Demon Scum

Chapter 5249

"Yes, it's not far from here. It's only half an hour's walk. She and Ling Jiao are neighbors. As soldiers, they are often not at home, and her husband still has no way to treat them. In this way, I'll be accompanied when you're away. After all, I don't go in and out of those places like my mother.

"Do you need anything else at home?" Lin Haoming asked softly. To some extent, Xie Xiaoqing is indeed the most ideal wife in the world.

"I'm going to let Peier be the housekeeper. In addition, I'll hire two maids, a cook, a gardener and a coachman. After all, we're just beginning. When you get a higher position, we'll add some." Xie Xiaoqing calculated carefully.

"It's enough for the time being. If you have children in the future, you're hiring a wet nurse!" Biff smiled.

"Mom!" Xie Xiaoqing was embarrassed immediately.

"Are you still shy? Every time Haoming takes a vacation, you ask me for contraceptives." Bifu unkindly revealed her daughter's secret.

"Mom!" Xie Xiaoqing shouted again, and her face became redder.

"Well, don't use it again after marriage, and it will affect children. You'd better pay attention. Don't eat it and try to have children after two or three months." Biff explained.

"Haoming went to the exam and we didn't have it for a month..." Xie Xiaoqing immediately explained, but found that what he said was really a little shameful and stopped immediately.

"Nothing. I was shy just now!" Biff looked at her daughter and couldn't help laughing.

"Mom!" Xie Xiaoqing suddenly became more shy.

On the first day of July, Lin Haoming and Xie Xiaoqing held a wedding, and many people came to congratulate them.

Being Lin Haoming's wife made Xie Xiaoqing very happy. Looking at her happy smile, Lin Haoming even doubted whether it was right to deceive her. At present, it can only be better for her, so Lin Haoming tried his best to make her happy these days.

When it was almost August, Lin Haoming left here and went to the temporary residence of the first division.

Because of the instability of Dakang, the first division has been mobilized here for a long time. Once there is a change, it can start immediately.

The temporary residence of the first division is now in Heitu city in the north of daiguo, less than 300 kilometers away from Dakang.

Black Earth City is famous for its fertile land. The surrounding black land can produce more food, which makes it a large population. Black Earth City is also the richest place in the north of Dai country.

Lin Haoming and others came directly by airship. The whole harvest continent is very huge. Airships are their own means of transportation, and airships are not the kind of slow airships on earth, but more like aircraft, but they are of different sizes. Large airships are enough to transport an army.

Compared with dawn City, blackearth city is smaller in scale, but has a small population, even more. The reason is that living in the holy city is rich and powerful. Even if they are not so big and powerful, they have some status and ability. Living here, you can see the real civilians, and the slums exist. Even half of the whole city is inhabited by these people, half of whom are employed tenant farmers, They will leave the city early in the morning and work in the black land outside the city. The reason why they live in the city is also because when the winter break comes and after the autumn harvest, the food processing factories in the city also need more short-term workers, so they can work again.

Moreover, farming is not done every day. You can often find some odd jobs in the city.

The residence of the first division is not in the city, but in the military camp outside the city. Lin Haoming didn't come here alone, but came with more than 20 students. When he arrived here, more and more people in the other three holy cities were assigned to the first division, and nearly 100 people were assigned to the first division, which also shows that the first division had suffered heavy losses and needs to be supplemented. After all, although more than 1000 people graduated, most of them will be assigned to local legions, Not into the holy Legion.

"Lao Dai, don't say I didn't help you this time. I won the first place for you. Your first cavalry regiment should be well trained. Don't die again in a few fucking years!" Lu Chao, the commander of the 12th corps, patted Dai Hongming, the commander of the first division on the shoulder and said.

"I don't want to die either, but our first division is supposed to undertake the most important task. It's not our first division to rush forward in a hard battle."

"Lao Dai, I know that your division suffered heavy losses last time, and nearly half of the first cavalry regiment was killed and injured. Except deputy commander Xu Tao, all commanders above the battalion commander died in the war. No, first dispatch good players from other divisions, and now there are new people. This first performance is very eye-catching. There has been no such excellent student for many years." Lu Chao said with a smile.

"Really? Don't just come to gilt." Dai Hongming is a little worried. Now there are too many related households. Sometimes one person changes a team.

"Which fool will come to you for gold plating and death?" Lu Chao asked with a smile.

"That's what I said!" Dai Hongming couldn't help laughing. There are many other places. There are too many deaths on his side to come.

"And he seems to have been trained by the deputy commander of the general army himself!" Lu Chao suddenly whispered a reminder.

"The deputy commander of the general army?" Dai Hongming was surprised and asked.

"Which one do you say is temporarily delegated to the school?" Lu Chao asked with a smile.

"She, it seems that this boy should be really capable." Hearing this, Dai Hongming seemed to be looking forward to it.

An hour later, he saw a total of 16 people who joined the first division. Among them, the man named Lin Haoming made him remember his face immediately.

On the training ground, everyone of the first division lined up to meet the new grass-roots officers. This happens every year and everyone is used to it. Now, there are indeed insufficient personnel and it is normal to supplement them.

As a division commander, Dai Hongming also has a strong breath. After a welcome speech, he shouted to Lin Haoming: "Lin Haoming, from today on, you are the captain of the first squadron of the first battalion of the first cavalry regiment of the first division. You are the first graduate of the military academy. I hope you can live up to the honor of the first place."

"Don't worry, sir, I will work hard!" Lin Haoming said loudly.

"Very good, Cao Xiong. You are the tenth. Now I appoint you as the vice squadron leader of the fourth mixed regiment, the second battalion and the first squadron."

"Yes!" A stout man promised loudly.

"Li Qianguang, you are the 12th. Now I appoint you as the vice squadron leader of the third infantry regiment, the Third Battalion and the third squadron."

"Yes!" A tall, thin man with cold eyes stood up.

No one can come to the first division. Lin Haoming can see that these dozen people, even if the ranking gap is not small, are hard hands.

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