The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

"I killed all the ghosts who killed people indiscriminately. The half-ghosts got rid of my control, and there were so many of them that it was difficult to kill them."

The main reason was that I was too lazy to look for them.

"I am also working hard to eliminate the half-ghosts. You have to believe that we are all good people!"


In short, after a lot of trouble, Muzan still shamelessly let Qinye follow him and just secretly looked at Inosuke.

Everything was explained clearly.

Douma looked at Kotonoha and smiled:

"You should become a ghost too, so that I can always listen to your singing."

"I don't want to be a ghost."

"Why? None of you want to be a ghost, how great it would be to be immortal!"

"Not everyone wants immortality."

Kotonoha smiled peacefully:

"Everyone's pursuit of life is different. You want immortality and power, but all I want is the plain and warm happiness with my family, and the company of birth, old age, sickness and death.

Moreover, I have never longed for eternity, nor have I ever thought of leaving the race in exchange for immortality.

You probably can't understand it either, right?

But I am still a human being, and I have the belief of being a human being.

I will use my short life to accompany Mr. Douma for decades of warmth, but I will not ask for eternity.

I know very well that for someone like me, immortality is another kind of torture.

Eternity is not eternity, it will change."

It will deteriorate.

The so-called immortality disease is really a disease.

"Okay, okay, whatever you like."

Muzan waved his hand.

He really couldn't understand.

Anyway, he had lived for hundreds of years and was quite happy.

It was fun to have fun every day!


On the other side, Inosuke finally "recognized the truth" and, with resentment, abandoned Yue Yan who "only wanted to escape and survive."

He ran into the forest alone to hone himself.

He always believed that he belonged to nature, and would become stronger and stronger in the tempering and fighting of nature!

With a mask on, he was still the invincible mountain king!

Compared to the "specially recruited" brothers like Tokito, Inosuke wanted to join the Demon Slayer Corps to get a way to deal with demons, and he had to pass Fujikiyama's assessment.

After all, the Demon Slayer Corps was also a very respectable organization, and it was officially recognized. You couldn't just join it if you said so, right?

This forced him to return to the forest to continuously strengthen himself.



This year, 4G is becoming more and more popular.

On Zhuo Wu's live broadcast, on a list with all kinds of stuff.

The only game anchor in the top three has been in the top ten since he started live broadcasting.

He has never dropped down.

The gorgeous god of festival.

This is his anchor name.

As his name suggests, the music games he plays are always gorgeous.

Special effects are everywhere.

What's more terrifying is that the music games he plays are no longer in the human category.

What do you mean by eyes can't keep up!

There are only two words in the minds of people watching the live broadcast - NB!

Are they watching the technology?


They are watching the afterimage!

Even if the technical anchor does not show his face, he has made many music games popular because of his superb technology.

This day.

The new song of the light music group is linked with a popular music game at the moment, and on this day, "The Gorgeous God of Festival" also got the qualification to try it in advance and started a live broadcast immediately.

The popularity once rushed to the top of the list.

The barrage almost covered the screen completely.

"Hua Li Ge's voice really touched me!"

"Love it so much!"

"Hua Li Ge cleared the game in one go!"

"No music game can survive more than three minutes in front of Hua Li Ge!"


"Hua Li Ge, did you make a deal with Pian Ge?"

"Housekeeper! Housekeeper!"

"Pian Ge is invincible!"


Wuzan hunched his head and watched Tian Yuan live broadcasting and drawing residual images on the screen, and he even had time to beep:

"Thanks to Qing Le's wife for the rocket."

"Thanks to the God of Freeloaders for sending..."


It is worth mentioning that under the leadership of Tian Yuan, the remaining seven brothers and sisters also started live broadcasts one by one.

After all, the genetic talent is there, and each of them is very awesome.

Wuzan didn't expect that he would raise eight Internet celebrities...

Income method +1


And here at the Kamado family.

As he grew up, Tanjiro also started to find a part-time job to help his father make money.

Muzan's retirement life

The life was in sharp contrast to the busyness of Tanjiro and the others.

In the early morning, Muzan, who was taking pictures with a camera, heard a sound coming from the forest.

Aoi Kamado, who was holding Rokuta to coax him to sleep, hurriedly put the child back into the house, and ran out to see a wild boar rushing towards Shigeru.

Muzan subconsciously stood up to stop the wild boar.

Aoi Kamado was not a very strong person, how could she deal with an adult wild boar?

As soon as Muzan stood up, he saw Aoi using a headbutt.

He suddenly stopped and picked up the camera.


The wild boar was dizzy, and Aoi stood up proudly and looked at the wild boar that fled.

Muzan silently took a picture of this scene.

What is a headbutt!

Can Touzhu's mother be a weak person? !

What the hell is a headbutt, okay!

Tanjiro, who was going to work during the holiday, walked out of the door and looked at his proud mother in confusion.

Suddenly he felt that what he had learned about guns and other things was terrible!

He seemed to understand something.


On the other side.

In the park, Muzan looked at Kanroji Mitsuri who was sitting under a tree and eating sakura cakes:

"Is your stomach really okay? Didn't you just eat six bowls of noodles..."

"Brother Yueyan, don't worry! Um..."

Kanroji Mitsuri stuffed sakura cakes into her mouth:

"I can eat ten more bowls!"

"Mitsuri, your hair is changing color."

Muzan said, and took out a camera.

Seeing this anti-scientific scene with his own eyes, Muzan also felt it was outrageous.

The black hair, just like a science fiction movie, began to change color from the top of the head, turning pink smoothly, and the ends of the hair turned light green very automatically.

Sure enough, this world is not scientific at all!

Kanroji Mitsuri was confused: "?"

"What did you say?"

"Look for yourself."

Muzan took out a mirror from somewhere and handed it to Kanroji Mitsuri.

Mitsuri picked up the mirror and looked into it.



"Brother Yuehiko! What the hell is going on!!!!"

"Why did my hair turn into this color?!"

Muzan looked at the sakura cake in her hand:

"Is there a possibility that you ate too much sakura cake?"

Kanroji Mitsuri: "?"


"Impossible! This is unscientific!"

"Why do you say that?"


Kanroji Mitsuri looked at the sakura cake in her hand and didn't dare to eat it for a while.

It can't be true......

Her hair suddenly changed color, how should she tell her parents!


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