Demon Scum

Chapter 4169

"Grandma, don't know what's next for me?" Lin Haoming took his mind back and asked.

"Zizhen promised zining that if you can't come back for a while, he is willing to go out to look for you, but the premise is that no matter whether you come back or not, I will come back to him." Zining explained.

"What does that mean?" Lin Haoming asked.

"If you come back, Zizhen intends to transfer you to the island of gengzhou, and your accomplishments are enough. It is possible to be a walking or a messenger." Tan Mi said.

"In this way, the benefits of Zilu?" Lin Haoming asked.

"There's no need to worry about zining. To tell you the truth, it's also a good thing for our Luo family that zining is willing to resolve the past enmity with Zizhen." Tan Mi said slowly.

Lin Haoming also nodded and then looked at zining.

Zining knew Lin Haoming's mind and immediately said, "in fact, some things I've thought about many times. Now that I have such a chance, it's a choice to put it down, and it's not bad."

Seeing zining all said so, Lin Haoming knew that he had no other choice and nodded in silence.

"Well, since this is the case, then the matter is settled. Lin Haoming, you and feng'er get together here, and then go with Zi Ning." Tan Mi finally said.

Lin Haoming knew that this was the final arrangement, and he could only nod his head again.

Originally, Lin Haoming thought Baifeng would have something to say to herself, but in the next few days, Baifeng just got along with each other without any special meaning. She just told her that she focused on cultivation when she had to leave. She didn't need to worry about other things.

Although there is only one explanation, Lin Haoming also realizes that Bai Feng's mind can only be grasped by being really powerful. At this time, she can't even have any ideas.

Before leaving, Tan Mi specially asked Qiuli to send a gift. There were two gifts for Lin Haoming and Zi Ning.

When two people took it out, they found that they were actually two hundred fruits.

This hundred fruit is also a treasure that can increase vitality. Its level is similar to that of the red pupil fruit I saw at the monthly Island auction. If taken by two people, it can at least provide tens of thousands of years of vitality.

Although it's not as good as Li Guangguo, or even worse than juwulian, it's worth a lot, and it's still a pair. It shows that Tan Mi really has feelings for Zi Ning.

"The old lady knew why we had taken the risk, so she sent this treasure specially!" After zining put it away, she couldn't help sighing.

Compared with the courageous woman when she first saw her, zining is a little more sentimental when she takes off her duties. Lin Haoming doesn't want to say anything about Tan Mi's deliberate kindness.

"By the way, you and Tao search for treasure first, what can you find in the end?" Zi Ning asked intentionally.

Lin Haoming raised his hand, released a small tripod, and said, "this is my harvest!"

"What is this?" Zining has a wonderful way.

Lin Haoming shook his head and said, "I don't know. It may be a medicine tripod or a sacrificial one." Lin Haoming said that he also told what happened before.

Zining did not have the slightest doubt, but felt that the adventure was a little thunderous and the rain was small.

When Lin Haoming recalled the adventure repeatedly, he always felt that it had something to do with the secrets of ancient times.

Lin Haoming has been to the underworld for many years. He took the three Hades' joint expedition to the metaphysical world as the boundary. Before that, many records have disappeared. It seems that some people can control and keep it from being known, let alone a more remote era. However, Lin Haoming vaguely feels that some things in the ancient times are closely related to the Jiuyou abyss. The Jiuyou abyss is far from what he imagined I must go down to the deepest part of Jiuyou.

Originally, Lin Haoming planned to take the transmission array to go back together, but zining walked with her. Lin Haoming still chose to fly back by boat. On the way, he could imagine how to deal with it.

After arriving in gengzhou, Lin Haoming didn't go back to the road directly, but went directly to the island.

A few days later, Lin Haoming arrived in the city.

Zining did not go with Lin Haoming to Lin Haoming's residence in the city, but went to see her father Zizhen first.

Lin Haoming originally wanted to accompany, but zining refused.

Lin Haoming knows that he and his daughter need to talk about something. Lin Haoming is waiting here.

However, after waiting for a short time, Zhusi went to the door in person.

Lin Haoming realized that this was the result of zining's going to see Zizhen. Now zhusisi has come to invite her personally. Naturally, things are different.

Zizhen now has a wife. His wife rarely shows up. He only knows that his wife is Yan Yi, and there are nine ways to cultivate. Lin Haoming doesn't know about the rest.

"Mrs. Zhu has come to deliver a message in person. It seems that she wants to tell me something first." It is not the first time that Lin Haoming and zhusisi have dealt with each other, which can be said to be the most familiar.

"I really didn't expect that you would let the girl fall in love with zining. As for the explanation, there is nothing to say. On the contrary, there are some things I want to let you know." Bamboo silk leisurely road."It's about zining and the state shepherd?" Lin Haoming asked.

Zhusi nodded and said, "when I was with the herdsman of Suizhou, zining was already in the Luo family, but I have followed for many years, but I also know something."

"Zining is a person who can distinguish right from wrong. She and the state shepherd have not recognized each other for many years. I'm afraid that things are not simple inside. She didn't tell me. I think she also wanted to deal with the matter before giving me an account. Otherwise, she would not go to see the state herdsman as soon as she arrived here." Lin Haoming said.

"You're right. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have come here!" Zhusi also sighed bitterly.

"What do you mean by the state shepherd?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Yes, but I can only say what I think. The Lord Lin can judge by himself." Bamboo silk road.

Lin Haoming also nodded in silence.

Seeing Lin Haoming nodding, Zhusi said: "in this case, I'll briefly say that zining's mother was originally the concubine of the state's herdsmen, and she was very popular. So she wanted to replace sister Yanji. However, sister Yandi and the state shepherd joined hands to become a hero. How could it be possible for her to replace her, so she became zining's mother If you do, you will not be polite. "

"You mean, Zi Ning's mother wants to get rid of Mrs. Yan first?" Lin Haoming asked.

"As far as I know, sister Yanji is not a jealous person. Otherwise, I would not have me. Of course, I think that the state herdsmen still have feelings for zining's mother. In fact, they wanted to let her go. After all, she had the child, but sister Yanji was not the kind of person who was willing to let the tiger return to the mountain. In the end, she gave me a cruel hand. Of course, how about me It's not very clear, and so many years have passed. " After finishing, zhusisi sighed.

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