Demon Scum

Chapter 930

The pool was shaking, or, at the bottom of the pool, shaking violently, as if something was coming out.

Lin Haoming holds the Tiansha sword tightly in his hand. The Shajia formed by the Tianmo battle armor and the Disha bead has already protected himself and even turned into the body of the demon in case of any accident.

The light of the Fu array quickly became dim, but the vibration was even greater. For a moment, some cracks appeared in the array, which seemed to collapse. This made Lin Haoming a little surprised.

But in the moment of his thinking, the array, which had just a few cracks, suddenly broke. With the breaking of the array, the vibration of the whole pool disappeared in an instant, as if everything had been fixed in this moment.

Lin Haoming out of a strange, there is no other mind, and a sense of crisis difficult to speak, now also gradually emerged in mind.

"Go Lin Haoming subconsciously comes up with such an idea in his mind, but before he starts, a dark figure suddenly appears below him, and then he comes to himself.

Lin Haoming was also terrified by such a strange dark shadow. He, who had planned to take a step back first, immediately flew out towards the top.

Seeing that Lin Haoming was about to leave, the shadow quickened his pace. In the blink of an eye, he had already reached the position under Lin Haoming.

At this time, Lin Haoming finally vaguely saw the shadow. He was a seemingly small child. However, because the time was too short, he just saw the general appearance. It was impossible to see clearly whether it was a man or a woman, or a man or a devil. He could not see clearly, because it was here that the so-called child had already punched himself.

The fist looked ordinary, but when he got close, Lin Haoming felt the terror of the other side's power. As soon as the demon's armor touched, it was immediately broken up, and then it was directly bombarded on top of the Sha Jia.

Lin Haoming only felt a huge force shrouded in his body, his body did not have the slightest resistance, and flew directly to the top.


Just as he flew out, Lin Haoming faintly heard a voice coming from below. He seemed to be surprised that he didn't kill himself with one blow.

Lin Haoming did not care so much, with the help of the strength of the other side's fist, desperately accelerated to fly toward the water.

At this time, Lin Haoming didn't know exactly what the guy below was. He only speculated on the strength of the other side. At least, he was also a body refiner above the spirit transformation. How could he appear here? Lin Haoming couldn't understand. If there had not been Sha Jia just now, he would have broken the body with a single blow.

Lin Haoming is barely up, but he is not so happy.

Flying out from the depth of 3000 Zhang, the distance is not far, so soon, the dawn of the exit is in front of you, but you can see that there are still more than a hundred feet to rush out. Suddenly, the dark shadow has reached the level with itself, and then hit him again.

This time, although the other party is very fast, Lin Haoming is also ready. No matter what, he also takes a breath of real Qi and smashes the fist that cold Yanzhu is hitting at the other party.


A loud noise, accompanied by the water burst, Lin Haoming only felt that the other side was stronger and stronger than that. Although the cold flame bead was also extremely extraordinary, the huge force was too terrible. If Lin Haoming was not the body of a demon, or his own way of body building had already reached a very high level, I'm afraid it was just this moment that he could not do it.

But even so, Lin Haoming also felt that his whole body's skeleton seemed to be misplaced, and his body flew backward without any control. Finally, he bumped into the rock wall and embedded it.


Although the dark shadow, which looked like a child, flew Lin Haoming out, but he himself was forced back some distance because of the huge gravity of the cold flame bead. He also issued a voice of astonishment again.

Lin Haoming did not have the time to think so much. When his hands and feet couldn't be used for a while, his heart moved and directly urged Yu Fengzhu. A pair of wings appeared behind his back, and he immediately took himself to the exit.

"Well!" Lin Haoming's quick reaction made the black flame feel an accident again. Although he soon chased him up, he didn't expect that Lin Haoming could still move at this time, so he still slowed down. With such a little hesitation, Lin Haoming finally rushed out of the water.

As soon as he left the water, Lin Haoming relaxed in his heart. Without any hesitation, he immediately urged the eight gate heaven lock array.

But who would have thought that, today's hands and feet are still numb, the formula has not been completed, the shadow has even rushed out of the water, and directly killed himself again.

The strength of the other side was so powerful that he had long been beyond his imagination. Although Lin Haoming asked himself how to train his body, he was very powerful, but in the face of the terrible existence above the transformation of gods, he had no intention of hitting hard at all. The formula stopped instantly and gave him a hand. The jade amulet he got before leaving appeared in his hand.When Lin Haoming's magic power is infused into it, and a golden curtain of light completely envelops him, the opponent's fierce fist hits the light curtain again.

Lin Haoming only felt like a rootless duckweed floating in the air, and finally hit the corner of the pool.

However, although the blow was fierce, Lin Haoming was not hurt at all, but the golden curtain of light trembled away under this blow, and even had a posture that was on the verge of collapse.


Lin Haoming once again heard the unexpected cry in the mouth of the other party. At this time, Lin Haoming finally saw the real shape of the shadow.

To Lin Haoming's surprise, this seemingly child shadow is really a child, and is still a girl who looks only about ten years old.

The girl was wearing a long black dress, so when it flashed rapidly, people mistook it as a shadow. In fact, the girl's skin exposed outside was very white and tender, and her face was as delicate as that of a craftsman in the palace of heaven. Her big black and bright eyes were full of brilliance, and they were full of charm. They could never forget it with one glance.

Although she is only a girl who looks no more than ten years old, Lin Haoming only feels it in miaoyueyoushuang in her life. Even Ruolan and aorou are inferior to her.

How could such a beautiful girl be under the seal? Lin Haoming was very curious. What made him even more difficult to understand was how such a girl could have survived under the seal for such a long time. I'm afraid that no one has been here for tens of thousands of years.

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