Demon Scum

Chapter 519

Such a woman who calculated others everywhere made Lin Haoming feel worried about following her alone.

The ink dance seems to have seen something from Lin Haoming's hesitation, and used a calm way of mouth: "Lin Haoming, I'll tell you some words directly, and you can see my identity. I have the blood of a real dragon, which is also very attractive to other demon practitioners. Therefore, it is better to believe in the Terrans than to trust them."

"It seems that master Mo has suffered losses before." Lin Haoming tries to be like this intentionally.

"I don't have to say much about it. I just want to know if you are willing to. If you promise, I will give you some benefits. You can rest assured that I will never attack you. After all, you are not a person who has no ability to fight back!" Mo dance said.

Hearing her say this, Lin Haoming can't help but think of Bodhisattva again. Even if he really wants to cooperate with her, Lin Haoming thinks that he must first absorb the Bodhi Heart.

Thinking of this, he took the initiative to say: "master Mo, I don't know how many other people can find here?"

"Less than one in ten thousand. Of course, if your martial uncle Zhao is proficient in the array of Dharma, there may be one or two possibilities." Ink dance quite confident way.

"Can I think about it? I don't think if you were in my position, would you Lin Haoming asked.

"Yes, if it's me, no matter how big the temptation is, I won't accept it. After all, the risk is too big, but you are not me. I can see that you have some cards in your heart. You should be able to use it to kill two Yuanying friars before Ink dance is sure.

Lin Haoming did not expect ink dance to observe himself so thoroughly. But for a while, he didn't want to say anything, just a smile.

Mo dance did not continue to ask, just looked at the place not far away, and slowly said: "I'll go to have a look and decorate a little, so that no one can find us. After some time, we will go."

Seeing the ink dance leave, Lin Haoming did not hesitate. He immediately took the Bodhi Heart out of the Pearl of space and held it in his hand.

"Merit! Almost limitless merit is like the flood that breaks a dike to rush toward oneself.

Lin Haoming had already felt that he had absorbed a lot of merits and virtues after he had been given a relic after the death of a monk in Yuanying period. But now, compared with this Bodhisattva, he is a little bit of a witch.

If the merit brought by the relic is one, there will be at least one hundred.

Soon a message came to my mind: gongdezhu told himself whether to form a middle class merit.

At the beginning, when he knew that there would be inferior merits and virtues, Lin Haoming guessed that there would be middle class merits and top class virtues. Now this guess has come true, but Lin Haoming himself did not expect that the realization came so fast.

Lin Haoming agreed immediately without hesitation.

Soon, a lot of inferior merits and virtues gathered together in the Gongde bead. Almost in the blink of an eye, they merged into one, and turned into a small ball of light circling in the bead.

After the formation of a middle class merit, a second one has also been formed, followed by the third and the fourth.

Maybe it's because there are too many merits flowing in, and the beads of merit and virtue become more cheerful and hard-working. After that, the formation of middle-class virtues has become faster.

In the process of so many merits flowing into his own merit beads, Lin Haoming felt unspeakably comfortable. Some dark injuries caused by the use of demon possessed body before seemed to recover in the process. At this time, he felt more comfortable than ever.

Lin Haoming didn't know how long it had been. When all the merits and virtues were absorbed in, the Bodhi Heart in his hand seemed to have disappeared. It seemed that the Bodhi Heart itself was a collection of merits and virtues, and now it has been transformed into merit.

Lin Haoming carefully checked the number of merits and virtues, which surprised him a little. At the moment, his merits had reached the appalling 18 middle class merits, 16 inferior merits, and some merits of great and small.

In fact, I had only seven inferior virtues, but now there are so many more. If we convert all the intermediate virtues into inferior ones, this Bodhi Heart will bring us a full 1467 inferior virtues.

Lin Haoming had never thought of so many merits before. For him, it was a matter of enjoying himself to get more than 1000 great merits. But now it is inferior merit, which is 81 times more than great merit.

Unable to restrain the ecstasy in his heart, Lin Haoming was excited to jump up. Fortunately, the ink dance is not nearby, and the Bodhi Heart has disappeared. Lin Haoming is not afraid to be found again.

All of a sudden, he got so many merits that Lin Haoming finally got the idea to unseal the Pearl of merit and virtue again. After all, in this situation, it is always good to have more ability than to protect one's life.

Let himself calm down, Lin Haoming carefully took a look at the current situation of the release of gongdezhu.

It takes a great merit to unseal the fifth seal and the sixth seal.It takes three merits to unseal the sixth seal.

It takes a great merit to unseal the third seal and the fourth seal.

Detoxification beads can be used to unseal five seals, and twenty-seven merits are needed to unseal the sixth seal.

To unseal the fifth seal of Tonghui pearl, it needs a inferior merit to unseal the sixth seal.

It takes 27 great merits to unseal the third seal of Yangzhu.

To unseal the third seal of Yin bead, unsealing the fourth seal needs a inferior merit.

To unseal the third seal of yufengzhu, three inferior merits are needed to unseal the fourth seal.

To unseal the third seal of Tianlei bead, nine inferior merits are needed to unseal the fourth seal.

Tianleizhu is now the biggest killer in his hand. Only the stronger Tianlei bead is, the higher his ability to protect his life.

Lin Haoming found that it took at least three inferior merits to drive Tianlei beads, and at most it could only be driven by nine inferior merits.

As long as it was unsealed, he would certainly be able to improve his ability in this respect. Therefore, without hesitation, Lin Haoming immediately spent thirty-six inferior merits and virtues to unseal the fourth and fifth seals of tianleizhu.

In this way, at most, I can integrate into a medium level merit to release the thunder attack. I believe that even if it is the real yuanyingqi dayuanman existence, it can't stand it.

After unsealing tianleizhu, Lin Haoming didn't think much about it. He immediately used nine inferior virtues and unsealed the seal of the tenth gongdezhu. In his mind, Lin Haoming immediately got some new information from gongdezhu.

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