Demon Scum

Chapter 677

"You! How can your God move freely

Biqi looked at the top of her head and looked at Lin Haoming, the yuan God, who was transformed into human form at the moment, and exclaimed in surprise.

Why do you want to tell me a smile

"No matter what, you are just a monk of yuanyingqi. Be a part of me After Biqi was surprised, she didn't seem to bother with Lin Haoming. Suddenly, the light flashed and she was about to swallow Lin Haoming down.

But at this moment, Lin Haoming's hand suddenly more than a small ball, the ball is thrown, immediately sent out a dazzling white light.

With the light shining, Biqi instantly felt that she was going to melt in this terrible light. No matter how strong she thought she was, she was no different from a mole ant in this light.

Biqi subconsciously wants to escape, but there is no gap in the light. No matter where she escapes, Biqi can shine in white. However, she wants to withdraw from Lin Haoming's shenzhihai, but she finds that the shenzhihai is completely locked and can't leave at all.

Unable to escape, unable to escape, Biqi only felt that she was getting weaker and weaker as time went on. Her fear completely enveloped her. Finally, she could not support her any more. She yelled at Lin Haoming: "no! No! I don't want to die, Lin Daoyou. I'm not right. I shouldn't have taken away from you. Please take my life around me

Lin Haoming didn't answer. He just looked at the crystal ball that seemed to be shrinking in front of her. At this time, the crystal ball had already appeared some cracks, and the cracks were more and more deep. Finally, after a while, they completely broke apart, and turned into a little light, and disappeared directly.

Without the crystal ball, the one who was completely exposed to the light at this time turned into a dark and shriveled old woman instead of the beautiful woman who had always appeared in front of her. It was obvious that the former appearance was all transformed by her. What she said at first was that she used the original appearance of the master, and it was not wrong at all.

Seeing that Lin Haoming didn't answer, Biqi was more and more afraid. She couldn't help shouting: "Lin Daoyou, I'm willing to really recognize you as the Lord. I'm from the upper world. I can teach you a lot of things that you don't know. If I'm here, Daoyou'll have a better way to ascend in the future It is of great use to Taoist friends

It's rare that Biqi is still very sober at this time. Although begging for mercy, she can still say a lot of reasons to move Lin Haoming, but Lin Haoming doesn't want to stop at this time.

Found that Lin Haoming still did not respond, Biqi became more weak, but in order to survive, continued to cry: "friends, even if you are confident that you can soar, but you always have some reluctant people in the lower bound. If you can take my life around me, I have a way to help it soar to the upper bound."

After saying this, Lin Haoming finally asked, "Oh! Do you have such a way? "

Upon hearing Lin Haoming's reply, Biqi was overjoyed, and immediately admitted: "yes, as long as the Taoist friends fly up to the upper world, then you can open a channel from the upper world, and the lower bound friars who have not reached the stage of turning into gods also enter the upper world. On this day, the magic pavilion was my original master's coming down from the upper world. The fact has already been put in front of us. Daoyou should be able to believe me."

"Well, I can kill you!" Lin Haoming felt that Biqi's words should be believable at this time. As soon as he grasped tonghuizhu, the terrible light disappeared.

Although the light disappeared, Biqi was already very weak at this time. The yuan Shen became a little transparent. It seemed that there was a possibility of collapse at any time.

Before Biqi, Lin Haoming was under absolute terror pressure. At this time, Biqi, under the influence of tonghuizhu, had a sharp decline in her accomplishments. She was no longer far away from her own, and was likely to disappear completely at any time.

Lin Haoming didn't want Biqi to die at this time, so he put a crystal bead in front of Biqi and said, "the spirit treasure you originally lived in has been destroyed. This is also a spiritual treasure. You can be the spirit of it."

What Lin Haoming took out was the magic pearl that he got in the magic heaven cave of Jubao Pavilion many years ago. He had not found a suitable spirit for many years, but now it is cheaper than Biqi.

Biqi at this time also did not have the choice, did not have the slightest hesitation, one head plunges into the magic bead, the magic bead also sends out the aura.

Still in the central room, there is still a crystal bead in front of him, but the crystal bead becomes a magic pearl, and Lin Haoming has absolute mastery.

But let Lin Haoming feel something wrong is that at this time the whole earth is shaking, the room is shaking more severely.

Restoring control of his body, Lin Haoming immediately asked, "Biqi, what's going on?"

"The magic pearls are damaged, and the magic Pavilion is out of control on this day. Now, the Tianmo Pavilion is in the void. I'm afraid it will collapse soon!" Becky replied.

Hearing this, Lin Haoming was also surprised and asked, "what should I do?" Lin Haoming asked.

"Only to leave and leave!" Becky replied.

"How to leave?" Lin Haoming asked."It's natural to use the holy stripe transmission array. This transmission array is just below the room. Taoist friends just need to break the ground. But because there is no magic pearl, I can't control everything here, so the genius gems in the treasure house can't be obtained!" Biqi was very sorry.

Hearing this, Lin Haoming immediately felt a pity. However, compared with life, nature is still important. Fortunately, he left some seeds in Xumi space before, which was also a harvest.

Without the so-called magic beads, some of the protective array also disappeared. Lin Haoming just hit the ground casually, and the floor of the room immediately broke open, revealing a big hole.

Lin Haoming immediately jumped down, found that the following is a passage, along the road Biqi pointed, walked dozens of Zhang, to a secret room.

There is nothing else in the secret room. There is only a Dharma array, which is the upper holy stripe transmission array.

"Where can this send people?" Lin Haoming asked.

"I don't know about this either. I only know that the interface between this array and Taoist friends is connected. I just can't use it because I don't know how to use holy tattoos. I used to learn holy tattoos when I taught them to do magic tattoos. I planned to take possession of their bodies and leave here!" Biqi said to the truth at this time.

At this time, the whole earth shakes more and more seriously, and even some sand and stones fall from the top of the head.

Lin Haoming knew that if he didn't go, if the transmission array was destroyed, he would have no choice but to die. So he immediately stepped into the array, and at the same time, several excellent spirit stones were embedded into the grooves of the array. With the magic formula constantly playing, the whole transmission array started up.

Seeing that the transmission array is effective, Lin Haoming is also relieved. With the help of the magic formula, a powerful force of space finally envelops Lin Haoming.

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