The next moment, Master Yueyan rushed forward.

The evil ghost just waved the fan lightly, and ice mist poured out of the fan, and two exquisite ice men appeared.

The two ice men seemed to have life, waving ice blades, creating countless ice vines, and fighting with Master Yueyan.

Master Yueyan's blade was almost invisible to the naked eye, and countless slashes attacked frantically, but were easily blocked by the two ice men.

This time, the two sisters saw Master Yueyan "using all his strength" for the first time.

The terrifying speed almost made it difficult for their eyes to keep up.

But such a powerful master seemed particularly powerless in front of this guy.

Is this a truly powerful ghost?

Just facing the two created little ice men, the master was at a disadvantage.

If this goes on, he will definitely be killed!

Kanae held her breath, and while the evil ghost didn't move, she concentrated and aimed!


A bullet shot silently at Douma's head.

Douma seemed not to hear it, but the next moment, he tilted his head and the bullet passed by.


Douma smiled and looked at Kanae in the distance:

"Don't interfere, little girl~ Or I can't help but eat you~"

He covered half of his face with a fan and laughed:

"After all~ You are so beautiful~ You look really delicious~"


Kanae looked at him unwillingly.

Why was it discovered!

Now that she has been noticed, it is almost impossible to find another chance!

And the master can only hold back the two little ice men. If she is discovered, she will also be in danger!

"Sister! Get out of there!"

Shinobu Kocho yelled, setting up a machine gun and shooting at Douma.

Douma pouted and looked at Shinobu Kocho:

"Ah~ She's so beautiful, but you're willing to shoot me~"

As soon as she finished speaking, Shinobu Kocho's pupils shrank.

Did this guy disappear?

Where did he go?


With a cracking sound, Shinobu Kocho hurriedly retreated.

This guy actually appeared right next to her!

And the fan just made a scratch, and a crack was cut where she was originally!

The stones on the ground broke apart!

At this moment, while Douma was being dragged by Shinobu Kocho, Kanae had moved to another place and fired another bullet at Douma.

But he seemed to have a head behind him, and he didn't even look at it, and slightly turned his head to avoid the bullet.

At the same time, he waved the fan, and several ice blades flew towards Kanae.


Shinobu Kocho yelled.

Kanae rolled over and hid behind a large rock nearby.

With a few clicks, the ice blades were deeply embedded in the stone and the soil.

At this moment, their master "finally" dealt with the two ice men and rushed towards Douma in an instant.

Douma didn't seem to react and was hit in the neck by a knife.


The imagined scene of decapitation did not appear, and the Nichirin sword stopped on the surface of his skin and could not move forward.

Master Yueyan "finally" understood the "huge gap" between himself and this evil ghost.

But it was too late, the evil ghost kicked him, and Master Yueyan flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

With a terrifying muffled sound and a cough, Master Yueyan coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood in pain, but got up desperately.

He rushed up again holding the Nichirin sword tightly.

The Butterfly sisters noticed that because of the fall, the master's back was also rubbed, and the stained clothes were showing patches of red. I'm afraid that even the bones have been broken!

Master Yueyan rushed over and fought with the evil ghost again.

The Butterfly sisters wanted to provide remote support, but found that they could not intervene at all.

If they shot rashly, they might hit the master.

What to do...

At this time, the master suddenly restrained the evil ghost's arms.

The master shouted:

"Shoot quickly!"

Kanae, who was holding the sniper rifle, and Butterfly Shinobu, who was not far away, froze. How could they shoot!

Master Yueyan would die if he shot!

Even after training for several months, she could not shoot so accurately!

"Hurry up!!!"

Master Yueyan shouted and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

The evil ghost's elbow hit the master's body again and again, and blood kept flowing from the corners of the master's mouth.

Seeing the evil ghost about to break free from its restraints.

Kanae and Kocho Shinobu finally made up their minds:

“I’m sorry!


As the trigger was pulled, the bullets from the sniper rifle and the dense bullets from the machine gun all hit the two figures.

The master finally died, but the bullets hit the evil ghost, but did not break the defense at all!

He picked up the master's body, looked at them with a meaningful smile, and disappeared in the night.

Kanae seemed to have lost all her strength for a while, and she collapsed on the ground.

Shinobu Kocho looked at Kanae with lifeless eyes:


The two of them couldn't help but look at each other. Tears flowed down.


Master is really dead...

Kanae, who always had a smile on her face, finally burst into tears, buried her head in her arms, sobbing.

Shinobu Kocho knelt on the ground, tears dripping onto the soil.

The pale moonlight shone down, and only two children, only twelve or thirteen years old, were left at night, crying bitterly on the edge of the deserted city.

Kanae sobbed and tried to stand up, packed up the sniper rifle, put it on her back while trying to hold back her tears, and walked towards Shinobu Kocho:

"Let's go. ”

She is the elder sister, she cannot be a coward!

The master is dead, and she must protect her sister by herself in the future.

I must, must avenge the master!

Shinobu Kocho bit her lip and looked up at Kanae, her face already full of tears.

But being watched silently by her sister, she also stood up with tears in her eyes.

A few crows cried, and two figures pulled out two long shadows on the ground, leaving step by step in the cold wind.

Back to the hotel, the two noticed the master's relics on the ground.

There, a letter was pressed by a knife handle without a blade.

It was the handwriting of the master!

"I know that I will definitely die facing Upper String Two this time, but I have to go.

Four years ago, I went to Fujixi Mountain with my senior brother to participate in the assessment.

But before we arrived at Fujixi Mountain, we met the terrifying evil ghost-Upper String Two.

My senior brother sacrificed himself to protect me. I watched him eat my senior brother bite by bite, but I could only run away.

I was scared and did not go to participate in the assessment.

But I had nightmares every night. That evil ghost came and killed my senior brother.

I felt guilty day and night.

So, I started to embark on the road of killing ghosts alone, making myself stronger and stronger.

In fact, I was not worthy of being called a ghost hunter from the beginning to the end.

The so-called proof was given by others.

For my senior brother, I must face that evil ghost, and for myself.

I can't escape anymore.

I'm sorry to leave you and leave this world without permission.

But you are very talented and can definitely kill Upper String Two for me.

You must survive, okay?

Yue Yanliu.


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