Demon Scum

Chapter 5196

When Lin Haoming planned to devote himself to cultivation, Lin Haoming had already considered it clearly. For him, it was a necessary choice to study the herbalist system in this world. However, for hundreds of years, the spirit of cook was almost consumed. Lin Haoming resolutely used the soul searching method. Although he got some broken things, he also let Lin Haoming know a lot, This makes Lin Haoming very satisfied.

Lin Haoming knows from some of Jock's memories that there is a magical treasure in the goddess of harvest cult, which can make people as powerful as level 5 wizards and last a long life.

Normally, the life span of level-3 wizards is about 5000 years, level-4 wizards can reach 12000 or 3000 years, and level-5 wizards can generally live to 30000 years. However, the treasure of harvest religion can prolong the life span of level-5 wizards for thousands of years, which is almost against the sky.

Of course, even Jock only knows the existence of such treasures, what they are and how to use them. Jock doesn't know that this is the top secret of the harvest goddess religion, and only the supreme ruler of the harvest goddess religion can get the treasures to prolong his life.

Through his own research, jock guessed that this kind of thing could not grow or be bred naturally. It must be refined like a drug, because there are some life prolonging drugs in itself. If this is true, Lin Haoming felt that getting this treasure and studying the refining medicine in the world have become one thing, and he only needs to move towards one goal.

According to what we know now, the only people who can use this treasure to prolong their life are the saints of the goddess of harvest. According to the doctrine of the goddess of harvest, the saints are in charge of Four Saints, and each saint is actually the maid of the goddess of harvest. The goddess of harvest belongs to the goddess of harvest.

For such things, Lin Haoming always feels that if the harvest goddess really exists, it is likely to be a coming guy. Of course, it may also be the actual controller of the wizard world, at least one of the controllers. It's a little like controlling some aspects in the magic tower and the wizard world.

In fact, up to now, Lin Haoming has found that Tianmo tower and other universes seem to have something in common in essence. Lin Haoming also vaguely feels that he may have touched some real rules of the world.

The four goddesses of the harvest goddess church are also the actual supreme rulers of the church. They also represent light, forgiveness, judgment and benevolence. Therefore, the church is divided into four parts of power.

The saint of light is responsible for sacrificing and praying for a good harvest, but the harvest is the title of the goddess. Therefore, the saint can only use light, but in fact, she is in charge of taxes and money. If she forgives the saint, she is actually in charge of the clergy of churches everywhere. If the state expresses it, she is in charge of all civil servants; The trial of saints is dominated by military power. Finally, the benevolent saints are in charge of the operation of the church itself, the core Saint selection and Presbyterian court, and the church protection elite group, which is different from the general army and guards the temple of saints.

Of course, the four powers have their own constraints and their own strengths and weaknesses. Judging by strength alone, the power to judge saints is the strongest. Of course, the four gods are level five wizards, so there is no who is stronger.

In addition to being an important member of the black wizard organization of the death tentacle secretly, jock is also the deputy commander of the twelve holy legions and the 12th Legion under the church to judge the saint. Even when he was promoted to the deputy commander, he was received by the judge saint. However, this death tentacle is indeed the demon source continent, The dark tentacles were cultivated. Although some things in the middle led to death, the tentacles are relatively independent, they are still inextricably linked with the other side.

Anyway, for Lin Haoming, a level 3 wizard, the most important thing is to get what she wants and then go back. Mu Xue doesn't care about herself there. She just wants to grow up and return. With Stella's protection, she is also plain sailing. She entered the level 3 wizard a little earlier than herself.

Level 3 wizards are very strong in the wizard islands. Although they are not the top here, Lin Haoming thinks they are barely enough. The best way to get the treasure is to join the church. Lin Haoming starts to think about it in combination with what he refers to.

In addition to the church directly ruling goddess mountain, the whole continent is divided into hundreds of countries, large and small. The rulers of the country are also wizards, but every wizard needs to be canonized by the Holy Church, otherwise he is a pagan.

Of course, the church also has strong control over these countries. Each country has many churches, and the person in charge is called the bishop according to the size and actual control of the church, and the bishop is also divided into several grades. The kings of some countries, or the bishops of their own huge and extremely important urban churches, are generally the first-class bishops and the kings of small countries, In addition, the goddess church also calls the church bishops of the four holy cities in its territory directly under the central government and the bishops of the eight regions divided by the Kingdom region as archbishops, and each layer of bishops has a subordinate relationship.

The church has no direct governance power in the area under its jurisdiction, but it has the right to collect taxes and can have its own local Holy See army. Therefore, in essence, the power of the church is far from comparable to that of the kingdom. Even in some countries, the bishop is the real master of the country, and the king is just an official working for the church. In fact, many people think so, Only a few big countries have a relatively independent right, but most of them are not to challenge the church, because in some historical records, there have been several guys challenging the church, all of which have ended in destruction. The country has completely collapsed and finally cheaper others.

In view of this, the royal families of some countries even choose to try their best to integrate into the church, and even the kings of some big countries are bishops themselves. This kind of national church integration is not uncommon in hundreds of countries, but this kind of situation is not inherited. Even if the king is also an archbishop, it will change with the exhaustion of the king's life or the promotion of bishops, For example, in some countries, the bishop of the king has changed from a medium bishop to a superior bishop, so he will leave his country and pass on the throne to future generations.

Such strong control makes it almost impossible for the harvest goddess religion to be shaken. Of course, the holy religion is not without enemies. The existence of black witches is one of them. Some black witches organizations will never be young. Even if one is destroyed, as long as there is the inheritance of black witches, it will continue to be born. However, the overall gap between the power of the Holy Church and the holy church is too large, at most it is some insignificant itching, If you can't help it, just scratch it.

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