Demon Scum

Chapter 4909

After waiting for a full month, Lin Haoming finally met Shi Kang in the office at the official residence of the tax department.

On the surface, the formal appointment and formal process look like ordinary superiors and subordinates. Even Lin Haoming doesn't have any special greeting when he takes office. It's just formal on the surface, which can't cover up the secret operation. At least four blank letters of appointment let Lin Haoming get enough rights at once. The next sentence "please come to Yaogu star later", Enough to make the truly loyal serve to the death.

Lin Haoming looked at the four blank letters of appointment. Lin Haoming wondered whether Xun Wu had guessed that Shi Kang would use such means, otherwise why he found himself early in the morning.

These four letters of appointment are tantamount to letting oneself choose four profitable subordinates, and one principal subordinate manager is engaged in four. This is why Lin Haoming feels that Shi Kang's words are destructive to the truly loyal people.

Shi Kang has no doubt about employing people. From a certain point of view, this is indeed a capable person.

Lin Qi is sure to bring the four letters of appointment. Xun Wu has promised him. Lin Haoming is really not ready for the remaining two. You know, before meeting Shi Kang, Lin Haoming still thinks about how to get the two people around. Now there are two more places to arrange.

If Tang Xi were here, she would arrange this kind of thing properly. Now she doesn't deserve a clue.

Thinking of this, Lin Haoming suddenly found that he had relied on her in dealing with some trivial things for so many years with Tang Xi. Of course, she was really a good helper. No matter what things could be dealt with, he had underestimated her before, or Tang Xi didn't have enough space to give full play to her talents at that time.

When Lin Haoming was thinking about it, sometimes things would take the initiative to come to the door.

Lin Haoming just went back. Less than half a day, fan Kuo took the initiative to come to the door.

In the small courtyard where they lived, there were a few dishes on the stone table and a pot of wine. The two sat down.

Just as soon as he saw the way fan Kuo wanted to stop talking, Lin Haoming understood his mind.

Sure enough, after drinking twice, as a tax secretary, fan Kuo couldn't help saying, "brother Lin, I heard that childe Shi gave you four places today?"

"Well, I gave one to Lin Qi and the other to Xun Wu!" Lin Haoming said directly.

"Xun Wu, this boy moves faster than me." Fan Kuo immediately muttered when he heard it.

"Brother fan, are you here for this place?" Lin Haoming asked directly.

Fan Kuo was a little embarrassed at this time and said, "in fact, I came for my nephew."

"Nephew? The child of your sister and the commander?" Lin Haoming asked unexpectedly.

Fan Kuo's sister is dianen's concubine. As the commander of the tax department, his children can't be arranged to the tax department? This surprised Lin Haoming.

"Hey, hey..." fan Kuo smiled embarrassed, Then he said with three points of embarrassment: "Brother Lin, we are brothers, so we are open to some words. Although my brother-in-law is the commander of the tax department, my sister is not the only woman around my brother-in-law. Although there are not many famous women around my brother-in-law, there are also more than ten. My sister used to be favored for some time, but her life is not good now, or it has not been good for 1800 years Sometimes, I need help. Of course, I was just painting a tiger for skin, and I should share some with her. "

"Lord dianen doesn't have many children, does he?" Lin Haoming asked.

"My brother-in-law's wife is Fu Shengxing. It is said that she is still a big family of Fu Shengxing. In fact, my sister and others are similar, because after coming here, she has established rules. My sister is lucky to have children, and her position is relatively stable. I had the opportunity to work in the tax department because of my nephew's birth. Now this little guy is in the middle of Yuanying, and I want to work for her He thought that at his brother-in-law's house, unless it was the head lady nodding or for other special reasons, the children in the concubine's room needed to find their own way to make a living in addition to the annual money. " Fan Kuo smiled bitterly.

After hearing this, Lin Haoming also understood why fan Kuo found himself.

Lin Haoming also pondered the pros and cons. When fan Kuo saw Lin Haoming not talking at this time, he immediately continued: "brother Lin, my nephew is still very sensible. He is definitely not a troublemaker, and with him, brother Lin can sometimes draw tigers and skin."

Dianen closed the door and gave power to Shi Kang. There were many inside stories. Even fan Kuo didn't know. Of course, his sister knew that she was just warned. Lin Haoming naturally wouldn't care about painting tigers and seeking skin. In fact, Lin Haoming didn't mind as long as he was a obedient person, so he didn't wait for fan Kuo to say anything, Lin Haoming nodded and said, "although he is Lord dianen's child, if he is not obedient, I am not afraid to offend Lord dianen."

"Don't worry, my nephew is definitely a good boy. In fact, he has been bullied more at home than a boy like Xun Wu." Fan Kuo seems a little bitter.

Lin Haoming can also feel that fan Kuo's sister has a hard time, otherwise she won't even be bullied by her children.

When fan Kuo finally had to leave, the miser handed Lin Haoming a storage bag.

Lin Haoming glanced and found that there was 200000 yuan stone in it. It was a lot of money. Fan Kuo was a miser. In addition to daily expenses, it was not so easy to save this sum.

Of course Lin Haoming didn't want it and gave it back to him directly.

"Brother Lin, I'm working for my nephew. If you don't accept it, you won't regard me as a friend." Fan Kuo is rarely generous and appears very determined.

Lin Haoming said more firmly, "I won't accept it because I'm a friend. If you insist on staying, I won't accept your nephew."

In the face of Lin Haoming, fan Kuo was also filled with emotion. He nodded and said a lot of grateful words at one go. Finally, he left.

Seeing fan Kuo off, three of the four places have gone, and Lin Haoming believes that someone will come to find him soon.

But unexpectedly, he sent fan Kuo away. Lin Qi told Lin Haoming that Lin Fang had come and had been waiting outside the courtyard for a long time.

In fact, Lin Haoming has long found that Lin Fang, Lin Zhang's daughter, has no communication since she came here and took a picture on the first day. Lin Qi is in charge here. Now she suddenly comes to find herself. Lin Haoming can believe that she should also come for the quota.

After all, it's Lin Zhang's daughter and her nominal sister. Although the gap in strength makes her wait respectfully with the advancement of God, she still needs to see it, at least in order to maintain her superficial reputation.

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