Demon Scum

Chapter 5014

Li Chongming let himself settle down, and Lin Haoming just settled down.

Now that you have the false immortal identity, you can study the pattern array in a fair way.

Before, I spent all my time on cultivation. It was almost a very extreme 20000 years. When I advanced to the galaxy, I really stagnated on the pattern array.

At present, Lin Haoming's actual pattern array ability lies in the flesh and blood pattern array. He can simply engrave the pattern array on the skin, which is almost the same as Li Chongming. If Lin Haoming engraves the pattern array in the blood, it is still a big problem that Lin Haoming needs to solve, and most of the fake immortal realm pattern array masters who can't become a real immortal level stop at this step.

In terms of the inheritance of battle bones, the most important thing is to master the pattern array of blood system and water system. First, taking water as the object of pattern array inscription is to be solved. This step is relatively easy. What is more difficult is that blood circulates throughout the body. During circulation, like some pattern arrays engraved on water, it is easy to lose significance because blood circulates in the body.

So at this stage, it's not so much to engrave the pattern array as to integrate into the blood to make the blood change essentially.

At this step, that is the understanding of blood. In short, to some extent, it is improving blood.

If you want to change your blood, you have to study your blood. Thinking of this, Lin Haoming can't help thinking of the God King of obsidian temple. If he is really an immortal level pattern array master, will the saint daughter's academy be the place he uses to study your blood? Even more than blood.

Lin Haoming couldn't restrain this idea any more. He even wanted to ask Li Chongming. After all, he had just broken through this level, but there was no apprenticeship relationship between himself and Li Chongming, so he must pay something. And he hasn't come to that step yet. Now he hasn't fully mastered the inscription array on the skin and flesh, It's just on the pattern array that just broke through and absorbed mana before.

Trying to suppress some extravagant hopes, Lin Haoming began to continue his research on the pattern array. As the cultivation is essentially equivalent to a real fairyland, the success probability and effect of Lin Haoming in inscribing the pattern array are much stronger than before.

In this way, Lin Haoming spent more than 100 years here. After more than 100 years, Ling Huiwu left the customs. Lin Haoming got the news from Li Chongming. When Lin Haoming just came here as the branch leader, he should have just entered the real fairyland. After 30000 years of hard training, he has now reached the second section of the real fairyland.

It took 30000 years to go from the first stage to the second stage, which is still the gasification stage of the real fairyland, and Ling Huiwu is still a figure with great history. No wonder that the Obsidian God court has existed for millions of years, and the God King of the God court has only gasified between seven and eight stages. When it comes to the real fairyland, the cultivation speed is too slow. I really don't know how slow white immortals and even golden immortals will be in the future, But when I think about the long time of the universe, I think this is reasonable.

Perhaps it was because Ling Huiwu successfully advanced and was in a good mood. After seeing Lin Haoming, he was appointed soon. He became the leader of class B from class C. in other words, Lin Haoming now took the position of Li Chongming.

It is also natural for such an appointment. In these more than 100 years, Lin Haoming has shown his ability to be a half step immortal level pattern array master. Lin Haoming deliberately showed his ability to engrave Juyuan pattern array on the skin and flesh in front of Li Chongming, and asked the question about blood by asking him for advice.

Lin Haoming's result is consistent with his own guess, but it is also very different. At this stage, he does have a certain research on the blood. He also puts the pattern array into the blood, which can also improve the blood, but it does not change the blood itself, because it is a blessing of the pattern array and has timeliness, Completely changing blood vessels is impractical for those who cultivate fake immortals. For the study of blood vessels, at least employing people to study them directly is nominally prohibited. Of course, some people violate it. As long as no one is investigated, it will not be much, because no one is willing to offend a pattern array master of this level, so Lin Haoming guesses what the God King did, Although Li Chongming has no evidence, he and Lin Haoming have similar conjectures. They will not intervene in such things unless they violate the fundamental interests.

Knowing this, Lin Haoming is worried about Cha Qi and cha Moyu, but it's probably too late to find her now.

Li Chongming gave some good suggestions for Lin Haoming's ideas. In fact, it is used to study blood. The foundation starts with some ordinary animals, and then some star beasts can be used gradually. Finally, you can buy some humanoid groups. The universe is vast. There are many such things. Of course, you really need to go further. It is normal to find some death row prisoners, and when you really try to engrave them, In fact, you can choose some powerful star beasts first. After all, the pattern array is generally used on fake immortals. How many fake immortals can be used to try? At present, it can't be found at all. The effect of ordinary people is not as good as that of the star beast. Li Chongming himself made sure that he had stepped into the ranks of the immortal level by inscribing a pattern array on the star beast.

Lin Haoming also decided to do so. However, he hasn't reached this step yet. He can take his time and join the Yuanbao club. Lin Haoming is not in a hurry.

Lin Haoming's Juyuan pattern array was recognized by Li Chongming as soon as it was displayed.

Inscribing Juyuan pattern array can help cultivation, especially Lin Haoming took the initiative to draw it for Zhan Yehui and several other friends.

Zhan Yehui was clear about Lin Haoming's means, so he let Lin Haoming come without saying a word.

Lin Haoming naturally won't miss. He finished the pattern array easily.

As Zhan Yehui, who took the initiative to become a test object, Lin Haoming didn't charge any fees, and the effect was very good. Zhan Yehui immediately informed many friends, but at once attracted many people to find Lin Haoming to engrave the pattern array.

Of course, the people who came to find Lin Haoming were more or less acquaintances, and they were also from Yuanbao club. After all, there was a guarantee for Yuanbao club, and Lin Haoming didn't miss it once.

As a result, Lin Haoming was good at engraving Juyuan pattern array. Moreover, because the price was reasonable, many fake immortals came to Lin Haoming to engrave Juyuan pattern array. Lin Haoming's business was booming.

In addition to these things, Lin Haoming also has his own business as the principal of Yuanbao fair. The simplest one is that Lin Haoming is responsible for all things in a branch every time the Centennial auction of Yuanbao fair is held.

Because Lin Haoming succeeded Li Chongming, he was also responsible for the original division.

There were many Li Chongming's men in that place, but now they have been replaced by Lin Haoming's people, including Lin Haoming's two disciples, others in the Qin clan, and even Yu Shuang and Tang Xi will help, but this has given them a lot of exercise.

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