Demon Scum

Chapter 4144

Lin Haoming, like a storage bracelet, saw a seven or eight Zhang Long Dragon appeared in front of him. The Dragon had been dead for thousands of years, but because it was placed in the storage bracelet, it was not much different from the one that had just died. Even Lin Haoming could feel the power of his body.

Lin Haoming can be sure that the dragon is a nine level fierce abyss monster, and those who can destroy the nine abyssal monsters can only possess the nine cultivation.

This result made Lin Haoming feel a little excited. He immediately checked the other things in the two treasures. As expected, there were many other materials in the storage bracelet, which should have been collected by this person. In the storage ring, there are many pills, utensils, and many treasures. The number of blood crystal pills is very large, and there are also a large number of forget worry pills 。

Because there are so many things and miscellaneous things, it's not easy to sort them out for a while. Lin Haoming has to wait until he returns to a safe place. It's just that such a thing can fall on him. Lin Haoming looks back on the samsara of the three generations, and it seems that it is the first time that he has hit such a great fortune.

Lin Haoming took a few deep breaths and calmed himself down. Then he continued to drill into the water and picked all the lotus roots of the giant black lotus. He did not let go of the lotus seeds and lotus pods.

Only a few roots are left. It is not known how many thousands of years later, it may be able to reproduce again.

The lotus seed of juwulian has the effect of reshaping the body. It is also a good treasure. Of course, it is worse than the lotus seed, let alone the lotus root which can make up for the vitality.

With these gains, it's reasonable to say that even if you go back, you can't leave zining behind because you are two people. Moreover, the effect of Changsheng bamboo is better than juwulian. If you have a chance to take it, Lin Haoming will not give up.

After collecting all the things, Lin Haoming took a rest for a while and determined the place he had agreed with jinshanhai. Then he set out again.

At the pass of Heiling mountain, zining arrived here three days ago. She didn't know whether she was lucky or not. After escaping the pursuit, she slowly found her way here.

On the way, though I didn't go fast, I didn't encounter any accidents. I was just groping on the seventh floor of the abyss all the time.

At this time, she realized that she was not as powerful as she had imagined. Before, the whole Luo family had revered her for three times. Tan MI, not herself, was in awe.

When Tan Mi came, he had already seen jinshanhai and the ghost coming, but he did not see Lin Haoming's figure. He was in a hurry and didn't say when to get together. At this time, he had to wait.

Zining didn't say that she and Lin Haoming were overtaken by an eight way lizard man. She was worried that Lin Haoming would not appear for a long time. Jinshanhai and Guitong would have any idea about themselves. Even if they dare not, now they are alone and can't take any risks.

"How many days have it been? Why hasn't Lin Haoming come? It's no way to wait like this!" Lin Haoming didn't come for a long time. Ghost Tong couldn't sit still.

"Don't worry. Things suddenly happened at that time, and the situation was a bit chaotic. Brother Lin still has the ability. I believe it won't happen easily. It may be that we have to give up the road and wait Well, it doesn't seem to have to wait! " In the middle of Jinshan Haihua, a smile suddenly appeared.

"Brother Jin really knows me. When he ran away, he was entangled by a lizard man of eight ways. He took several circles to get rid of me!" Lin Haoming explained with a smile.

"Oh, Mr. Lin can easily get rid of the eight abyssal demons. It's not easy!" When ghost Tong heard this, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Lin Haoming again.

"Are you all right?" Know the situation of Zi Ning, at this time also worried to ask.

"I'm fine. Are you all right?" Lin Haoming asked in a soft voice.

"Of course I'm ok. I'm worried about me these days!" After seeing Lin Haoming, zining feels that the pressure on her body suddenly dissipates, and her tense mood seems to relax in an instant.

"Hey, I don't want to admit that you don't want to see my elder brother Zilin before I kill you Jinshanhai laughed at this time.

Zining heard this, but also a Leng, immediately realized their own performance, immediately blushed.

Lin Haoming didn't pay special attention to it. He just laughed and didn't explain anything.

"Well, no more nonsense. We've wasted a few days here. Maybe feiku and others have found a place. We should hurry up." Ghost passage.

Feiku is the one who put jinshanhai together. He also has seven accomplishments. Originally, he was a friend of jinshanhai. However, when facing heavy profits, interests are more important.

"Brother Lin has come all the way. Do you need a rest?" Jinshan sea is not too anxious, instead toward Lin Hao express good asked.

"No more!" Lin Haoming waved his hand directly.

Seeing Lin Haoming so, Jinshan Hai nodded his head and said, "well, since this is the case, let's go!"

Jinshan sea points to the direction. Lin Haoming finds that he is not going to enter the black scale mountain. It seems that Jinshan sea has left a hand in order to keep it secret. It is estimated that this is also the reason why the treasure of Jinshan sea is really located for a while.For jinshanhai's caution, Lin Haoming will not say much, and then follow him anyway.

Two days later, jinshanhai took them to heilongze area.

This black dragon is not the black dragon here, but the numerous streams in this place, winding in the middle of the mountains, looking from high, like a black dragon.

"Here is the thing?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Please don't mind if you don't mind. Jin did lie before, which is also a big loss!" Jinshan Hai said with a smile.

Lin Haoming also nodded and changed to himself. If he had suffered a great loss, he would have been so.

"The terrain here is complex, there are many monsters in the abyss, and they are very fierce!" Lin Hao expressed his intention.

"If not, where else can we find the treasure?" Jin Shanhai said.

Hearing this, Lin Haoming nodded and felt that he was right.

Jinshanhai continued to lead the way, but the speed was obviously slower than before. Every step of the way was careful. There were things that were not easy to provoke, whether in the mountains or in the water network.

After walking for two days, I came to a high mountain, where there was a huge two headed strange bird. Every single bird was very strong, but it was still social. The head bird had nine accomplishments. It was just a dream that four people wanted to pass through.

"Brother Jin, don't tell me that things are in it?" Lin Haoming looked at the surrounding terrain, surrounded by a circle of mountains, it is impossible to enter from other directions.

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