Demon Scum

Chapter 841

Lin Haoming couldn't help thinking. With the transmission, they soon arrived in a room more than ten feet in size. The elder sister E and a dozen other friars who had been transmitted here were already waiting.

After seeing Lin Haoming and another person arrive, the elder sister smiles and says, "OK, all the Taoist friends are here. Come with me next!"

As she spoke, Lin Haoming glanced around and noticed that there was only a channel leading to the unknown place except the transmission array coming out.

With sister e entering the passage, it was not long before she arrived at a huge square. Although the square was not small, Lin Haoming noticed that it should be under the ground somewhere, and the square should be rebuilt from underground karst caves. In this square, there are already many monks coming from other channels. Obviously, the monks who participated in the underground market transaction were not there A few, and continue to come.

Lin Haoming noticed that all of them were above the foundation. Although there were no yuanyingqi monks, there were at least 20% of the Jindan monks, which was not simple. Not only did many of these people hide their true faces with bamboo hats, but also used their skills to hide their faces. No wonder the man wore a hat and no one asked about it 。

Lin Haoming himself is not hidden appearance, after all, no one in this place will know himself, there is no need to hide.

Lin Haoming closed his eyes. This is sister e who also took them to the center of the square. Then she said again with a smile: "OK, dear friends, I can only take you here. The front is the entrance to the underground market. As long as you pay a piece of high-quality spirit stone, you can enter it for trading. If you want to participate in the midnight auction, Dao It's OK to arrive at the auction house at a quarter past midnight. Of course, if you go in, you need to pay another piece of medium spirit stone. "

Lin Haoming didn't know the rules here very well, but he didn't say anything. Anyway, things here were clear at a glance. When the monks arrived at the square, they all went to a hole several feet wide, where they took out the spirit stone and exchanged for a jade talisman to enter it.

Soon Lin Haoming followed the others to the cave entrance. He took out a piece of high-quality spirit stone and handed it to the doorkeeper. After exchanging the jade talisman, he entered the cave.

The cave was formed naturally, and it was not rebuilt. It was not long. But after walking thirty or forty feet, we arrived at the open space where a larger natural cave had been rebuilt.

This place is several times larger than the square before, and has been specially trimmed to a height of 100 Zhang and arranged in the shape of a well. At the mouth of the well, it is a building that is not tall but very large. After a close look, it seems that it is the so-called auction house.

Along the two horizontal and two vertical roads, there are all kinds of temporary shops, some more simple sheds, and even a wooden platform nearby. At this time, a woman who looks only about 20 years old shouts and shouts at the monks who come in. Lin Haoming knows after listening to two sentences Bai, these women standing beside him are the so-called furnace tripod.

After sweeping these women by divine consciousness, their accomplishments are not high. The strongest one is only eight or nine layers in Qi training period, and the lowest is even four layers in Qi training period. However, she is the most beautiful one among several people. There are already two or three people who seem to be interested in this woman.

On the surface, the trade of cauldrons is forbidden in the Xiuxian world. Even if they know that there are transactions, most of them are furtive. Here, although it is known as the underground market, it can be seen that the scale and identity of a monk who is not clear about his first visit to Zha Dao can also participate in it. It can be seen that the semi open square market is so full of publicity that it can be seen that the land of Wusha can be seen Xiuxian world is more cruel than other places.

Lin Haoming has seen from the expressions of those women that they are not constrained, but they are deliberately catering to the monks who are interested in themselves. Obviously, it is good for them to be the furnace cauldron of an elder with advanced accomplishments.

Not long after entering here, the people who came with him also separated. Lin Haoming didn't mean to be a companion with someone, so he wandered here alone.

However, only half an hour later, Lin Haoming was somewhat disappointed with the underground square city, because most of the so-called invisible items sold here were items related to the cultivation of magic skills. For the cloud land where the magic cultivation occupied half of the mainland's strength, many of them were ordinary things. Of course, there were also a few evil weapons and charms, and the whole cultivation world All of them are low-level items, which are forbidden to use. They are useless to him who has reached the peak of his infancy.

In this way, although the place here is not small, but also very fast, not long has been back to the original entrance.

At this time, there was a group of women at the entrance where the cauldrons were sold. One of them was actually a nun in the middle of the foundation construction. This made Lin Haoming feel a little surprised. After all, the foundation has been built. As a nun, there is no reason to be a furnace cauldron again. After all, the furnace cauldron needs to be repaired. If you meet a ruthless person, say Maybe even the foundation will not be protected.Curious, Lin Haoming stopped and took a look. He found that the woman was not controlled by others at all, but in her eyes, she was colder. She was more dignified than the two full-bodied nuns in the Qi refining period.

"I said, boss, the nun in the foundation period, I don't know how many spirit stones she needs!"

At this time, the same friar who had just come over to see this scene, some itched to ask.

However, after he inquired, the scarlet man immediately shook his head and said, "sorry, Taoist friend, because miss Mei has appointed to follow only the elder jindanqi, it is impossible for Daoyou to calculate any higher price, unless you can take out at least half a kilogram of ten thousand year old jade."

"Half a kilogram of ten thousand years of cold jade, I said that you are not joking? It's going to take at least tens of thousands of spirit stones, not to mention buying her a furnace tripod in the middle of foundation construction. You can buy three Hearing this, the friar immediately cried out.

The Scarface man was not angry, but said with a smile: "don't complain, Daoyou. We are not engaged in such bad business. This is what Miss Mei means. The price is a little higher, but can you buy a virgin with the appearance of Miss Mei if you buy three?"

Said here, one side of the Mei girl, the face can not help but slightly red, appears particularly delicate, for a time even two on the side of the beauty of women who are even slightly better than the next.

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