Demon Scum

Chapter 4262

Jiuyou and Jiuyou are the deepest place that ordinary people can reach. However, Lin Haoming knows that the channel leading to the real nine stories is sealed. Where and how to get there, not to mention him. Even nanruo in front of him, even Zizhen and others don't know. It is estimated that only the three great Hades and the empress of the underworld, or Xu yueqiong and others may know, but the number of people who know Certainly not much.

After leaving the entrance, I went to a safe place to have a rest. Nanruo looked curiously at Lin Haoming around him. Suddenly, he said, "the Yin Qi is more dignified here on the ninth floor. It's beneficial for me who is practicing ice cold attribute skills. I think that's why my younger martial sister wants me to help you!"

Lin Haoming looks at nanruo. He knows very well that after arriving at the ninth floor, Nan ruo's mood has changed. After all, the ruins are here. Although there is still some distance from where he is now, according to the speed of moving on the eighth floor, he can arrive in one month at most. If there are no other accidents, the relationship between the two people may be completely different.

"If you can't make up your mind, then..."

"Lin Haoming, the opportunity to advance into the realm of unity is just around the corner. I I just can't calm down completely, and it's all here. " South if shake head road.

Seeing her saying so, Lin Haoming didn't say it again. Instead, he asked, "when you were on the ninth floor for many years, didn't you go near the ruins?"

"There are several kinds of terrible monsters in the abyss where the ruins are located. With my strength at that time, it is impossible for me to go in. Even if I am now, I will not take risks. You don't know, the more highly trained people are, the more afraid they are of death. When they finally arrive at the boundless territory, a few people are willing to take risks. Even if they are 80% sure, they will be afraid of the 20% crisis. This time, if not It is because I know that you have the cultivation of oneness, and I may not take risks. " South if with self mockery road.

"The longer you live, the more you fear death!" Lin Haoming said and shook his head. Finally he took out a wine pot and gave himself a mouthful.

"You drink the kind of fruit bar you gave me before. How much more do you have?" South if see Lin Haoming drink to restore mana, slightly frown asked.

When the two people fly to Jiuyou Island together, Lin Haoming gives nanruo some things, including the kind of huge fruit wine. Looking at her inquiry, Lin Haoming also realized and said with a smile, "there are still many, which should be enough for us to use."

South if nodded, but still persuasive way: "here, this thing is of high value, do not use it when it is not necessary. Even if there is a lot of stock, it is better not to waste it."

"Good!" Lin Haoming saw that she said it seriously, and he could understand it. After all, nanruo didn't know that he had been filled with three people's treasures before coming out. The most abundant wine in it was this kind of wine for restoring magic power.

See Lin Haoming agreed, South if immediately took out a map, followed by a careful study.

Lin Haoming knows that the map was bought by nanruo from the same door of ice snow Valley who just came back from Jiuyou. After all, she has not been to Jiuyou for nearly ten thousand years. There will be no small changes in such a long time.

Map Lin Haoming has long read, the situation is also recorded in the mind, and now if South seems to be particularly cautious.

Looking at her like this, Lin Haoming is more and more aware of why Bingyan expects nanif she can help herself. This girl's behavior is really extraordinary.

Lin Haoming looked at her and seriously considered for a long time. Then he got up and said, "almost, let's go on!"

"Which way shall we go next?" Lin Haoming asked casually.

Nanruo directly took the map that had not been collected and said: "I plan to go around here. It will increase a few days on the way, but it will be much safer. Compared with my situation at that time, there are several races of Jiuyou demons attacking each other. The territory under the warlords has changed. We must be careful."

Lin Haoming looked at what she said seriously and nodded. Then he went on with her.

In fact, the lower layers of Jiuyou can be seen as their respective connected continents. The more powerful the Jiuyou demons are, the deeper they live. Almost every tribe living in the nine levels has a level higher than the boundless territory. Otherwise, the races can't survive in the nine floors. That's why the ninth floor is a forbidden area, and these races have their own treasures, If we want to compare the powerful array and means, it is somewhat like the scene of the demon world outside the heaven magic tower, but it is much smaller than the nine you and nine floors in the heaven magic tower.

Following nanruo forward, the longer he goes, the more capable he is.

Lin Haoming is not familiar with Jiuyou, but judging from Lin Haoming's past experience, Lin Haoming has also worked out his own route. However, although the speed of his journey is not fast, he has walked for more than half a month without encountering any danger. How long he walks, where to rest, how long to rest, and every detail, nanruo has calculated very carefully It was as if she had just taken this route, and now she took herself again.

After walking for more than half a month, Nan Ruo purposely planned to stay in a cave for three days. He did not encounter any danger on the way. Even if he took a rest, it would be enough to spend half a day. However, Nan ruo's reason is that there is a group of nine hell demons nearby. Now it is the time for them to hold the internal sacrifice. At this time, it is easy to encounter risks.Lin Haoming chose to believe in nanruo and left three days later. As expected, nothing happened. Moreover, on the way, Lin Haoming did find many traces left by Jiuyou demons. In this way, Lin Haoming appreciated nanruo more and more.

After walking for about half a month, we finally arrived near the ruins.

According to the trace information given by Tian Su, the remains are in a mountain basin. The basin is where the relics are, but the place has been buried for a long time, and the East and West are under the basin.

The reason why no one has found it before, the most important thing is that there are no traces on the surface, and the mountains here really live in several kinds of terrible abyssal monsters.

In a stone forest away from the mountains, nanruo carefully observes the condition of this mountain range.

Lin Haoming is also studying the information about the relics.

"Tian Su and they came ten thousand years ago. Lin Haoming, have you found that compared with ten thousand years ago, there are some differences here?" After observing for a while, Nan Ruo suddenly inquires.

Lin Haoming was still looking at the inside of the ruins. After hearing her say so, he also observed carefully. However, after a long time, he did not find any obvious differences in the information of hetiansu, and even said that there was no problem at all.

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