Demon Scum

Chapter 5068

Because there was only one level-5 demon here, Lin Haoming quickly found the other party's location, followed by impolitely sneaking into his residence and began to search.

The level-5 demon didn't know whether he occupied the island alone, so the residence was huge because of the dominance of the family. It was just a small city, and there was no woman in the city, all of whom were handsome men.

Soon, Lin Haoming found that the level 5 demon was indeed a woman. In this way, all the men here were her wives and concubines, which made Lin Haoming speechless.

However, the woman is really strong and looks more like a man than those men who look beautiful and weak.

Lin Haoming didn't intend to have any intersection with her. He just looked in the palace like this small town and found a place to collect books before long.

Although there are some prohibitions here, Lin Haoming can't stop himself from going in. He just soaked in it for a long time and didn't find anything valuable. The only thing that makes Lin Haoming feel useful is a few travel notes introducing the world of heavenly demons, which makes Lin Haoming know more about the world of heavenly demons and solves his own reason for fighting each other.

What Lin Haoming didn't expect was that the three great demons had strict regulations on the number of their subordinates. Each great demon king had 12 demon kings, and under each demon king, there could only be 60 great heavenly demons. This number was fixed, because the territory of each demon king and great heavenly demons was fixed. This was when the three great demons decided to take charge of the heavenly demon world together, It is also said that the number of experts in the demon world was this, so it was divided like this.

Under the great heavenly devil, it is the upper heavenly devil. In the heavenly devil world, only when you reach level 5 can you be crowned with the title of heavenly devil, while level 5 is called the lower heavenly devil, level 6 is the middle heavenly devil, and only those with the title of heavenly devil can have a fief.

The number of upper demons under the big demons is also fixed, and they are all 60. As for the distribution of the territory of the upper demons to the middle demons, there is no fixed. Some upper demons will have hundreds of middle demons, while others have only a few. The same is true for the distribution of the middle demons to the lower demons.

Sometimes, if the land is not enough, some middle and lower demons will become demons without land, and even the whole number is not large. As for a fixed number of upper demons, sometimes the big demons will occupy some other interfaces, then these demons without land will also be sent to occupy the interface.

In other interface wars, because of the interface power of other interfaces, some interfaces that have ruled for many years will be driven out. Therefore, the status of those demons who do not have the local territory of Tianmo world is relatively lower, at least not as good as those with territory.

As for the fact that the triangular demons were destroyed by the nine eyed demons in the past, it is rare in the world of heavenly demons, and it may not happen once in thousands of years. The main reason is that there are some things in the external war. The demon king above tacitly allows others to launch a battle for their territory. Such a battle can only be participated by the contenders and guards, and the demon king cannot intervene, This is also the rule jointly set by the great demon king.

In order to avoid anyone launching such a challenge, the great demon king also stipulates that once the Challenger launches a challenge, if he loses, there is only one way to die, but the guardian can choose to give up or escape. Generally speaking, even if the guardian is defeated, he has the opportunity to give up, and then escape to another interface to live a miserable life, but if he was injured or unwilling to give up, Naturally, everyone knows the final result.

When Lin Haoming knew this, he felt that it was like a means for the great demon king and those demon kings to consume their subordinates. Lin Haoming also believed that those demon kings must want to become the great demon king, but the great demon king is the same. It is absolutely impossible for a subordinate to share their rights and interests equally.

In addition to these things, Lin Haoming also saw an interesting thing.

That is, not all the demons in the world of heavenly demons, even the devil king, are born in the world of heavenly demons. Some strong people with other interfaces can also become a member of the world of heavenly demons after being recognized by the devil king or the great devil king.

Lin Haoming originally planned to find himself an identity in the demon world. Since there is such a way, Lin Haoming has another plan.

With this idea, Lin Haoming did not leave Shuangzhu Island immediately, but stayed in the woman man's palace for a few days.

Soon Lin Haoming found what he wanted. Sure enough, the woman can occupy such an island alone. She does have some origins and skills. Because of this, some intelligence and news will be sent from Tonggu island.

The female man has a good jurisdiction here. There is a special archives, which stores the information she received after she came here.

Lin Haoming followed in while others were storing these things, and then looked at what information he could use.

Soon Lin Haoming found that, sure enough, the nine eyed demon was under the Black Bone Demon King who controlled a large area, including Tonggu Island, and the Black Bone Demon King was competing with the God of the kingdom of God.

For these guys with the top interfaces, some interfaces are rich in resources and are an important source of their growth.

Now the most intense competition between the two sides is an interface called Ganoderma lucidum, which is an advanced interface.

People in the world of heavenly demons are naturally qualified to grade other interfaces. According to the level of heavenly demons, those who can give birth to lower heavenly demons equal to level 5 are lower interfaces, also known as lower interfaces. Those who can give birth to level 6 are medium interfaces, those who can give birth to level 7 are upper interfaces, and those who can give birth to level 8 are higher interfaces. Those who cannot give birth to level 5 are inferior interfaces, There are really many such interfaces. I have seen a lot when I came through the void, and most of them are small. Even if there are big demons sent in the past, generally speaking, there are other reasons. They won't work hard to occupy, because they don't have much value. The resources produced by that interface are really not enough.

According to this, the yuan demon world is indeed a inferior interface, and it should also be controlled by the heavenly demons in the heavenly demon world. I just don't know who it is, and you Jia hides there. I don't know why. At that time, he compromised with himself, maybe he really had his own purpose, but now he doesn't have a conflict with him, so he doesn't care, I'd better go to the Ganoderma lucidum world first.

The location of the Ganoderma lucidum world is also found in the interface information you got from Youjia, and it's not too far. It's a little closer than going to the yuan demon world, but the direction seems different, but Lin Haoming doesn't care. There's still his own part, which is equivalent to a fake fairy, and it's sure to be fine. So Lin Haoming quietly left here and returned to the ruins of the triangle city, From the crack that came in, drill out again.

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