary for the city.

Shengnv river is the holy river of the worship of the moon. However, at the foot of the mountain, this section is not very wide, and the widest place is only a dozen feet. Lin Haoming's boat did not enter the city, but stopped at the end of the river. Three bridges were built on the River, one of which was spacious but completely closed. That was the time of sacrifice Women are qualified to walk. Even the religious leaders and elders can only pass through the bridges on both sides.

In order to enter the city, strict inspection is required here, so some houses have been built at this end of the river for the temporary residence of those waiting for inspection.

Hu Zhan was still chatting with a Xuansheng of the moon worship sect. Lin Haoming and other people accompanying him were directly taken to one of the houses for temporary residence, waiting for inspection.

Hu Zhan had told Lin Haoming about these things early in the morning, and although he could enter the city, he could only bring in no more than five people, including himself.

Lin Haoming is an appraiser, and Su Yun is naturally a trainer. After all, she did this, so in essence, it could not be regarded as a show. In order to avoid mistakes, Hu Zhan arranged his confidants to teach a little bit on the way here.

Lin Haoming and Su Yun and some other appraisers took a rest. Hu Zhan, as if he had come to do business, began to ask people to unload the goods. According to the price already agreed, the goods were handed over to the people who worshipped the moon. After the delivery of the goods, a large number of goods would be loaded on the boat.

The house for Lin Haoming and others to rest is very spacious. Although it is a room, there are many rooms. However, Lin Haoming and Su Yun still stay together. After arriving here, Lin Haoming is not good at comforting anything. Su Yun himself knows that there is no turning back now. Everything will wait until he finds his mother.

"Master Lin, there is a friend who worships the moon. If you want to strengthen one of the objects in your hand, please do me a favor!" Just when they were trying to raise their spirits, Hu Zhan's voice came from outside. He didn't come alone, and he also brought two people who worshipped the moon.

Lin Haoming opened the door and looked at Hu Zhan's smiling face. He also said with a smile, "the East Lord is polite. Please come in quickly."

"Let me introduce you. This is Li Mao, the protector of Saint daughter city. This is his younger brother Li Wei. This is Lin Haotian, an expert on medicinal materials and pills. Master Lin is not only an appraiser, but also an excellent alchemist." After Hu Zhan came in, he introduced him with a smile.

Lin Haoming directly used the name of his late brother in this life, so as not to have trouble in the future.

"Hello, master Lin!" Hearing that Lin Haoming was still an alchemist, Li Mao was also polite.

after Lin Haoming swept the two brothers, Li Mao became a Xuansheng with nine metaphysics, and Li Wei was just a Xuansheng with three Xuans. As for himself, after some discussions, he revealed the accomplishments of a Xuanxuan saint. After all, if there was no Xuansheng cultivation, it would be inconvenient sometimes.

"Li HUFA is polite. I don't know what Li HUFA wants to identify?" Lin Haoming asked.

"It's some powders. I hope master Lin can help us identify what these powders are and what their functions are!" Li Mao said."Powder? Good Lin Haoming was surprised to hear this, because the powder was much easier to identify than danyao or some rare medicinal materials. Why did he have to find himself as an outsider? Lin Haoming vaguely felt that there might be some special things behind this.

When he came here, Lin Haoming also had a general understanding of the saint daughter's palace, including the situation of the saint daughter city. There was no city master in the city, and the city itself was directly under the jurisdiction of the saint. However, the saints would not personally manage the affairs of the city, so generally, three candidate saints would take turns to manage the affairs of the city. However, these candidates would not interfere in the operation of the city, so in fact, the affairs of the city itself As one of the five Dharma protectors, Li Mao's status is not low.

After Lin Haoming agreed, Li Mao took a look at his brother. Li Weili took a jade box out of the Qiankun bracelet and put it on the table in the room. He reminded him, "master Lin, this powder has a psychedelic effect. You should be careful."

Hearing this warning, Lin Haoming opened an air mask with dark air. Then he opened the jade box carefully and saw that there was a powder that looked like fine salt.

"Do you know in general what this is?" Lin Haoming asked.

"All we know is that it should be made of the powder of dreamy fragrance and other things! We want to know what else is in addition to the dream fragrance. It will dissolve in the tea, and it is colorless and tasteless. The dream fragrance itself has a taste. We want to know what is added! " Li Mao said straightly.

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