Demon Scum

Chapter 898

Seeing that their behavior was abnormal, the devil was also worried. Although he was quite conceited, he would not allow the other party to complete the magic power. He waved his hands and rolled two black chains toward Guangyuan Sanzi.

However, at this time, not only the other three monks of Guangyuan clan immediately protected the three, but Zhao Keming made another move. The holy beast plate was sacrificed by him at this time, and under a little finger, the virtual shadow of the four holy beasts appeared directly above the three sons of Guangyuan.

Under the control of his mana, the surface Rune of the chain waved by the demon was unsteady. At the same time, the chain which was not as thick as the thumb turned into the arm thick and was still growing. When the chain was near the three people, it was as thick as a bucket.

But at the same time, the three monks of Guangyuan sect suddenly sacrificed three seemingly unimportant beads. Before they touched the chain, they burst out on their own. At once, countless electric arcs were aroused from them, and they entangled the two chains.

Under the terrible arc of thunder, the black chain could not move, as if it had been locked by the arc.

"Tianleizi!" At first, the devil was surprised, but then he was disdainful. With the shaking of his hands, the runes on the surface of the chain began to surge. With the change of the rune, a black air appeared at the top of the chain. A moment later, two ferocious demons appeared.

These two demons are all in the shape of green fangs, but in addition to a pair of long horns on top of their heads, there are still green and quiet vertical eyes between the eyebrows, which is very strange.

After the two demons appeared, a purple arc burst out from the long corner of their heads at the same time. The purple arc was really weird. After colliding with the original arc, both sides actually disappeared. Only for a moment, all the arcs that entangled the chain disappeared.

"Shape changing spirit! Kill these two demons After seeing these two demons, he cried out.

As a matter of fact, Zhao Keming did not need to urge him at all. The rosefinch among the four sacred beasts, inspired by his magic formula, sent out a long cry and a fan of wings, accompanied by the hot fire, had already rushed to the two demons.

"If it's really a rosefinch, I'll be afraid of it. It's just a mirage. I'll break it!"

After the magic power flowed for a while, the two demons turned their eyes and shot out two green lights. The two green lights also met each other in the middle, forming a thick green light column. They rushed to the rosefinch. They only saw the rosefinch, which seemed to be amazing. Under the flash of green light, they didn't even have any reaction In the glow of green and fiery red, it broke up into a little fire and disappeared.

Zhao Keming's face was livid when he saw this scene. Since he got the sacred beast plate, he was also a big killing weapon. But he didn't expect that such a powerful treasure could hardly be beaten by the opponent.

However, when Zhao Keming was shocked, he suddenly did not know where he was coming from. The golden light seemed to be very thin. However, it was only for a moment that he penetrated the two demons one after another. In the same way, the two demons collapsed into two groups of evil Qi and disappeared.

At this time, the crowd looked at the place where the golden light came out. They only saw Guangyuan Sanzi's hands. They did not know when an extra golden bow appeared. At this time, the three men, two of them, grasped the two sides of the long-distance worker, and one held the bow string. Obviously, the arrow just now was sent out on the basis of this long bow.

"Lingbao!" After the demon saw it, his face became slightly ugly, but before he could react, the three injected magic power into the golden bow again. The long bearded Taoist priest opened the bowstring with force, and a golden light appeared.

When Zhao Keming saw the scene, he was overjoyed. He once again made a magic formula for the holy beast plate. The green dragon incarnation immediately uttered a sound of the dragon's sound and rushed at the demon possessed man.

"Looking for death!" Maybe the other party was angry, and the devil's face was full of light, and then a black air enveloped his whole body. A moment later, under the black air, he only saw the devil who was originally human, and turned into a real devil like the demon spirit just now, and his whole body was covered with a layer of black fur, which was particularly vicious.

Just after turning into a real devil, Qinglong has arrived. Zhao Keming's Dharma formula moves. Qinglong is like a boa constrictor, and goes directly towards the demon man.

"Hum!" When the devil saw this, he just let out a cold hum. The black light on the chain on his hand flashed. He turned into two long black swords. When he waved it, the green dragon that had just been entangled was chopped into several sections in a moment. In a flash of light, it broke up again.

Seeing this, Zhao Keming knew that the holy beast plate seemed powerful, but it didn't have much effect on the demon man. So he recalled the holy beast plate directly, and then reappeared the jade seal. Under the flow of the jade seal Rune between the jade seals, a "shadow" character appeared quickly. Then the jade seal rose rapidly, and under a burst of blur, the surrounding was unexpectedly However, thousands of similar jade seals appeared all of a sudden.After Zhao Keming opened his mouth, he directly emitted a burst of blood mist. Then the light of the dragon on the jade seal was shining. Then, as if he had come back to life, he raised the dragon's head. Then he opened his mouth and spewed white light to the demon possessed man.

"A little bit of work!" When the devil saw it, he sneered again. The black light of his hands danced with him again. For a moment, countless light blades suddenly shrouded the surrounding space, and the magic jade seals were destroyed and disappeared under the black light.

"Go!" When Zhao Keming saw this scene, he gave a solemn drink, and then an amazing scene appeared. The coiled dragon that had been circling on the jade seal flew out of the jade seal. Although it was cut off a lot by the other party for a time, there were still hundreds of white dragon flying towards the demon.

"Show me!" In the face of such a spectacular scene, the devil did not have the slightest worry. The green vertical eyes suddenly burst out a stream of green light. Under the light, only countless flying dragons disappeared one by one under the light. Only one came from the side and never disappeared.

The devil's eyes twinkled with sarcasm, and his hands flashed with black light, and he cut directly at the pan dragon, which showed his real body.

"It's not that easy!" When Zhao Keming saw through the other party, he gave a big drink. The pan dragon, which was about to be killed, flashed into countless runes and pasted it directly to the enchanter. At the same time, a bigger golden light flashed and came to the demon again.

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