The time passed to the early nineteenth century.

Muzan was eating melon seeds, roasting sweet potatoes, and looking at the situation of ghosts when he had nothing to do.

He traveled all over the West...

Because Muzan didn't like to increase the number of ghosts on a large scale, the result was that only the top ones who were pleasing to Muzan could become ghosts.

So except for the place where he was, there were not many ghosts in other areas, and the total number was only a dozen, but it played a big role.

Muzan didn't bother to care about the integration of the war, just don't do things he doesn't like.

Moreover, he did find that there seemed to be no other supernatural powers except him, and even ghosts similar to him did not exist.

It's true.

However, I found that several people who have opened the stripes are very strong, but they don’t have the so-called breathing method.

The breathing method was created by the cheating player Jigoku Yoshiichi. Others are not worthy of it.


But this is not what Muzan cares about most.

He is thinking about which language the foreign ghosts will use for the exam.

After thinking about it, a good boss like him who cares about his employees should care about his employees.

Let them take the exam in both languages!

After all, they need to communicate.

I will learn Chinese later.

What’s the big deal about just two languages? Anyway, they will live for a long time, so learning more languages ​​will not be a problem.


So, the "new ghosts" who finally gained immortality were asked to study before they were excited for a few days.

The exam will be held in a while.

More than a dozen ghosts: "???"

What the hell? !

If you accept Muzan's blood, you will respect Muzan unconditionally. No matter how much you resist, you can only do what the boss says.


Why do I have to study hard even though I have eternal life!

It is worth mentioning that Maruoka Xinzi has gone there to help guide some specific matters, so Maruoka Xinzi is responsible for the entire assessment.

Thinking that Muzan-sama is always watching them, they can only devote themselves to studying painfully.

On the other side——

After Muzan gave the order, he continued to roast his sweet potato. It seemed that it was almost done. He didn't care about the high temperature at all. He grabbed it and tore the skin, bringing out the orange-yellow melon flesh.

Muzan took a bite of the golden and juicy sweet potato. It has been many years since he had eaten it!

Sure enough, sweet potatoes are still sweet and delicious!

Xiang Kai appeared from behind Muzan who was chewing a sweet potato:

"Master Muzan, my submission was rejected again."


Muzan chewed a sweet potato and turned to look at Xiang Kai, who was holding a thin stack of manuscripts in his hand.

He handed him another sweet potato:


Xiang Kai was flattered and carefully took the sweet potato handed by Master Muzan, put the manuscript on the ground beside him, and instantly burst into tears:


"Master Muzan, you are so good to me!"

Muzan couldn't help but lean back and said with undisguised disdain: "Stay away from me, you grown man, don't have that expression!"

Xiang Kai was tall and strong, and this look was really...

It's hard to describe.

Xiang Kai quickly restrained his expression and took a bite of the sweet potato that Master Muzan gave him.

It's quite delicious!

Looking at Xiang Kai with bright eyes, Muzan said:

"Didn't I tell you? You lack practice and have too little experience, so your writing is not satisfactory. Don't rush to write. Go out and see more, travel and so on. You will be able to write after more experience."

"Is that so..."

Xiang Kai was slightly thoughtful, then nodded: "Thank you Master Muzan! I will go travel now!"

After that, he ate the remaining sweet potato in a few bites, stood up suddenly, looked high-spirited, picked up the manuscript on the ground and was teleported away by Mingnu.

Muzan: You have a strong ability to act...

Xiang Kai's talent is actually not very good. In addition, in the original work, he was kicked out of the Twelve Demon Moons family by the trash boss because he had almost no improvement after becoming the Lower Six.

It can be seen that his talent in combat power is not very good, and even the upper limit is not very high.

And his writing skills are not genius. Although some of his writing is deliberately offensive, his many submissions have been rejected, which shows that he does lack some talent.

But it's not a big problem. Muzan made him a demon purely for his pleasure. As for talent, his endless life and his enthusiasm will make up for it.

While chewing sweet potatoes, Muzan thought of the time when he was a demon.

When the team was killed, Ubuyashiki Teruizumi took the pillar to a hot spring or something, maybe he could take Hoshikari and the Twelve Kizuki to have some fun?



Higashiki took a pen and paper and set off on his journey.

He wanted to record what he saw, heard and felt along the way and work hard to improve himself.

Not only in writing skills, but also in strength.

He wanted to work hard to gain the appreciation of Master Muzan.

For him, Master Muzan was the first person to give him affirmation and gave him eternal life to improve himself. This kind of kindness, for him, is tantamount to a rebirth.

Master Chiyu told him that if he was strong enough, he might become Master Muzan's most respected Twelve Kizuki, and he would definitely work hard!


Before he knew it, it was already the middle of the 19th century.

The bright sun at noon was particularly dazzling, and it made the concrete floor look orange-yellow.

Muzan looked at the cement road, bicycles everywhere, cars that occasionally jumped past, and trains that rushed past with smoke and honking in the distance.

There was a noisy horn in his ears. Driving in such a place was actually showing off that he drove a car and had money to buy a car.

When he arrived at the train station, Muzan noticed a figure wearing the uniform of the Demon Slayer Corps.

The Nichirin sword needed for battle was tied with white cloth and carried on his back.

The long black hair was tied up and drooped behind his back. He was quite tall, probably more than 1.85 meters.

Are there half-ghosts around?

There are no ghosts living nearby, and he has just arrived here not long ago, so there are only half-ghosts or murderers.

Out of curiosity, Muzan walked through the slightly crowded crowd.

He walked towards the demon hunter who got off the train without any concealment.

The other party also noticed Muzan, but was not sure that Muzan was coming towards him.

After hesitating for a moment, he approached the direction where Muzan was walking.

When Muzan approached, he hurriedly asked:

"Hello? Are you a ghost hunter?"

With the development of technology and the change of customs, fewer and fewer people believe in the so-called gods and ghosts.

So when the ghost hunter heard Muzan's words, he was a little surprised: "Do you believe in the existence of ghosts?"

Muzan nodded, and walked out of the crowded crowd with him, saying:

"My father mentioned it to me when I was a child. My father said that he had seen a ghost. I believe what my father said."

When it comes to making up stories, Muzan is very good at it.

He continued, "My father told you that if a man-eating ghost appears in a place, ghost hunters from the Demon Slayer Corps will come to kill the evil ghosts and protect the people there.

So, is there a man-eating ghost here?"

The ghost hunter nodded, "Yes, but I didn't expect that there would be people living here who believe in the existence of ghosts."

"Can you tell me the details? Maybe I can help."

The ghost hunter nodded and said, "People have died in this city for many consecutive nights. We suspect it's a ghost."

After that, he sighed again, "But the description of this mission is relatively rough, the scope is too large, it's not easy to start, and the range of this ghost's activities is also very large."

Is that so.

Wuzan said, "I'll buy a few newspapers. Newspapers usually publish such incidents of missing or dead people."

As he said that, Wuzan found a newspaper nearby and bought two newspapers from the past few days.

The ghost hunter didn't expect Wuzan's enthusiasm. He took the newspaper and hurriedly thanked him.

"It's okay, let's go to the coffee shop first and analyze the situation there."

The ghost hunter who had just got off the car and had not yet entered the state was completely led by Wuzan. He nodded and followed Wuzan.

Arriving at the coffee shop, Wuzan ordered a cup of coffee with ease, while looking at the ghost hunter who was sitting opposite him and was a little uncomfortable.

Seeing his appearance, Wuzan also knew that he didn't understand these things very well, so he smiled and helped him order a coffee with sugar.

Take out the newspaper and spread it out.

The ghost hunter felt a little uncomfortable in this completely unfamiliar environment. He looked around and heard the person opposite remind him:

"Let's find those events from the newspaper first."

"Oh, okay."

At the same time, he couldn't help but complain in his heart, why is he more skilled than me!

To be honest, Muzan is still very concerned about killing half-ghosts.

This creature is like a defective product based on him, like a thorn in his throat.

The whole afternoon was not wasted. The two drank coffee and sorted out the places where the murders occurred most frequently.

According to the analysis, this ghost should be hiding in the forest outside the city, hunting nearby at night, and as time goes by, when the number of people in a place decreases, he will go deeper into the city.

It seems that this half-ghost still has some intelligence, not completely chaotic brain.

According to speculation, tonight

This half-ghost should appear in a street near the forest.

After getting the result, the ghost hunter couldn't wait to take the sun wheel sword tied with several circles, got up and ran towards the guessed place.

Wuzan left the money and followed.

When the ghost hunter saw this enthusiastic person also followed, he hurriedly reminded:

"Don't follow me, it's very dangerous, I may not be able to protect you when the time comes."

Wuzan stopped and watched him leave.

Although this ghost hunter is tall, Wuzan can see that this guy is not strong enough.

It may be okay to deal with ordinary half-ghosts, but this kind of intelligence may not be stable.

Wuzan doesn't want to let go of any half-ghost.

Looking at the slowly setting sun, sprinkling the last golden color between the tall and short buildings, Wuzan walked towards the destination unhurriedly.

He also bought some boiled corn on the way.

Eating corn, under the moonlight, he arrived at the destination.

If you get a little closer, you can hear a lot of fighting noises.

Wuzan walked around a few houses and saw that the ghost hunter in the daytime was waving the Sun Wheel Sword to fight a hideous monster with almost no human-related features.

The monster looked like a spider, but the so-called body was countless wriggling pieces of meat, as if stuck together, with hands growing out of its hands, connected to form long spider legs, and the so-called head was seven or eight heads condensed together, like a tumor.

It kept making low hoarse sounds, stuck to the wall to avoid the ghost hunter's attack, and then sneaked from behind.

The ghost hunter turned around in a hurry, used offense as defense, and forced the opponent back with a slash.

For him, dealing with this ghost seemed to be very stressful for him.

Wuzan looked at this scene and did not take action immediately.

He had already noticed that there was more than one half-ghost here!

This half-ghost "proliferates" very fast!

With just a little bit of his blood, how much can it be divided?

Although the half-ghost escaped his control, it still relied on his blood to exist, and it was disgusting just by its poor quality.

There were at least more than twenty half-ghosts around, which was simply outrageous.

There were more than twenty hidden in such a city...

Moreover, Muzan found that the guy who was fighting with the ghost hunter was not just a half-ghost, but half-ghosts gathered together.

So disgusting.

But looking at this "spider", Muzan thought of Lei.

It seems that in the original book, Lei should appear soon, right?

You can pay attention to it.

The half-ghost was like a giant spider, sticking to the wall and moving quickly.

The ghost hunter tried to adjust his breathing, and his momentum became more and more fierce. How could the spider half-ghost let him adjust his state at ease?

It suddenly jumped down from the wall, wriggling its eight claws, and pounced directly at the ghost hunter.

But the next moment, the ghost hunter turned around with a serious expression, and the Sun Blade followed his movements in the air with a breeze-like aura, as if it had special effects, instantly cutting off the heads of all the attacking monsters.

He took the opportunity to retreat, and the monsters fell heavily to the ground, and the heads that rolled on the ground roared unwillingly, and finally returned to nothingness.

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