Demon Scum

Chapter 4634

"Sister osmanthus, you don't have to belittle yourself. My husband set up six of us, which is also a careful consideration." Suya said with a smile at this time, she obviously realized it.

Choi'er also said: "it's true that you are mainly responsible for everything we live here, whether it's personnel allocation or material allocation, and you take care of it in an orderly way. Your husband is a wise man."

After hearing this, others understand that Jiang Xingnan has made a lot of efforts in opening up to the outside world, while Xiuping has been responsible for the cultivation of reserve personnel. As for Yang Lingshan, she has also made a lot of efforts in the management of local resources in the sixth floor.

At this time, everyone realized that Lin Haoming's idea was to reward others for their merits.

"Since you are all the wives of your husband in the future, I have a suggestion here. In the future, you should call your husband your husband. Don't call him any more disorderly." Caier suggested.

"It's really necessary for us to come from different places, but we should also unify." Suya agreed.

Xiuping is not happy to hear that. She has called "brother Haoming" for such a long time, but everyone is like this. She can't object to it. However, she wants to call her own name when she shares the boudoir with Lin Haoming alone.

At present, there is no shortage of cultivation resources, so Lin Haoming will not implement any system on it. However, with the increasing scope of control in the future, Lin Haoming will also divide the areas under his control into their jurisdiction, and manage them with his wife, which can be regarded as a kind of order made by himself.

Around the magic palace system, we discussed for more than a month, and also formulated several rules that everyone should abide by, such as loyalty to Lin Haoming, and even the system of serving in bed, which made Lin Haoming have to admire. Sometimes when women get together, they can think of things much more powerful than men.

At this time, Lin Haoming began the evolution of seven layers.

This time, a full year later, the evolution of the seven layers came to an end.

At the beginning, everyone wanted to follow Lin Haoming, but with the establishment of the system by Lin Haoming, no one was willing to follow. Everyone realized that it was the most important to do their own thing well, and everyone realized what the position of the queen of demons represented.

In this way, Lin Haoming doesn't mention it any more, and there are likely to be fitness stage masters on the seventh floor. If they are not around, it's also very dangerous to meet such masters. Here, at least, they can practice until the peak of the later stage of the cultivation. When they can advance the fitness stage, Lin Haoming will take them.

They also agreed to this idea, so after getting ready, Lin Haoming went to the seventh floor alone.

When Lin Haoming entered the seventh floor, he immediately felt that this floor was strange, which was different from the previous six floors. The seventh floor made him feel that there was definitely more than one plane here.

If the calculation is correct, the sixth floor is trillions of square kilometers, and the seventh floor should have millions of square kilometers of land, which is equivalent to nearly 200000 surface areas of the earth. The vast area is not so simple, and it's normal to distinguish the interfaces. Even Lin Haoming feels that his cultivation has changed greatly. Is it two times that of the sixth floor, Lin Haoming is not surprised that there is a thousand times ratio.

The place where he appeared was a forest. Lin Haoming flew directly to the high altitude. Soon after he reached the high altitude, he felt the boundary of the interface. However, it was no longer a strong wind, but a void hidden in the deep space. This discovery helped Lin Haoming to make sure that it was only an interface, not a planet.

The forest below is very wide, covering more than ten million square kilometers. It's hard for Lin Haoming to say how big the area is, but it's certainly smaller than the sixth floor. Moreover, he can feel that the aura here is not so good, even worse than the sixth floor. It shouldn't be the seventh floor.

There are some monsters in the forest. The most powerful one is Lin Haoming. When he sees the one in Jindan period, his divine sense sweeps around. He doesn't even see one in Yuanying period.

When he got close to the edge of the forest, Lin Haoming saw some adventurers. Generally, there were dozens of adventurers in a team, but their accomplishments were not high. There were few golden elixirs. Of course, there were not many lone Rangers, but there were also some teams of several people.

Lin Haoming carefully search, suddenly saw someone killing, so immediately to the scene.

This is a team of five. The two men who died were the leaders, and the three men who shot were their subordinates.

Lin Haoming is not polite. He directly uses the method of soul searching.

After soul searching, Lin Haoming soon knew that this was an interface called Ming Huang Kingdom, which was subordinate to the so-called fairyland.

There is a fairyland in this world. The fairyland is controlled by immortals. Only when they achieve at least Xuanxian can they enter the fairyland. Of course, for people outside the fairyland, the mortals in the fairyland are still mortals.

Outside the fairyland, there are three thousand big worlds. The Yellow world of Ming Dynasty is one of the three thousand big worlds.

The three thousand worlds are divided into the upper, middle and lower levels by the fairyland according to the so-called rich level of Xuanqi. The Ming and yellow realms belong to the medium-sized world. In such a big world, there are few people who can cultivate Xuanxian. However, it is impossible for the lower level world to produce Xuanxian. Therefore, people in the lower level world naturally want to enter the medium or even the upper level world, However, many times, birth also represents the future. To cross these big worlds, you must have Xuanxian cultivation. Otherwise, you can only fly through the empty boat. But a ticket for the empty boat is not affordable for ordinary people. Of course, for ordinary people, living in their own world is enough, and only those who pursue immortality can do it.

There are some people who come to this forest, but they are all low-level xuanxiu, belonging to the sanxiu in the Ming and Huang dynasties.

This forest is one of the three great powers in the Ming and yellow dynasties, the junction of Qixia state and Xuanlong state.

Fairyland has control over the three thousand worlds, but the lower world is sent to the yuan infant period. The medium-sized fairyland is a fake fairyland, and the superior one will shoot the mysterious fairyland.

The so-called Xuanxian is the period of refining emptiness, and on top of Xuanxian is the real immortal, that is, the period of combination, which can be regarded as the master of this realm.

Under the false immortal, there are also the period of refining Qi, the period of condensing pulse, the period of golden elixir, and the period of Yuan infant. Besides the name of building foundation becomes condensing pulse, which is almost the same as orthodox cultivation.

At present, these people are the most powerful, but they are not weak experts in Ming and Huang circles.

Although there were three great powers in the Ming and yellow dynasties, in fact, they were only the three major branches of the Ming and yellow dynasties, the Qixia Branch, the xuanlongzong branch and the Jinguang branch. Naturally, the last country was also called the Jinguang kingdom.

In fact, the reason why there are three major gates is very simple, that is, there are Xuanxian predecessors in the fairyland, which is also a unique situation in the medium-sized world.

As for the lower world, it is much more chaotic, and the fairyland can't see it, while the upper world is contested by the major forces in the fairyland. Some big worlds belong to the backyard of some real fairies.

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