The old man was in a hurry to get out of the way.

Now satellites have gone up to the sky, cameras are everywhere, and the demons under Muzan have almost taken control of the government.

Finding a demon slayer, isn't that easy?

Once he found one, Muzan asked Shizuji Asanuma to install a mayor there, who was a demon under his command.

Hey, you rubbish demon slayer, you don't know, I know exactly what you do!

And the demon slayer's base at this time.

Because of the cooperation between Yanagi Pharmaceutical and the Demon Slayer Corps, in order to show sincerity, the research progress of the wisteria flower bullet was accelerated.

Tamayo generously threw Yanagisawa Noriyuki to the Demon Slayer Corps.

Yanagisawa Noriyuki: "???"

Why are you throwing me so generously?

I've been busy for hundreds of years and I'm just about to give up!

You just throw me over there to research bullets targeting demons!

I'll turn around and shoot you with bullets!

Go eat the bullets!

But even though he complained, Yanagisawa Jiyuki still worked obediently because he was instructed by his boss.

He stayed in the Demon Slayer Corps with Peilang, figuring out how to target half-demons.

The two were discussing how to make the "poison gas" of wisteria flowers that is useful for half-demons but harmless to humans, and how to speed up the time for the wisteria flower poison to take effect.

Suddenly, footsteps were heard outside the door, and the head of the Ubuyashiki family, the lord, opened the door and walked in.

"You've worked hard."

He had a smile on his face.

Peilang was a little excited, as if he had seen his idol.

Yanagisawa Jiyuki was very calm, and even wanted to laugh.

Boss, you're still the best!

During his time in the Demon Slayer Corps, Yanagisawa Jiyuki not only helped Peilang make bullets, but also saved many people in the Demon Slayer Corps.

This made Yanagisawa Noriyuki's reputation in the Demon Slayer Corps very good.

He would not be like Muzan and Douma, who went to the Demon Slayer Corps and still wanted to eat.

So it was impossible for him to be exposed.

After dealing with the head of the Ubuyashiki family.

Yanagisawa Noriyuki only learned from him that the Demon Slayer Corps actually wanted to cooperate with the government?

Forget it, the boss can do whatever he wants.

A week later.

Ubuyashiki got the news that the mayor successfully persuaded someone above.

He came in person to confirm that as long as it can be proved that demons really exist, the Demon Slayer Corps can be given a certain degree of freedom to carry weapons, and even cooperate depending on the situation.

Ubuyashiki hurriedly followed the news and came to the city government again.

As soon as he arrived, he saw that the mayor had been waiting for a long time, and was eager to take him in, while solemnly instructing:

"You must produce evidence and persuade him to cooperate with you. It's okay to make the situation sound miserable, as long as you can persuade him!"

The head of the Ubuyashiki family agreed seriously.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw the man he had seen many times on TV news - Shizue Asanuma.

After all, over the years, Shizue Asanuma has changed his name so many times.

His face has also changed one after another.

Ubuyashiki tried his best to persuade him, and finally, in the afternoon, the two got in the car and drove towards Fujikiyama with a pillar.

It is better to let him see it with his own eyes than to say a thousand words.

After Shizue Asanuma "was almost bitten to death by a demon" and "was rescued by a pillar in a thrilling way", he was "scared out of his wits" and "hurriedly shouted for cooperation".

In the end, in a friendly atmosphere, it was Shizue Asanuma who took the initiative to ask for deeper cooperation.

But of course, the Demon Slayer Corps is only allowed to equip weapons against "demons". There will be guns and ammunition, and the government will support the manufacture of more weapons, but the bullets are wisteria bullets, and there will still be restrictions on those that may threaten civilians.

At the same time, the government will strongly support the demon-slaying operation.

So far, the cooperation has been achieved.

But Ubuyashiki has a hard time letting go of the "kind ghost" mentioned by Urokodaki Sakonji and the "ghost king" mentioned by Peilang.

In fact, many ghost hunters have encountered those extremely powerful ghosts, but they didn't kill them in the end.

He once guessed that there really was a ghost that got rid of the control of Muzan Kibutsuji.

But would the "ghost king" mentioned by Peilang really be so kind?

Then what else do they do in the Demon Slayer Corps?

What are those evil ghosts that never disappear?

Could it be that the "ghost king" mentioned by Peilang is not really Muzan Kibutsuji?

As for Muzan Kibutsuji turning over a new leaf?

It's ridiculous!

Even if nine suns appeared in the sky, that scumbag couldn't turn over a new leaf!

That's the source of evil!

According to Mr. Shizuki Asanuma, a census will be conducted in a few years, and at that time, all the ghosts hidden in the mountains and forests will be discovered.

But because of the threat of ghosts, if you want to start

To carry out the census, it is necessary to develop more powerful weapons that can target evil spirits.

Ensure the safety of the census team.

When that time comes, it will be time to completely eliminate the evil spirits, right?


Yamakawa Kouta finally came back from abroad.

As a top "foodie", one country is not enough, so he left here and ran around the world looking for food to eat.

After decades, he felt that he was now enough to reach the level of upper strings.

But he was not in a hurry to challenge.

He was lucky to return to Tsuji Province. He met a blind guy as soon as he came back.

Seeing that he had a lot of money, he came up with the idea of ​​blackmailing.

In full view of the crowd, he deliberately bumped into him, then fell to the ground and shouted: "My arm is broken!"

Yamakawa Kouta looked at him calmly, and the guy seemed to not care at all, still shouting:

"Pay me money! You broke my arm! Don't think about leaving without paying me!"

At the same time, the people watching around pointed at the guy who fell down.

"This guy is cheating other people's money again!"

"Go, go, don't get hurt."

"I also heard that he abused his wife and children, what a scumbag!"


In the noisy crowd, almost no one thought he was really hurt.

It was enough to see how bad this guy usually was.

He looked at Yamakawa Kouta without any reaction, and even had contempt in his eyes, and climbed up from the ground with his hands and feet:

"Brothers! Come on!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of burly guys ran out of the crowd and surrounded Yamakawa Kouta aggressively.

Seeing this, some people around hurried away, some ran to call the police, and some tried to dissuade these people.

As a result, he was glared at: "If you keep nagging, I'll beat you up too!"

Yamakawa Kouta looked at this group of aggressive people and suddenly smiled.

As if he was scared, he walked towards the man just now: "I will pay the money, I will pay the money, it's my fault, and I have troubled your friend, it's my fault."

As he said, Yamakawa Kouta took out a sum of money, handed it to him under the man's proud and disdainful eyes, and said:

"Let you run another trip, I will treat my brothers to a meal."

The people around him looked at him like this, and they admired his flexibility.

This money can be taken at will!

This group of people didn't expect that he would take the initiative to treat them to a meal?


Very good!

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