Demon Scum

Chapter 4373

It's easy to say and difficult to say that it's easy to eliminate the two married guard horses. After all, these interests are complex and the people who should be abolished are simple. How can we abolish those who should be abolished instead of the weakest ones in the backstage? We need Lin Haoming's means.

In fact, the simplest way is to let everyone compete and rank according to their performance. In order to be relatively fair, Lin Haoming asked Xiong Shanyue to make a detailed plan as far as possible. In addition, he directly mobilized 12 battalions of mingyuewei from mingyuege to serve as supervisors, and let Fang Heisha dispatch them in a unified way.

In this case, from the beginning of the Geng army, the elimination and selection of all pro Guard troops began.

Although a detailed plan has been made, in the selection process, there are still violations of military orders. Without any mercy, Lin Haoming directly asked mingyuewei to thoroughly investigate the perpetrators. After finding out, he directly executed on the spot, and Fang Heisha did it himself.

Just a few rounds later, nearly 100 people were caught, and none of them survived. Fang Heisha soon got the title of Fang beheading, because each of them was beheaded by this man.

After killing so many people, no one dares to stand up again, so the next selection is more smooth.

Because there were a lot of people, it took half a year to select and eliminate the Geng army. After half a year, the last 20% of the people were eliminated from the pro guard army.

After the demonstration of the Geng army, it was their turn, followed by the Wu army. After the elimination of the three armed forces under the command of Lin Haoming, it was the turn of the remaining seven armed forces.

Zi Ning, who has just taken office, personally led the army to abolish its staff. After five or six years, she finally eliminated two adult horses.

After the completion of the abolition, Tan Mi's recruiting staff also came in. With Tan Mi's arrival here, the war boat building office was full of orders. The war boat building office had started working day and night. For this reason, Lin Haoming had to expand the site of the war boat building office. The first thing for those new recruits was to expand the war boat building office.

After the completion of the expansion of the Warcraft construction department, Lin Haoming incorporated these people into the army and began to practice.

After all the troops were in place, Tan Mi announced that a ten army competition would be held in ten years' time. In the future, he would drill like this every hundred years. If that army was the last, then 20% of the troops would have to be cut in the next year.

Such rules make the ten armies have a sword hanging in their hearts, and no one dares to wait for death.

In this way, the pro guard army will soon be back in operation. Lin Haoming has been busy for a while, and finally plans to focus on setting up a pro guard camp.

In order to set up a pro guard camp, only Lin Haoming can't do it himself. He needs xuanxiu to do it. Wu Neng is doing business in this area, and more specifically, he Lu is doing it. If he wants someone, he is asking him for a part of his wealth. In the past, Lin Haoming has offended he Lu, and it's not so easy for him to give up his wealth again.

So when everything is on the right track, Lin Haoming goes back to the main city and asks for yueqiong to fulfill his promise.

But the first time I came to see yueqiong, Lin Haoming didn't see her. Yuechun brought a message to Lin Haoming. Half a month later, she came back with Yueru Meng.

Lin Haoming doesn't know if yueqiong really has something to do, but since he said so, half a month later, he came here with yuerumeng.

This time it is very smooth, to the Marshal's house, on spring a soon took Lin Haoming to the back hall.

"Yue Shuai!" I haven't seen yueqiong for several years, but Lin Haoming didn't give birth either, so he offered a gift.

Yueqiong's eyes were on Yueru Meng all the time. After a while, she said, "are you Yueru Meng?"

"Yes The month is like a dream, soft voice agrees a way.

"Lin Haoming, your concubine room is good-looking, and your character seems to be very gentle, but it seems that such a character is not suitable for the training of Qinwei camp. Do you plan to come?" Yue Qiong asked.

"Indeed, let such as dream just hang a title, after all, she was originally the nine true God of the metaphysical world." Lin Haoming said with a smile.

"Lin Haoming, what's your intention after the establishment of the pro guard camp? After all, I have my own pro guard, and I also have 12 inner guards Yue Qiong asked.

"The inner guard is personal protection, giving consideration to the herald, and the pro guard army is responsible for fighting. In view of the relationship between the two, I originally said that the pro guard camp was built on the basis of Mingyue guard." Lin Haoming said.

"Lin Haoming, you plan to make full use of those xuanxiu. Of course, you have given xuanxiu a way out, and you can get their loyalty to a certain extent, but you are doing it with the sign of moon like a dream. What if you are not in the pro guard army in the future?" Yue Qiong asked.

"This..." Lin Haoming hesitated.

"Yue Ru Meng, your surname is Yue, but you and I are predestined to each other. Since Yue Qiong has no children, are you willing to worship me as a mother?" Yue Qiong suddenly asked.

"Ah Yue Qiong's words surprised Lin Haoming and Yue Rumeng.

"Yue Shuai, this You put me on the fire Lin Haoming laughed bitterly.

"How did you cook on the fire?" Yue Qiong asked with a smile."Isn't that right? If Rumeng becomes your daughter, what will you do when you let me have a few concubines? I can't help but give you face. I can't afford to go away." Lin Haoming said with a bitter smile.

"Oh! Lin Haoming, my good intentions are embarrassing you? " Yueqiong stares at him.

Lin Haoming said bitterly, "Yueshuai, if you don't accept zining and Baifeng, it's not easy for your family to explain."

"Nonsense. Bai Feng is Tan Mi's granddaughter after several generations. I take her as my daughter. Isn't Tan Mi my granddaughter?" Yue Qiong said coldly.

"I'm not embarrassed, am I?" Lin Haoming complained.

Yue Qiong looks at Lin Haoming's obstruction in every way. Her mouth is hard, but she feels so interesting and warm in her heart. She doesn't even know why.

"Well, since you don't appreciate it, I don't want to say that the pro guard camp should be under the pro guard army. Since you want to set up a new one, I think about it. There are 12 battalions in the camp. They are Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, you, Xu and Hai. It's like a dream for you to be the commander of the camp As the deputy commander, the little girl of the LAN family has been promoted seven times. She does well in the Mingyue Pavilion. You can use it very easily. I also think the little girl has some of my style. I'll transfer her to be the deputy commander. As for the rest, I'll arrange for them. However, I'll only arrange for women in the guards camp. " Yueqiong said.

"Women's camp! Yueshuai, if so, they are all women. When I am the commander, it seems that It doesn't seem appropriate, does it? " Lin Haoming asked with an embarrassed smile.

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