Demon Scum

Chapter 4779

Du Xingwang still couldn't resist Du Shuting, so he had to turn his car around and head for the original house.

At the door, before Du Shuting came down, she looked at a piece of jade on the left and right of the door and asked Du Xingwang, "Xingwang, where are the two golden peach trees at the door?"

"It's long gone. When the other party came in, he pulled out the golden peach tree." Du Xingwang said.

Du Shuting's eyes turned red when she heard that the golden peach tree here was planted by her parents. At that time, she had just advanced to build the foundation. The gifts sent by others were several golden peaches. She liked them very much after tasting them, so her father planted two for herself. This time, she also planned to taste them. Unexpectedly, they had been dug out.

"Aunt, are you okay?" Du Xingwang looks at Du Shuting and is worried.

"Xingwang, you are really useless. Go to the Mingyuan clock." Du Shuting said coldly.

"Aunt, if you want to ring the grievance bell, it will make a big deal." Du Xingwang was not only worried, but also scared.

"Go!" Du Shuting shouted directly.

As soon as Du Xingwang gritted his teeth, he could only turn the front of the car again.

The grievance bell has a history of tens of thousands of years in the Du family. It was specially set up by an ancestor of the Du family long ago before the robbery. He was afraid that his robbery would fail. After his death, the Du family would do injustice, so he set up this thing. If he felt that he had been bullied, he can ring the grievance bell. However, this grievance bell can not ring casually. Once it rings, if there is no grievance or false accusation, it will be punished. In addition, even if it is really successful, it will also need to bear the punishment of the poison of insect eating marrow, so as to avoid complaining about a small matter.

When the carriage arrived at the bottom of the Mingyuan bell standing in the center of Du family, Du Shuting flew out of the carriage directly to the tower where the Mingyuan bell was stored, and then picked up the golden hammer to ring the Mingyuan bell directly.

The Du children on duty in the tower suddenly heard it, ran out immediately and shouted, "the grievance bell can't ring at will. What are you doing?"

"Naturally, I can't ring the grievance bell casually. When I ring, I naturally want to sound the grievance." Du Shuting shouted to the Du children on duty.

Seeing Du Shuting, the children on duty seemed to recognize it, so one of them immediately went out to report, and Du Shuting stood under the tower and waited.

After a while, Du Shuting went to the Du family ancestral hall. An elder in the period of deification was disturbed here. At the same time, there were many other Du family people, including several elders of the law enforcement hall.

"Who struck the grievance bell?" The elder of Du family, who seemed to be in his forties, looked at the two people brought over and asked.

"It's me!" Du Shuting voluntarily admitted.

"Who are you?" The elder had been closed before. He had never seen Du Shuting. He looked at the left and right sides and asked the elders of the law enforcement Hall who came.

"Elder Huai Yong, her name is Du Shuting. She is the daughter of Du frame who fell a hundred years ago." Du Shuting, the elder of the law enforcement hall and a natural person, immediately explained.

"Oh, so you are an orphan girl. Why do you ring the grievance bell?" Du huaiyong asked.

"The family is unfair to me. After my father and brother died, they continued to bully our children. The house was taken away, and even the spirit field was deliberately occupied." Du Shuting said.

"Nonsense." At this time, another elder in the period of transforming God rushed over. Du Shuting recognized at a glance that this was the Du Qun mentioned in his nephew's mouth.

"Brother, you're here too." When Du huaiyong saw Du Qun coming, he immediately realized that it was probably related to his team, which was difficult to do.

"Clan brother, you have been on duty for 100 years, but this matter has something to do with me, so I have to come forward." Du Qun explained.

Du huaiyong nodded and said nothing more.

Du Shuting looked at each other and asked, "elder Du Qun, since you are here, why will my house become your offspring's residence?"

"Brother, is there such a thing?" Du huaiyong asked.

"Huai Yong, this girl is no longer a member of the Du family. Qiu Heng gave her away a few months ago. Since the woman has arrived at another house, how can she still be qualified to ring the bell of grievance?" Du QUANDAO.

"What's the matter? Du Shuting, if you have been married, naturally you can't be counted as a member of the Du family. Law enforcement hall, according to the rules, how to deal with this situation? " Du huaiyong asked, apparently no longer taking Du Shuting to heart.

"According to the rules, outsiders will be executed directly." The elder of the law enforcement hall affirmed.

"It's written in the family rules that I need to get married. Dare you ask the elder if I'm married? Uncle Qiu Heng just saw that Lord Zuo Duwei had just taken office alone and lacked a person who could take care of things around him. Let me take care of it. I haven't got an engagement yet. How can I get married? " Du Shuting asked one after another.

"Zuo Duwei! Do you work with Lieutenant Zuo? " Du huaiyong's face suddenly changed.

"Yes! This time, I asked Lord Zuo Duwei for a month's leave to worship my parents' centennial memorial day. Unexpectedly, when I came back, I found that the old house had been occupied, and most of the spiritual field was taken away. I also asked the elder to preside over justice. " Du Shuting said and knelt down directly.

"Brother huaiyong, this is the woman's sophistry. You say she's all around others. How can she be considered a family member, and she acquiesced in taking back the land before." Du Qun said.

"What about the house? My nephew is here. How can we take it back according to the family rules?" Du Shuting asked.

"This is not recovery. According to the rules of the family, Du Xingwang has not advanced the golden elixir, and the distribution of houses in the family is not qualified to inherit." Du QUANDAO.

"No inheritance qualification, even so, why let others live in?" Du Shuting asked.

"Before there is no right of inheritance, it is also a waste to be empty, and it is normal to let others live temporarily." Du Qun said confidently.

"Law enforcement hall, is this the family rule?" Du huaiyong asked.

"It is true that before obtaining the right of inheritance, the house is owned by the family." The elder of the law enforcement hall thought for a while before answering.

"You see, clan brother, I'm not wrong!" Du Qun smiled.

Du Shuting only felt a sense of anger, because there were similar situations in the family, but no one had ever been so humiliated.

After taking a few deep breaths, Du Shuting didn't tangle with the house and continued to ask, "what about the land? Originally, there were two mu of Wupin Lingtian, five mu of liupin Lingtian and eight mu of Qipin Lingtian at home, but just over a month ago, all of them were recovered, leaving only twenty or thirty mu of 89pin Lingtian. This is also fair?"

"I don't know. Who did it?" Du Qun asked affectably.

"Uncle, I did it!" At this time, a member of the Du family came out.

"Du Yide, you did it. What's the matter?" Du Qun asked solemnly, as if he really didn't know about it., the fastest update of the webnovel!

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