Demon Scum

Chapter 365

In the eyes of many people, Lin Haoming completed the transcendence of these twenty poor people.

When he saw his merits restored to 55, Lin Haoming's mouth began to smile.

"Lin Daoyou is really kind-hearted. He can help others to go beyond the limit!" Looking at Lin Haoming's return, Yan Fen couldn't help saying a word.

At this time, Lin Haoming pretended to be merciful and said, "do good deeds and accumulate merits. If there is reincarnation, maybe I can directly reincarnate into the upper world."

"Lin Daoyou, this idea is really special Yan Fen heard such an answer, but also a burst of tears and laughter.

Fortunately, at this time, the next competition continued. This was the last one of this time. The two sides went out to fight, one was a friar in the middle of the golden elixir, and the other was a monster that had always been equivalent to the middle of the golden elixir.

Different from before, in this war, the man's waist bag was bulging, and he had magic weapons. After the real fight, his strength was absolutely above the average level. Although the monster was not weak, it was not long before he saw that he was defeated. As expected, the monster was killed soon.

After the killing, the monster corpse was not auctioned, but was directly put into the storage bag by the beautiful woman and handed over to the friar.

Lin Haoming didn't ask about this situation. He could guess that the demon beast was the reward for the friar to fight.

All the fighting animals ended, and soon tens of thousands of people on the scene left from different exits.

Lin Haoming also left from the place where he came in and answered the middle of the hall.

There are other places of entertainment in this place. However, Lin Haoming didn't mean to leave because he was going to the Magic Cave tomorrow. He went back to his residence directly.

Lin Haoming wants to adjust his state to the best, so he takes a rest in the room, but after a few hours, jasmine comes with a jade slip.

The jade slips contain information about the magic cave. Although Lin Haoming is not worried, it is a good thing to know more about it.

According to the records in the jade slips, this magic cave is the residence left by a fallen jubaoge in the period of deification 7000 years ago.

For thousands of years, people in Jubao Pavilion often let disciples who practice magic arts or understand the way of array to practice.

The foundation of the cave is just a Xumi space. The reason why there are illusions everywhere is mainly the means of the ancestor, who laid many illusory arrays in his starting space.

Some of these magic arrays can't be set up by friars of Jubao Pavilion. However, some of the methods left behind can still make them control the magic array calmly. So Lin Haoming believes that if he goes in, Han Shaoying will not open all the magic arrays and stimulate the most powerful.

According to the jade slips, there are three illusory realms in the Magic Cave, which are illusory eyes, illusory heart and illusory soul. The broken magic grass is in the magic soul secret state.

Although the fantasy seems to be very powerful, it also has an advantage, that is, it does not hurt people's lives. However, it has happened that some people have been in the dreamland for a long time, and eventually the whole person is trapped in the dreamland and can't extricate themselves. Knowing that Shou yuan is exhausted, although there is no danger of life, the matter is not stable.

Lin Haoming was very grateful to jasmine for taking this jade slip, so after reading it roughly, he still gave her a pill.

Seeing that Lin Haoming is so generous, Molly has not refused. To sum up, she has now been tied with Lin Haoming. Lin Haoming can live well and her life will be good. Otherwise, I'm afraid the best result is to be sent to a small city to be a shopkeeper.

After sending Jasmine away, Lin Haoming remembers all the important contents in the jade slips. Two hours later, jasmine appears again in front of him and informs himself that Han Shaoying is here.

Fantian cave is not in the basin where Lin Haoming lives.

Lin Haoming followed these people to a seemingly secret transmission hall, and then through the transmission array, arrived.

Just out of the transmission array, Lin Haoming thought he had come to the wrong place, because the eyes were full of dead bones.

However, most of the skeletons were not buried at all.

"Although the Magic Cave is very famous, no one knows where it is and what it looks like. So if you want to go in, you must sign a contract of magic spirit and not disclose the situation here."

Just out of the transmission array, Han Shaoying's cold voice came to my ears.

"No problem with this one!" What Lin Haoming didn't worry about most was that he signed the contract with the ghost. Anyway, he had the ability to eliminate the power of the contract.

"Good. Come with me."

In this place, Han Shaoying also became very cautious, at least the previous arrogant attitude is missing.

Lin Haoming followed them, walking on the path between the bones, his eyes naturally fell on these bones.

As he walked deeper and deeper, Lin Haoming found that the surface of the bones became more and more shiny. It was as if someone had specially processed them. However, as he went deeper and deeper, he found that some mushrooms grew on the smooth bones."What are these?" Lin Haoming finally couldn't help asking.

Han Shaoying also had nothing to hide. He said directly: "the dried bone mushroom was cultivated by our own Jubao Pavilion."

"For alchemy?" Lin Haoming asked again.

"Almost, but it's a secret of our Jubao Pavilion. At least now you don't have the right to know it!" Han Shaoying still warned. Lin Haoming didn't get angry, he just nodded and didn't say anything more.

The more you go inside, the bigger the mushrooms grow. Later, Lin Haoming can clearly see that the mushrooms are not only very big, but also become extremely crystal clear, and there is a trace of gold like bone marrow flowing in them.

At this time, Lin Haoming didn't know where he was. I'm afraid the dried bone mushroom was not simple. Its value was definitely not lower than the pills taken by ordinary golden elixirs, or even higher.

After walking for more than half an hour, I finally arrived at the deepest place here.

The deepest part of the skeleton is a round open space, thousands of feet square.

Although Lin Haoming didn't have enough time to observe the situation of the site of bones, it can be seen that these bones were not piled up at random, but what function they were, I don't know, at least now I don't have the right to know! However, it's not easy to make such a big contribution. I can be sure that this is a very important place for Jubao Pavilion. Although I can't be sure, since I entered this place, I feel vaguely that I have been monitored by others, and the cultivation of the people who are monitoring them should be far above themselves. It is absolutely that Yuanying has no intention.

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