Demon Scum

Chapter 5300

In the evening, Lin Haoming has arrived in Guangyuan City.

Lin Haoming sat high in the hall of Guangyuan City, listened to reports from all sides and continued to give orders.

Shicong mountain has also been brought to Lin Haoming. Lin Haoming, the master of the Holy Spirit, didn't embarrass him. At least this guy is a local snake, so Lin Haoming let him belong to xuanshengmen, and then set out to rule the East holy land.

Shicongshan naturally could not refuse, and immediately agreed to come down. In the face of such a powerful opponent, the confrontation was just to die.

When things got to this point, the next thing was simple. The army began to disperse, occupied the whole territory of the three saints first, and then beat down the Feiling gate.

Lin Haoming didn't go anywhere else. He controlled the remote control in Guangyuan City. Shang Yitong, as the commander-in-chief, presided over it in addition to attacking the Mountain Gate of Feiling gate. At other times, he also asked his subordinates to act separately.

With the three saints sect, especially the Mountain Gate of Feiling gate, being knocked down, the whole east continent was no longer in the mood to resist.

Some people directly fled to other continents, while others came to see shicongshan take refuge in Lin Haoming.

Among them, the most powerful is Zhang Sanniang of Xuanling sect.

The woman was smart. From Lin Haoming's attack on Dongsheng mainland, she roughly judged that Lin Haoming could never be a person in the holy spirit world, and such a powerful force made her realize that she would only die later if she fled to other continents. Xuanlingzong had the best news. She knew the Shicong mountain that Zhou ziyue had persuaded to surrender at the beginning, so she sent someone to contact Zhou ziyue to surrender.

As soon as Zhou ziyue heard this, she was naturally overjoyed. After she and Xue Hongxia took refuge in Lin Haoming, they didn't have much power. What they did was mainly to gather and appease the people in the occupied areas. At present, when Zhang Sanniang came to take refuge, it was also her own opportunity.

So she took the initiative to ask Lin Haoming for credit and brought Zhang Sanniang to Lin Haoming.

Lin Haoming just plans to occupy Dongsheng continent and deal with other continents. Zhang Sanniang comes with information from other continents.

In view of Zhang Sanniang's situation, Lin Haoming directly sent her to Zuo Xinting and asked her to be Zuo Xinting's assistant. Zhou ziyue, a woman, could drill camp. Lin Haoming also sent her to Zuo Xinting to watch.

With the intelligence support of Zhang Sanniang, Lin Haoming quickly eliminated the residual forces in the East holy land. Most people can't leave with those holy spirit worshippers, so they can only choose to belong.

After trimming and reorganizing some people in Dongsheng continent, Lin Haoming began to attack the sea area and the other three continents.

Because of Lin Haoming's repair, the sea people in the other three continents and several sea areas also joined hands. When Lin Haoming's army went towards the ancient continent, they directly fought with Lin Haoming's army halfway.

Lin Haoming is in charge of the army. The intelligence has long been sent. This side will choose the sea area to attack, so Lin Haoming has long been prepared.

Shang Yitong commanded the war boats and puppets to fight, and his 3000 war boats carried 30 million troops. Although the number of Hai nationality and coalition forces of all parties was several times more, they were still weak in the face of the strength of war boats and puppets.

The sea clan, the three continents and the Holy Spirit worshippers who escaped from the East holy continent gathered 30 people and killed Lin Haoming directly in order to catch the thief and the king first. However, unexpectedly, the demon master's strength was really terrible. Thirty experts couldn't help him. Finally, they were surrounded by a large army and had to flee one after another.

Lin Haoming looked at some people who fled, but sighed. He found that although the law of the Holy Spirit universe is similar to that of the heavenly demon tower, it is not the same. Before swallowing the chaotic core, he can only exert the power of the interface limit of the universe. In short, once he exceeds the power of Mahayana, he will be suppressed by the power of the interface. Although Lin Haoming is not afraid of his current cultivation, he can really surpass it later, I will be excluded by the interface. This is because I am too powerful. If I am just a fake fairy, the Holy Spirit universe is estimated to destroy myself directly through the force of the interface.

At the beginning, when I was at the wizard universe interface, I also showed my transcendental strength. However, at that time, the interface has been eroded by the Tianmo tower for a long time. Now this interface has been swallowed up for a long time, and the interface is much larger than before. If it is eroded slowly, it is estimated that I will be able to give full play to the fake immortal strength for tens of thousands of years.

This situation makes Lin Haoming realize that swallowing these interfaces is not invincible and needs to be careful, but it also explains why there are so many universes and some universes are not easily controlled. Obviously, it is not so random to control a universe.

At present, with Lin Haoming's strong strength and Shang Yitong's completely militarized and unified operation, in the face of the combination of several forces, he chose to concentrate on breaking a little, and soon the other party collapsed.

After the crash, Lin Haoming ordered the army to chase and kill, and then continued to move towards the ancient continent.

The reason why I chose the ancient continent is that according to the information of Zhang Sanniang, there is a place called Holy Spirit mountain in the ancient continent, which is said to be a pillar supporting the heaven and earth of the holy spirit world.

Although this is a rumor, in fact, the rumor is well founded. The Holy Spirit mountain is not only the most powerful sect in the ancient continent, but also the Mountain Gate of the Holy Spirit gate. According to the ancient records of all parties, it first came out of the ancient continent, and there is something called the Holy Spirit Essence in the Holy Spirit gate.

Because of this, Lin Haoming thinks that the most likely place for the chaotic core in this world is the Holy Spirit mountain. If not, go to other places to find it.

When the army arrived in the ancient continent, the ancient continent had already changed its color.

Because the military peak points directly at the Holy Spirit mountain, the army does not have to stop on the way. Moreover, if the Holy Spirit mountain is laid down, the ancient continent will naturally surrender.

In fact, there was no resistance in the ancient continent all the way to the Holy Spirit mountain. The army was not scattered. There was nothing to stop such a powerful force.

Some high-level officials, some of whom can leave the ancient continent, choose to leave the ancient continent, and some of them still stay, because after hearing the news, Dongsheng continent also takes refuge in each other, and the other party naturally needs the local people to help them stabilize their rule. As for the lower level, there is no choice at all, and war is the business of those monks and masters, which has no impact on mortals.

In this way, the army arrived at Holy Spirit mountain after a long journey.

Just when Lin Haoming planned to repair thousands of miles away from the Holy Spirit mountain and then attacked directly, a Holy Spirit venerable of the Holy Spirit gate, who is known as the saint of the Holy Spirit gate, voluntarily surrendered.

Linhaoming was very satisfied when he heard that someone was coming to surrender, and she was also the saint of the Holy Spirit. Originally, he didn't mean to kill all the ruling interface. Even after plundering the chaotic core, he would use softer means. Now someone is willing to surrender. That's the best. Besides, the saint is said to be the person in charge of the essence of the Holy Spirit.

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