Demon Scum

Chapter 389

Qin Peng, Qin Tai and Qin Xiuwen

after Lin Haoming sat down, Qin Zheng introduced to Lin Haoming with a smile the existence of the three yuan infants in the Qin family.

Qin Zheng existed in Yuanying period. However, he had reached the limit when he reached this stage. After the advanced level of Da Yuanman, not to mention the impact of transforming the gods, some of his accomplishments could not be achieved even after his cultivation became coagulated. Therefore, over the years, the affairs of the Qin family were mainly in his charge.

As for Qin Peng, he seems to be a man in his thirties. When he faces Lin Haoming, he always wears a faint smile and seems to be very kind. But Lin Haoming knows that this man is definitely a evil star. Just sitting near him, you can feel a trace of evil spirit coming out of him. It's absolutely impossible that he doesn't have the lives of thousands of friars He has such a terrible evil spirit attached to him, and his evil spirit is obviously condensed. He should have practiced some kind of skill that needs strong evil spirit. Although it is only the sixth floor of Yuanying period, it is definitely not a simple character.

Qin Tai is also a man in his thirties, and he looks rather bulky. Compared with Qin Peng, who is slightly bookish in appearance, Qin Tai looks more serious and doesn't speak much. However, his cultivation has reached the eighth floor of Yuanying period.

Finally, Qin Xiuwen, at first glance, seems to be a girl of eighteen or nine years old. However, when carefully observed, she gives people a more dignified and beautiful feeling, more like a lady of a big family or a lady of a noble family. Her identity is quite in line with her.

Qin Xiuwen's accomplishments are the lowest among several people, but there are also four layers of yuanyingqi. Her age is not too old. She is only dozens of years younger than Qin Feng. Of course, Qin Feng has seven levels of yuanyingqi. To some extent, her talent is better than her.

In addition to these, to Lin Haoming's surprise, Qin Xiuwen is still Qin aorou's cousin. Her father is Qin Peng, but she is about 200 years older than Qin aorou.

Of course, this age gap is very common in the circle of cultivating immortals. Sometimes, some big families, beyond five generations, will no longer count their seniority by blood relationship, but will directly determine their accomplishments. Of course, the relationship between Qin aorou and Qin Xiuwen is still very close, and the blood relationship is still within three generations.

After the introduction, several elders of the Qin family were not too enthusiastic. They talked about their own affairs.

From what they talked about, Lin Haoming learned that Qin Feng was ready to hand over the post after nearly a hundred years as the shopkeeper of jubaoge, and Qin Xiuwen was the target to take over.

At this time, Lin Haoming realized that the position of the chief manager of jubaoge was actually a rotation of three companies. Each family had 300 years. Generally, when it came to a certain family, the family would let two or three people take the post successively within 300 years.

To be a big shopkeeper of Jubao Pavilion is actually a reflection of the family's attention to it. Ordinary people are not qualified. Those who can take up the post must first cultivate to reach the mid-term of Yuanying. In addition, they also need to be young enough. Generally speaking, people less than 300 years old may become such a person, as Qin Xiuwen is.

The people of the Qin family talk about such things. Although they put out a small sound insulation magic, Lin Haoming is in the range of magic, so they can hear it completely. Facing them, Lin Haoming feels that they really regard themselves as their own.

When I left Huantian cave yesterday, I was still affected by the illusion, so some things were too casual. Now I think, if I really do it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with Ruolan when I go back to face Ruolan.

Thinking of Xie Ruolan, Lin Haoming has a real headache. If she was not so strong, it would be nice if she was gentle in a dreamland. However, she also understood that if Xie Ruolan was really like that, she would have been eaten by people in the blood refining sect, and even bones would not be left.

Lin Haoming did not listen to them for a long time. Zhao Xianzi, who had opened the magic cave for himself, appeared in the middle of the arena. Obviously, today she is here to preside over the final contest.

Lin Haoming has known about the eight men in the duel. Except for Qin aorou, Han Jingping and Yan Hong, the other five only know their names. Until now, when we watch the eight people appear in the middle of the arena, we can see what they look like.

Among the other five, there was only one woman, and the woman's skin was dark and rough, like lizard skin, more like human skin, giving people a very strange feeling. I don't know what kind of skills she practiced to make herself not like human beings, ghosts or ghosts, but her name is very nice, called Fang Shiya.

As for the other four people, they are all very normal. They look like they are 20 or 30 years old. One of them is Qin Yi, another is Yan Ye. Another is Han Zhenping. The last one is Zhuo hang.

Qin Yi, Yan ye and Han Zhenping are all the eighth floor of the golden elixir period, and this Zhuo hang cultivation is the seventh floor of the golden elixir period, and it is the only one among the last eight people to achieve the same accomplishments as Han Jingping.

As for the poetic elegance of that side, his accomplishments reached the Ninth level of the golden elixir period, which was the highest among all the people. As for the lowest level of cultivation, naturally, it was Qin aorou. Up to now, there is only the sixth level peak of the golden elixir period.

In terms of realm, Qin aorou is only in the middle of the golden elixir. Compared with the other seven people, Qin aorou has to suffer a lot. After all, the gap between a small realm is much smaller than that of a middle level.Lin Haoming looks at Qin aorou and finds that her expression at this time is extremely relaxed. She even looks at this side in her spare time and gives Lin Haoming a shallow smile.

The contest of eight people naturally needs to be decided by drawing lots.

The drawing of lots is very simple. Put eight identical jade cards in a bag which is isolated from the divine sense. They are engraved with the words "a", "B", "C" and "d" respectively. If you get them, they will fight one on one.

First draw, Qin aorou won the first prize. Obviously, she will take the first hand in the first battle.

Her opponent soon appeared, which made Qin aorou feel a little regretful that her opponent was also another member of the Qin family, Qin Yi.

This result can be regarded as the second bad luck except Han Jingping. However, she is not the only one with the same bad luck. Han Jingping also draws Han Zhenping together.

In addition, Yanhong competes with Zhuo hang, while yanye's opponent is Fang Shiya, who has the highest cultivation.

To determine the opponent and the order of appearance, the Zhao Xianzi put away the jade card in his hand and said with a smile: "well, since the competition order has been decided by the opponent, please draw the two jade cards of Jiazi in the first game to have a fight first!"

After that, Qin aoyi left the most wonderful part of the competition, including the other two.

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